Room : A4.203
Phone : +94 (0)11 2914482(ext203)
Fax : +94 (0)11 2914482
Email : suren@kln.ac.lk
GoogleScholar AccountAs a university academic, he has over 18 years of teaching, research and consulting experience and has served as the Head of the Department of Industrial Management in 2001-2003 and 2020-2022. He has served as a National Consultant on a number of projects for UNIDO and UNDP and been involved in consulting with a number of international development organizations, government and local private sector companies. He also serves on the Board of Directors of a couple of private companies
His area of interest in teaching, research and consulting are in portfolio management, capital markets, corporate finance and corporate restructuring
Google Scholar Account
ResearchGate Account
Enterprise Restructuring
Corporate Finance and Decision Support Systems for Small and Medium scale Enterprises
Peter, Suren, de Bruijn, E.J., and Rwegasira, Kami "Performance of privatized enterprises and impact of partial privatization in a developing country: The case of Sri Lanka” Journal of Transnational Management, Volume 15, Issue 1 January 2010, pages 46 – 68
Research Grants
Publications Through Consultancies
Working Papers