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• Plant identification and study of their biogeographical distribution
• Taxonomy and phytochemical properties of medicinally important plants
• Phylogenetic relationships of plants using morphometric and phytochemical properties
- Priyadarshan A. I. S. and Senanayake R. A. S. P (2010). Phylogenetic Relationships in Selected Monocots with Basal Angiospems; Morphometrics and Flavonoid Distribution. Proceeding of the 30th Annual Sessions Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.1.
- Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake R. A. S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse R. G. S. C., (2013) Phenetic variation and phenolic distribution of Flueggea leucopyrus willd.(vern: Katupila) in different climatic zones in Sri Lanka. Annual Research symposium 2013 University of Kelaniya. 18.
- Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake R. A. S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse R. G. S. C., (2013) Development of suitable propagation systems for genera Tephrosia and Flueggea. Annual Research symposium 2013 University of Kelaniya. 19.
- Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse S. (2014). Development of suitable propagation systems for Tephrosia spp. in Sri Lanka, J. Sci. Univ. Kelaniya 9:15-25.
- Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse S. (2014). Intraspecific variation of Flueggea leucopyrus WILLD. Growing in Sri Lanka and establishing a suitable propagation system, J. Sci. Univ. Kelaniya 9:39-45.
- Perera HARP, Perera PK, Karunagoda K and Priyadarshan AIS (2014). Comparative Phytochemical (Qualitative) Analysis of Phyllanthus nururi (L) Fresh Juice and Crude Powder of Phyllanthus nururi (L) with Rice Water. Proceeding of 1st National Symposium on Native Medicine-2104 in Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka. 33.
- A.I.S. Priyadarshan, S.P. Senanayake, M.P. Jayathilake and S. Rajapakse. (2014) Preliminary Phytochemical screening of Flueggea leucopyrus WILLD. (vern: katupila) Leaves in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine 2014, 136.
- Wijayasinghe L.S.G, Dissanayake D.M.H.D.B., Priyadarshan A.I.S., Perera P.K. (2014). A Comparative Chromatography Study of Different Tel spp. (Ipomoea spp.) in Kuliyapitiya region, Kurunegala district in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine 2014. 155.
- K.A.M.P. Kumarapeli, P.K. Perera, K.P.K.R. Karunagoda, A.I.S. Priyadarshan, N. Kumarasinghe (2014) Qualitative phytochemical analysis of shathapushpa-shatavari crude powder (ssp). Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine 2014, 138.
- Wijayasinghe L.S.G, Dissanayake D.M.H.D.B., Priyadarshan A.I.S., Perera P.K. (2014). Ethno medicinal survey on identification of different varieties and usages of Ipomoea spp. (Tel kola) in Kuliyapitiya region, Kurunegala district in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of 1stNational Symposium on Sri Lanka Traditional Medicine 2014.
- Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse S. (2015). Phenetic Diversity and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Tephrosia Pers. spp. (Family Fabaceae) in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science, 44(2): 101-103.
Priyadarshan A. I. S., Senanayake S. P., Jayatilleke M. P. and Rajapakse S. (2016). Phenetic Diversity and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Tephrosia Pers. spp. (Family Fabaceae) in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science, 44(2): 101-103.
Amarasinghe, V.L.P., Panapitiya, P.D.D.M., Leelarathne, N.D.C.S. and Priyadarshan, A.I.S., (2021). Efficient culture medium for in-vitro propagation of Chrysanthemum using petals as explants. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp.1.
Amarasinghe, V.L.P., Panapitiya, P.D.D.M., Leelarathne, N.D.C.S. and Priyadarshan, A.I.S., (2021). Effect of edible sugar on in-vitro growth and organogenesis of Dendrobium bigibbum x Dendrobium thailand Black. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp.134-141.
Panapitiya, P.D.D.M., Leelarathne, N.D.C.S., Amarasinghe, V.L.P. and Priyadarshan, A.I.S., (2021). Acclimatization of in-vitro derived Dendrobiums. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session. Peradeniya: University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 23, pp.414.
Leelarathne, N.D.C.S., Panapitiya, P.D.D.M., Amarasinghe, V.L.P. and Priyadarshan, A.I.S., (2021). An efficient protocol for in-vitro regeneration of Aloe vera. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session. Peradeniya: University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 23, pp.415.
S. R. K. S. Wijesinghe and A. I. S. Priyadarshan (2020) “Phytochemical screening and TLC profiles to identify adulteration of Osbeckia octandra (L.) (Heen bovitiya) with Osbeckia aspera and Melastoma malabathricum”, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences ICAPS 2020- Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp.08.
M. W. A. M. Amarasiri and A. I. S. Priyadarshan (2020) “Pollen morphometrics of family Magnoliaceae and Commelinid clade”, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences ICAPS 2020- Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 23.
A.I.S. Priyadharshan V.L.P. Amarasinghe, P.D.D.M. Panapitiya and N.D.C.S. Leelarathne (2020) “In vitro hardening of Dendrobium plantlets to enhance acclimatization”, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences ICAPS 2020- Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 03.
Dewangani H. G. N. and A. I. S. Priyadarshan (2019) Investigation of phylogenetic relationships between selected species of basal angiosperms (family: NYmpheaceae) and Magnoliid clade, Morphometris and flavonoid distribution, 1st International conference on biodiversity and environmental management 2019, Sri Lanka. pp.21.
H.G.N. Dewangani and A.I.S. Priyadarshan (2019) phylogenetic relationships in ANITA grade (family: Nymphaeaceae) and Magnoliids; Pollen morphometrics, proceeding of the 39th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, 2-02.
Characterization of selected legume crops and their wild relatives, using morphometry and phytochemical properties
Development and establishment of novel varieties of with promising characters through breeding programmes
Assessment of performance of various growth media to produce low cost culture media with high efficacy for producing tissue cultured ornamental
Evaluation of reproductive success of selected commercial Phalaenopsis cultivars
Plant anatomy and taxonomy
Plant systematics