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Revised course structure and curriculum for B.Sc. Honours in Management and Information Technology Degree Programme (MIT), and B.Sc. Honours in Information Technology (IT), Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science

The B.Sc. in Management and Information Technology degree programme and B.Sc. in Information Technology degree programme are categorized as Level 6, 4-year Honours Degree as per the Sri Lankan Qualification Framework.

As per the University Senate approved entry criterion, after the completion of the first year of the programme, students have either the option of reading for the BSc Honours in Management and Information Technology degree programme or the BSc Honours in Information Technology degree programme.

Students reading for the BSc Hons in MIT, will have the option to specialise in three streams. They are

    a) Business Systems Engineering (BSE)
    b) Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
    c) Information Systems (IS)

The detailed programme structure for the BSc Honours in MIT and BSc Hons in IT are given below.

The reviesed curriculum will be offered from academic year 2022/2023

B.Sc. Honours in Management and Information Technology degree Programme
Programme Contents- Common Course Modules
Course Code Type Course Title Credits
DELT 11232 c English for Professionals 2
GNCT 11212 c Personal Progress Development I 2
INTE 11213 c Fundamentals of Computing 3
INTE 11223 c Programming Concepts 3
MGTE 11233 c Business Statistics and Economics 3
MGTE 11243 c Principles of Management & Organizational Behaviour 3
PMAT 11212 c Discrete Mathematics for Computing I 2
MGTE 12253 c Accounting Concepts and Costing 3
INTE 12243 c Computer Networks 3
INTE 12213 c Object Oriented Programming 3
INTE 12223 c Database Design and Development 3
MGTE 12263 c Optimization Methods in Management Science 3
MGTE 12273 c Industry and Technology 3
PMAT 12212 c Discrete Mathematics for Computing II 2


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
INTE 21213 c Information Systems Modelling 3
INTE 21313 c Business Information Systems 3
INTE 21323 c Web Applications Development 3
INTE 21333 c Event Driven Programming 3
MGTE 21243 c Marketing Management 3
MGTE 21233 c Operations Management 3
INTE 21343 c Software Engineering Concepts 3
MGTE 22273 c Human Resource Management & Leadership Communication 3
INTE 22343 c Data Structures and Algorithms 3
INTE 22303 c Artificial Intelligence 3
MGTE 22263 c Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3
INTE 22283 c Mobile Applications Development 3
GNCT 23212a c Personal Progress Development II 2


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
INTE 31356 c Software Development Project 6
MGTE 31393 c Managerial Finance 3
MGTE 31373 c Project Management 3
MGTE 31383 o Research Methods 3
MGTE 31443 o Strategic Marketing and International Trade 3
GNCT 32216 c Internship 6


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 41323 c Professional Practice 3
MGTE 43216b c  Research Project 6
INTE 43216b c Research Project 6
MGTE 41233 o Corporate Finance 3
MGTE 41313 c Statistical Data Modeling 3
MGTE 41353 Sustainability and Economics in Logistics and Supply Chain 3
MGTE 41363 o Digital Innovations Management 3
MGTE 41373 o Strategic Management 3
MGTE 41383 o Advanced operations Management 3
MGTE 44273 o Innovation & Entrepreneurship 3
INTE 44303 o Information Audit and Assurance 3
MGTE 42313 o Advanced Supply Chain and Logistics Applications 3
MGTE 42243 o Advanced Planning and Scheduling 3
MGTE 42333 o Business and Information Technology Law 3
MGTE 42223 o Investment Management 3

Business Systems Engineering  (BSE)
Business systems engineering is a detailed approach of identifying and implementing the business processes, tasks, and transactions that are required to successfully operate a business.  To compete in the global market, it is important that our organizations reengineer their processes with world class management best practices enabled by the use of Information Technology in order to exploit business opportunities. Therefore, having personnel with the knowledge and skills to integrate technology into business processes in the needed functional areas of business would be crucial if Sri Lanka is to achieve the stated objective of becoming an industrialized nation and the Wonder of Asia. The major is built upon the foundations of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) with a blend of the new field of Business Process Management (BPM).The programme will develop students with potential for creativity and innovative thinking into persons who will become business process engineers and developers of business systems.

