About Us

Our Vision

Our Department is committed to achieving excellence in dissemination and creation of knowledge to address modern day challenges in plant and molecular biology.


Our Department will continue to foster development of independent learning and thinking capacities of students and their employability skills that enrich their professions and communities. Our research mission of the undergraduate and graduate programs is to generate new knowledge and thereby intellectual growth related to addressing problems in the areas of plant and molecular biology.

Research and Postgraduate Studies

The taught post graduate programme, “Master of Science in Crop Protection and Plant Biotechnology” has been able to produce required human resources in the said fields. The Department also offers postgraduate research degrees at M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels. Faculty members pursue research in a multitude of areas, and have received research grants from both the national and international funding agencies such as Ministry of Higher Education, National Science Foundation (NSF), National Research Council (NRC), International Foundation for Science (Sweden), Council for Agricultural Research Policy (CARP). Many have achieved eminence and recognition in respective fields and some have won prestigious awards such as Presidential Research Awards and NSF awards. Many research papers have been published in recognized national and international scientific journals based on the research conducted in the Department.  

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