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- Taxonomy and phylogeny of fungi (Ascomycetes)
- Secondary metabolism of Xylariaceae
Ma X-Y, Chomnunti P, Doilom M, Daranagama DA, Kang J-C. (2022) Multigene Phylogeny Reveals Endophytic Xylariales Novelties from Dendrobium Species from Southwestern China and Northern Thailand. Journal of Fungi.; 8(3):248.
Ganeshalingam, A., Daranagama, D.A., (2022) First comprehensive study on distribution frequency and incidence of seed-borne pathogens from cereal and legume crops in Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa, 531 (3): 267–281.
- Jayasekara, A., Abeywickrama, K., Daranagama, A. and Kodituwakku, T., (2021). Physiological disorders of selected Citrus fruit species in Sri Lanka and their effect on fruit quality. Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 4, 385-398.
- Thambugala, K. M., Daranagama, D. A., Kannangara, S. D. P. and Kodituwakku, T. D, (2021). Revealing the endophytic mycoflora in tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves in Sri Lanka: the first comprehensive study. Phytotaxa, 514(3), pp.247-260.
- Thambugala, K. M., Daranagama, D. A., Phillips, A. J., Kannangara, S. D., & Promputtha, I. (2020). Fungi vs. fungi in biocontrol: an overview of fungal antagonists applied against fungal plant pathogens. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10: 1-19.
Jayasekara, A., Daranagama, A., Kodituwakku, T.D. and Abeywickrama, K., (2022) Morphological and molecular identification of fungi for their association with postharvest fruit rots in some selected citrus species. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 17(1), 79–93
Ganeshalingam, A., Daranagama, D.A., (2022) First comprehensive study on distribution frequency and incidence of seed-borne pathogens from cereal and legume crops in Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa, 531 (3): 267–281.
- Daranagama DA, Ediriweera S, Abeywickrama KP (2012) Pretreatments and cold storage on the quality of minimally processed Ambarella (Spondias Dulcis L.) and the mixed load of Ambarella and Pineapple (Ananas Comosus (L.) merr). J. Sci. Univ. Kelaniya 7: 21-41.
- Daranagama DA, Liu XZ, Chamung S, Stadler M, Hyde KD (2014) A multigene genealogy reveals the phylogenetic position of Rhopalostroma lekae –Phytotaxa 186 (4): 177–187.
- Daranagama DA, Liu XZ, Chamung S, Stadler M, Hyde KD (2015a) Anthostomella and related genera. Fungal Diversity 73:203–238.
- Daranagama DA, Liu XZ, Chamung S, Stadler M, Bhakali, A. H, Hyde KD (2015b) Rhopalostroma brevistipitatum sp. nov. from Thailand with an extended generic description for Rhopalostroma, Phytotaxa 227 (3): 229–242.
- Daranagama DA, Camporesi E, Liu XZ, Bhat DJ, Chamyuang S, Bahkali AH, Stadler M, Hyde KD. (2016a) Tristratiperidium microsporum gen. et sp. nov. (Xylariales) on dead leaves of Arundo plinii. Mycological Progress 15: 1–8.
- Daranagama DA, Liu X, Chamyuang S, Stadler M, Bahkali A & Hyde K. (2016b). Towards a natural classification of Sordariomycetes: The genera Frondisphaeria, Immersisphaeria, Lasiobertia, Pulmosphaeriaand Yuea (Sordariomycetes incertae sedis). Phytotaxa, 258(2): 153-163.
- Daranagama DA, Camporesi e, Liu XZ, Chamyuang S, Stadler M, Jingzu S & Hyde KD (2016c) Lopadostoma fagi (Lopadostomataceae) on Fagus sylvatica from Italy. Studies in Fungi 1 (1): 80–89.
- Daranagama DA, Thambugala KM, Campino B, Alves A, Bulgakov TS, Phillips AJL, Liu XZ, Hyde KD (2016d) Phaeobotryon negundinissp. nov. (Botryosphaeriales) from Russia. Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/si/1b/2.
- Daranagama DA, Jones EBG, Liu XZ, Chamyuang S, Stadler M & Hyde KD (2016e) Mycosphere Essays X – Do Stromatic Xylariaceae make up most of the Xylariomycetidae? Mycosphere 7 (5): 582–601.
- Daranagama DA, Camporesi E, Liu XZ, Jeewon R, Stadler M, Lumyong S, Hyde KD (2016f) Taxonomic rearrangement of Anthostomella (Xylariaceae) based on multigene phylogenies and morphology. Cryptogamie mycology 37: 509–538.
- Daranagama DA, Hyde KD, Sir EB, Thambugala KM, Tian Q, Samarakoon MC, McKenzie EHC, Jayasiri SC, Tibpromma S, Bhat DJ, Liu XZ, Stadler M (2017) Towards a natural classification and a backbone tree for the families Graphostromataceae, Hypoxylaceae, Lopadostomataceae and Xylariaceae. Fungal Diversity. DOI 10.1007/s13225-017-0388-y
- Daranagama DA, Qing T, Liu XZ, and Hyde KD (2017) Towards a natural classification of Amplistromataceae. Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/8/9/6
- G. Ekanayake, K. Abeywickrama, A. Daranagama and S. Kannangara. (2019) Morphological Characterization and Molecular Identification of Stem-end rot Associated Fungal Species Isolated from ‘Karutha Colomban’ Mango Fruits in Sri Lanka. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Sri Lanka
14, 120-128. - Thambugala, K. M., Daranagama, D. A., Phillips, A. J., Kannangara, S. D., & Promputtha, I. (2020). Fungi vs. fungi in biocontrol: an overview of fungal antagonists applied against fungal plant pathogens. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10. doi:10.3389/fcimb.2020.604923
- Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Hypoxylon species from Pilikutthuwa cave forest
- Biochemical analysis of selected Ascomycetes
- Microbial Genetics, Ethics of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Microbial Biology, Gene Technology