Dr.D.D.C. de S. Wanniarachchi
Email Address | : | dakshikacw@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone No | : | +94 (0)11 2 903 XXX (ext: XXX) |
Office Location | : | B2 102/4 |
Teaching | : | |
Office hours available for students | : | Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 16:00 |
Google Scholar | Research Gate |
Work Experiences:
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, 2021 to present
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Instrument Center, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, 2017-2021
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Department of Science and Technology, Uva Wellassa University, 201-2017
- Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, USA, 2008-2013
- Probationary Lecturer, Department of Science and Technology, Uva Wellassa University, 2006-2013
Awards and Honors
- Second place, IIVCC – Innovate Sri Lanka Exhibition, 2019, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura - Research Awards –University of Sri Jayewardenepura -2017, 2018, 2019
- Research Awards –University of Sri Jayewardenepura – for SCI Publications 2019
- Second Place, Uva Wellassa University awards for Business Solutions - 2015
- Winner of the bronze medal- Inter-University Chemistry Competition, Sri Lanka
section of Royal Society of Chemistry – 2005
Research Interests:
- Material Science
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Instrumentation
Selected Recent Research Publications:
- An internet of things based method and apparatus for controlling black tea optimum fermentation based on physical parameters Patent Application No 20028 (Sri Lanka)
- P.S.A. I. Shiromi, R.P. Hewawasam, R.G.U. Jayalal, H. Rathnayake, W.M.D.G.B. Wijayaratne, and D.Wanniarachchi. 'Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Two Sri Lankan Lichens, Parmotrema rampoddense, and Parmotrema tinctorum against Methicillin-Sensitive and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus."; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2021 Hindawi publications, (2021).
- S.Tharaga, I. Premarathne, I. Wanniarachchi, S. Kumari, and D. Wanniarachchi. "Electronic Nose Technologies in Monitoring Black Tea Manufacturing Process."; Journal of Sensors 2020, Hindawi Publications (2020).
- S.Tharaga, D.Manohari, I.Wanniarachchi, S. Kumari, and D.Wanniarachchi*. "Classification and Identification of Volatile Organic Solvents based on Functional Groups using Electronic Nose."; International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 54, No 3, pp 158-173
- R.M.D.P.K.Rathnayaka, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, C.H.Manathunga, R.A.D.D.Dharmasiri, W.K.I.L.Wanniarachchi, “EduPotStat”: Construction and testing of a low-cost potentiostat”, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Volume 12, Issue 5 Ser. III (2020), PP 10-18
- Amarasinghe, Achala, and Dakshika Wanniarachchi*. "Eco-Friendly Photocatalyst Derived from Egg Shell Waste for Dye Degradation." Journal of Chemistry, Hindawi publications (2019).
- S.Tharaga, W.K.I.L.Wanniarachchi, K.W.S.N.Kumari,D.D.C.Wanniarachchi* ., J SLAAS, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2019) 38 – 49
- Basu, Debashis, Shivnath Mazumder, Jens Niklas, Habib Baydoun, Dakshika Wanniarachchi, Xuetao Shi, Richard J. Staples, Oleg Poluektov, H. Bernhard Schlegel, and Cláudio N. Verani. "Evaluation of the coordination preferences and catalytic pathways of heteroaxial cobalt oximes towards hydrogen generation."; Chemical Science 7, no. 5 (2016): 3264-3278.
- Wanniarachchi, Dakshika C., Mary Jane Heeg, and Cláudio N. Verani. "Effect of Substituents on the Water Oxidation Activity of [RuII (terpy)(phen) Cl]+ Procatalysts."; Inorganic chemistry 53, no. 7 (2014): 3311-3319.
- E.M.S. Bandara, D.I.U. Edirisinghe, D.D.C. de S. Wanniarachchi*, H. Peiris, P.P.R Perera, A. G. Jayakrishan, H.D. Waikar, S.K. Sharma, V. Abeysuriya, L.G. Chandrasena, A comparative study on fatty acid profile in selected vessels of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), (article accepted to Plos One journal, 2021)
- T.Thevathayarajah, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, K.W.S.N., A digital device to monitor the color changes during fermentation stage of black tea processing, International conference on recent advances in computer science and engineering (IC-RACE) paper ID 37, 04-05 March 2019, India
- S.Tharaga, B.J. Watawana, W.K.I.L. Wanniarachchi, K.W.S.N.Kumari,D.D.C.Wanniarachchi,” Significance of Physical Parameters to Optimize the Bed Tea Leaves’ Temperature During Fermentation Stage of Black Tea Manufacturing Process” IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) Dec 22,2018.
- S.Saranka, T.Kartheeshwaran, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi*, W.K.I.LWanniarachchi, Monitoring Fermentation of Black Tea with Image Processing Techniques” Proceedings of the technical sessions, 32,(2016), 31-37, Institute of Physics- Sri Lanka.
- E.M.S. Bandara, D.I.U. Edirisinghe, D.D.C. de S. Wanniarachchi*, H. Peiris, P.P.R. Perera, A. G. Jayakrishan, H.D. Waikar , S.K. Sharma, V. Abeysuriya, L.G. Chandrasena “Omega–6 fatty acid good or bad? A reveal from atherosclerotic plaque samples” American Chemical Society (ACS) in fall 2021, August 22 - 26, 2021, PAPER ID: 3596019.
