Email Address | : | jayasuc@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone No | : | +94 (0)11 2 903 265 (ext: 265) |
Telephone (Cellular) | : | +94 (0)714 311 286 |
Office Location | : | B2 102/3 |
Teaching | : | Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry |
Office hours available for students. | : | Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 16:00 |
Google Scholar |
- Biodegradable polymer composites
- Preparation, characterization and properties of high-performance polymer composites
- Structure-property relationship in polymers
- Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya, Nov. 2016- Present
- Senior Lecturer Grade I, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya, Feb. 2007 – 2016
- Senior Lecturer Grade I, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, Oct. 2013 –June 2015
- Senior Lecturer Grade II, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya, Feb. 2001 – Feb. 2007
- Temporary Senior Lecturer Grade II, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya, Dec. 1999 - Feb. 2001
- Annual Visiting Assistant Professor, University College, University of Cincinnati, USA, Jan. 1999 – Dec. 1999
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, USA, Jan. 1999 – Dec. 1999
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, USA, Sep. 1998 – Dec. 1999
- Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, USA, Oct. 1994- Dec. 1999
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, USA, Sep. 1993- Sep. 1994
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, USA, Sep. 1991- Sep. 1993
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 1987- Aug. 1991
- Temporary Demonstrator, Department of Physics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Jan. 1987- Sep. 1987
- Chandima Kumudinie, Jagath K. Premachandra, James E. Mark, T. D. Dang, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, Toughening of some high-temperature poly (arylene ether) and a hydroxypoly (benzoxazole) by sol–gel generated rubbery particles, Polymer, 42, 5275, 2001.
- Jagath K. Premachandra, Chandima Kumudinie, and James E. Mark, EFFECTS OF DILUTION DURING CROSSLINKING ON STRAIN-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION IN CIS-1,4-POLYISOPRENE NETWORKS. II. COMPARISON OF experimental results with theory, J. Macromol. Sci.-Pure & Appl. Chem., A39 (4), 301, 2002.
J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie, W. Zhao, J. E. Mark, T. D. Dang, J. P. Chen and F. E. Arnold, Polymer-silica hybrid materials prepared from some functionalized polybenzoxazoles and polybenzobisthiazoles, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 7, 163, 1996.
J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie, J. E. Mark, T. D. Dang, J. P. Chen and F. E. Arnold, Preparation and properties of some hybrid aerogels from a sulfopolybenzobisthiazole-silica composite, J. Macromol. Sci., Pure Appl. Chem., A36 (1), 73, 1999.
C. Kumudinie and J. E. Mark, TTearing energies for in-situ reinforced poly (dimethylsiloxane) networks, Materials Science and Engineering C, 11, 61, 2000.
M. Ginic-Markovic, N. R. Choudhury, M. Dimopoulos, J. Matisons and C. Kumudinie, Macromolecular modification of EPDM: Wettability, miscibility, and morphology study, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 80, 2647, 2001.
H.G.T.H. Jayatunga and C. K. Jayasuriya, Development of a biodegradable polymer composite based on natural rubber and screw-pine leave particles for manufacturing gloves, J. Emerging Trends in Eng. and Appl. Sci. (JETEAS), 7(2): 56, 2016.
R. S. H. Koralege and C. K. Jayasuriya, SSynthesis and characterization of polystyrene-clay composites, J. Emerging Trends in Eng. and Appl. Sci. (JETEAS), 6(4), 248, 2015.
A. M. B. Chandima and C. K. Jayasuriya, Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymeric composites using locally available starch derivatives, Int. J. Sci. Res. and Innovative Technol., 2(9), 65, 2015.
- Chandima Kumudinie and James E. Mark, “Tear strengths of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks reinforced with in-situ precipitated silica”, Better Ceramics Through Chemistry, XIX, Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 576, 331, 1999.
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, T. D. Dang, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, "Development of some promising approaches for the toughening of high-temperature polymers", Better Ceramics Through Chemistry VIII, Hybrid Materials, C. J. Brinker, E. P. Giannelis, R. M. Laine, and C. Sanchez, Eds, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, U.S.A., p. 315, 1998
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, “Preparation and properties of rubber-toughened high-temperature poly(arylene ether)”, Polym. Prepr., 39(1), 571, 1998.
- Chandima Kumudinie and James E. Mark, “Tear strengths of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks in-situ precipitated with silica”, Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng., 77, 491, 1997.
- J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie, J. E. Mark, T. D. Dang, J. P. Chen and F. E. Arnold "Preparation and properties sulfopolybenzobisthiazole-silica aerogels", Proc. American Chemical Society Regional Meeting in Midland, Michigan, U.S.A., May 1997
- J. E. Mark, J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie, W. Zhao, T. D. Dang, J. P. Chen and F. E. Arnold, "The use of functionalized polybenzoxazoles and polybenzobisthiazoles in polymer-silica hybrid materials", Better Ceramics Through Chemistry, VII, Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 435, 93, 1996.
- T. Kirushanthi, D. G. Edirisinghe, C. K. Jayasuriya, Investigation on suitability of banana fiber as a filler material in natural rubber latex-based household gloves, Proc. 6th Research Symp., Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016, p. 60.
- N. P. Edirisinghe, B. A. J. K. Premachandra, C. K. Jayasuriya, Arsenic removal from water by using rice husk ash, Proc. 6th Research Symp., Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016, p. 117.