Business Systems Engineering(BSE) -Programme Contents


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 31293 c Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3
MGTE 31403 c Management of Technology 3
MGTE 31413 o Warehouse Management and Industrial Shipping 3
MGTE 31423 c Advanced Optimization Methods in Management Science 3
MGTE 31433 o Computer based tools for Management Applications 3
MGTE 31303 o Procurement and Supply Management 3
INTE 31423 o Data Analytics and Visualization 3
INTE 31413 o Information Technology Infrastructure 3
INTE 31393 o Information Security 3
MGTE 31383 o Research Methods 3
MGTE 31443 o Strategic Marketing and International Trade 3


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 41333 c Business Process Engineering 3
INTE 41283 o Information Systems Management and Strategy 3
MGTE 41343 o Enterprise Systems 3
MGTE 41343 o Logistics System Analysis and Geomatics 3
MGTE 42323 o Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma 3
MGTE 42213 o Industrial and Systems Engineering 2


Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

The economic expansion in China, South Korea, Vietnam and India has led to substantial growth by making use of integrated policies for development in selected thrust areas of the economy.  Given its strategic location, Sri Lanka is well position as a regional hub to leverage on increased trade and knowledge transfer. Therefore, there is a need for trained personnel to be made available in Supply Chain Management together with information technology. The curriculum of this programme is based on this premise of Information Technology enabled application of world class best practices for the management of supply chain operations. Hence the programme has as its objective the delivery of professional knowledge and skills in Business Process Management customised to applications in the field of Operations and Supply Chain Management.The vision of the Government to become a regional hub in world trade and particularly in the South Asian region,  has seen substantial investment over the last five years  in the development of sea ports, air ports  and transportation network of the country.  In order to exploit the potential of these investments the country has to now invest on developing the quality and relevance of its education system.

Operations and Supply Chain Management-Programme Content(OSCM)


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 31293 o Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3
MGTE 31403 o Management of Technology 3
MGTE 31413 c Warehouse Management and Industrial Shipping 3
MGTE 31423 c Advanced Optimization Methods in Management Science 3
MGTE 31303 c Procurement and Supply Management 3
INTE 31423 o Data Analytics and Visualization 3
INTE 31413 o Information Technology Infrastructure 3
INTE 31393 o Information Security 3



Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 41333 o Business Process Engineering 3
INTE 41283 o Information Systems Management and Strategy 3
MGTE 41303 o Enterprise Systems 3
MGTE 41343 c Logistics System Analysis and Geomatics 3
MGTE 42323 c Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma 3
MGTE 42213 o Industrial and Systems Engineering 3


Information Systems(IS)

Almost all companies across different sectors have embraced information technology in order to increase organisational efficiency, and as a tool to exploit market opportunities viz-a-viz competition. Many companies have found that their investment in hardware, software and liveware is a considerable investment, even when they compare their investments to other types of assets. Therefore, the need to manage IT resources, as a substantive asset, is essential to ensure the full potential of the investment is realised. Further, as information technology has become entwined in the overall strategy of the organization’s business process, the impact of failure of IT systems on the viability and sustainability of the business is enormous. Therefore, having suitably trained personnel to manage these systems and processes would be essential for the development and competitiveness of organizations.


Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 31293 o Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3
MGTE 31403 o Management of Technology 3
MGTE 31413 o Warehouse Management and Industrial Shipping 3
MGTE 31423 o Advanced Optimization Methods in Management Science 3
MGTE 31303 o Procurement and Supply Management 3
INTE 31423 c Data Analytics and Visualization 3
INTE 31413 c Information Technology Infrastructure 3
INTE 31393 c Information Security 3



Course Code Type Course Title Credits
MGTE 41333 o Business Process Engineering 3
INTE 41283 c Information Systems Management and Strategy 3
MGTE 41303 c Enterprise Systems 3
MGTE 41343 o Logistics System Analysis and Geomatics 3
MGTE 42323 o Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma 3
MGTE 42213 o Industrial and Systems Engineering 3


Application Procedure

Students who wish to gain admission to B.Sc. in Management & Information Technology degree programme should apply to the University Grants Commission for admission to Universities in Sri Lanka and are required to pass the aptitude test conducted by the Department of Industrial Management. 

Selection Procedure

Aptitude test.

For more information, please contact:
Department of Industrial Management,
University of Kelaniya. 

Telephone 011 2903282 up to 5
Fax 011 2903281
E-mail im@kln.ac.lk

Last Update on 31-03-2022

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