- Thammitiyagodage M.G., Karunakaran R., Deshapriya A.B.M.G, Corea S. and Wanniarachchi D. Observation of Toxicity in Dug Well Water Collected from Western Province of Sri Lanka using Zebra Fish Egg Model as an Indicator, 8th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 23-24 Jan. 2021
- Tharaga S., Wanniarachchi W.K.I.L., Wanniarachchi D.D.C.de S. MONITORING OF FERMENTATION LEVEL IN TEA MANUFACTURE BASED ON TEA AROMA USING DIGI-NOSE, ICMA – International Conference on Multidisciplinary studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, 08 Aug. 2020, Paper ID 56.
- S. Tharaga B.J. Watawana , W.K.I.L. Wanniarachchi , K.W.S.N. Kumari , D.D.C. Wanniarachchi, INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL PARAMETERS TO OPTIMIZE THE MQ3 GAS SENSOR VALUES DURING FERMENTATION STAGE OF BLACK TEA MANUFACTURINGPROCESS, 2 nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020,
- Premarathne P.M.I.M, Watawana B.J. Kumarasinghe U, and Wanniarachchi D.D.C.de S, CORRELATION BETWEEN TOTAL POLYPHENOL CONTENT VARIATION OF AUTOMATED TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY MONITORING DEVICE IN BLACK TEA FERMENTATION PROCESS, International Conference of Multidisciplinary Studies (ICMA), 2020, Paper ID 57
- S.S. Ganegoda, W.M.A. Wijesekara, S.D.M.'Chinthaka,D.D.C. Wanniarachchi, P.M. Manage “In-vitro Study on Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol Producing FourSpecies of Native Cyanobacteria” Proceeding of the International Research Conference, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, February 7-9, 2019
- S.Tharaga, K.W.S.N.Kumari, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Statistical Analysis of determinants of Black Tea Quality”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.56
- H.T.R.Imalka, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Kaolin-based filter material to remove textile dyes in water”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.384
- T.Thevathayarajh, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of a monitoring device for fermentation stage of black tea manufacturing”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.418
- S.S.Induruwage, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of a heat insulating paint using rice husk and kaoline”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.406
- C.Mahanama, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of a pH responsive ceramic material”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.413
- I.U.Bamunukula, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “A portable gas sensing device based on image processing”, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU2018) Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka, 2018. pg.426
- R.M.D.P.K.Rathnayaka, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, C.H.Manathunga, W.K.I.L.Wanniarachchi, “Low cost three electrode potentiostat for electrochemical measurements”, Proceedings of the National Undergraduate Research Symposium, 04th August 2017, National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC)
- N.Nitharshan, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Enhancement of heat resistivity of different polymers by adding mica particles”, Proceedings of the International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, pg. 268, Jan 19-20, (2017)
- R.W.M.M.K, Saumyamali, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of a filter material to remove glyphosate”, Proceedings of the International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, pg. 257, Jan 19-20, (2017)
- T.M.P.U. de Silva, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of pH responsive ceramic material for detecting spoiled food”, Proceedings of the International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, pg. 248, Jan 19-20, (2017)
- W.H.A.V.L Dayananda, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi, “Development of an ammonia detection method using a RGB color sensor”, Proceedings of the International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, pg. 68, Jan 19-20, (2017)
- S.Saranka, T. Kartheeswaran, D.D.C.Wanniarachchi*, W.K.I.L.Wanniarachchi, Monitoring Black Tea Processing with Image Processing Techniques: Detection of Dhool Number, Annual Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, (2016)
- D.N Liyanage, R. Awanthika, D.D.C. Wanniarachchi*, Study on relative reactivity and toxicity of metal-glyphosate complexes, Annual Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, (2016)
- G.Vyshnavi , J. Pitawala, D.D.C. Wanniarachchi, H. M. T. G. A.Pitawala, Development of light weight bricks using red clay and rice-husk, Proceedings of the Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University, January 8-9, (2015)
- Wanniarachchi, Dakshika C., and Claudio N. Verani. "Langmuir-Blodgett film formation and characterization of ruthenium based amphiphilic water oxidation precatalyst." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 246. 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, (2013)
- Wanniarachchi, Dakshika C., Debashis Basu, Xuetao Xi, Bernhard Schlegel, and Claudio N. Verani. "New modules for multimetallic water splitting: Electronic, amphiphilic, and catalytic properties." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 246. 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, (2013)
- Basu, Debashis, Marco M. Allard, Dakshika Wanniarachchi, Xuetao Shi, Fernando R. Xavier, H. Bernhard Schlegel, and Claudio N. Verani. "Towards proton reduction catalysis: Redox, electronic, and catalytic properties of new cobalt (III) complexes and their [(RuCoIII)- Co-II] analogs." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 246. 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, (2013)
- Wanniarachchi, Dakshika C., and Claudio N. Verani. "Effect of substituents on water oxidation catalyzed by ruthenium complexes." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 245. 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, (2013)
- G.C.E.(A/L) Chemistry Grade 12 Resource Book, Physical Chemistry, Part I ,Unit 4, NIE, Maharagama
- G.C.E.(A/L) Chemistry Grade 12 Resource Book, Physical Chemistry, Part II , Unit 13, NIE, Maharagama
- G.C.E.(A/L) Chemistry Practical Handbook, 2018, NIE, Maharagama