- S.D.M.A.S.S. Dissanayake, N. Jayaweera and C. K. Jayasuriya, Reducing photocatalytic degradation of exterior paint prepared with TiO2, Proc. 6th Research Symp., Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016, p. 184
- L. Navaneethan, U. Jayalath, C. K. Jayasuriya, Reinforcement of natural rubber vulcanisates using mixed fillers of Carbon black and Mica, Proc. 6th Research Symp., Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016, p. 189
- A. Arunraj, N. Jayaweera and C. K. Jayasuriya, Preparation and characterization of a mosquito repellent paint, Proc. 6th Research Symp., Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016, p. 196
- H. P. Amaratunga and C. K. Jayasuriya, Synthesis and characterization of in-situ precipitated silica filled rubber composite, Proc. 5th Research Symp., Science and Technology,Value Addition for Sustainable Development, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015, p. 37
- T. Kanagasundaram and C. K. Jayasuriya, Development o a Mosquito-repelling paint, Proc. 5th Research Symp., Science and Technology, Value Addition for Sustainable Development, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015, p. 41
- R. M. M. D. Rathnayake and C. K. Jayasuriya, Degradation of vulcanized natural rubber using soybean and sesame oils, Proc. 5th Research Symp., Science and Technology, Value Addition for Sustainable Development, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015, p. 67
- L. W. S. Dilhan, R. M. M. D. Rathnayake and C. K. Jayasuriya, Reinforcement of Natural Rubber using Silica and Zeolite mixed fillers, Proc. 5th Research Symp., Mineral Resources and Technology, Value Addition for Sustainable Development, Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015, p. 5
- R. M. M. D. Rathnayake, and C. K. Jayasuriya, "Degradation of vulcanized natural rubber using locally available natural oils", 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, January 2015, p. 39
- K. V. M. Chathurangani, and C. K. Jayasuriya, "Reinforcement of natural rubber using a hybrid filler derived from mineral silica and In-situ precipitated silica", 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, January 2015, p. 40
- N. Nizam, Jayasuriya, Chandima Kumudinie and J. K. Premachandra, Synthesis of a biodegradable copolymer of styrene and cotton cellulose. Proc. 11th Annual Symp., Research for Industry, Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2005, p. 251
- T. R. Ariyaratne, D. D. N. B. Daya, G. M. U. W. Doloswala, J. A. D. C. Kumudinie and E. C. S Widdiyasekera, Applications of Californium-252 plasma desorption mass spectrometry to natural product chemistry, Proc. Sri Lanka Assoc. Adv. Sci, 1990.
- Chandima Kumudinie and James E. Mark, "Tear strengths of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks reinforced with in-situ precipitated silica", Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco, California, U.S.A., April 1999
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, T. D. Dang, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, "Development of some promising approaches for the toughening of high-temperature polymers", Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco, California, U.S.A., April 1998
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, "Preparation and properties of rubber-toughened high-temperature poly(arylene ether)", American Chemical Society National Meeting in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., March 1998
- Chandima Kumudinie and James E. Mark, "Tear strengths of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks in-situ precipitated with silica", American Chemical Society National Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., September 1997
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, "Preparation and properties of rubber-toughened high-temperature polymers", American Chemical Society Rubber Divisional Meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., October 1997
- C. Kumudinie, J. K. Premachandra, J. E. Mark, M. R. Unroe and F. E. Arnold, "Tear strengths of poly(dimethylsiloxane networks in-situ precipitated with silica", American Chemical Society Rubber Divisional Meeting at Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A., October 1996.
- Chandima Jayasuriya, Basic Chemical Thermodynamics, Stamfordlake Publishers, Sri Lanka, 2016, ISBN: 978-955-658-427-1.
- Chandima Kumudinie Jayasuriya, “Interfacial bonding in polymer-ceramic nanocomposites”, in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Saleem Hashmi, Ed., Elsevier Inc., 2017
- C. Kumudinie and J. K. Premachandra, “Collagen”, in Polymer Data Handbook, 2nd Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, U.S.A., p. 104, 2009.
- C. Kumudinie and J. K. Premachandra, “Poly(n-butyl isocyanate)”, in Polymer Data Handbook, 2nd Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, U.S.A., p. 467, 2009.
- C. Kumudinie and J. K. Premachandra, “Poly(a-Phenylethyl isocyanide)”, in Polymer Data Handbook, 2nd Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, U.S.A., p. 915, 2009.
- J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie and J. Masamoto, “Polychloral”, in Polymer Data Handbook, 2nd Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, U.S.A., p. 487, 2009.
- J. K. Premachandra, C. Kumudinie and J. Masamoto, “Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate)”, in Polymer Data Handbook, 2nd Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, U.S.A., p. 724, 2009.
- Jayasuriya, Chandima Kumudinie and J. K. Premachandra, “Names, acronyms, classes, and structures of some important polymers”, in Properties of Polymers Handbook, J. E. Mark, Ed., Springer, New York, U.S.A., p. 25, 2007.
- Jayasuriya, Chandima Kumudinie and Jagath K. Premachandra, “Properties of polymers reinforced with silica”, in Properties of Polymers Handbook, J. E. Mark, Ed., Springer, New York, U.S.A, p. 551, 2007.
- Chandima Kumudinie, “Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Interfacial bonding agents”, in Encyclopedia of Materials, K. H. J. Buschow, R. W. Cahn, M. C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E. J. Kramer and S. Mahajan, Eds., Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 8, p. 7574 , 2001.