Dr (Mrs) H.A.C.C. PereraLecturers as (Gr II)
- PhD, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China
- MSc, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
- BSc (Special) Degree in Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Research Interests
- Fisheries Biology
- Fisheries Management
- Marine Ecology
Selected Recent Research Publications
- D.R. Herath, H. A. C. C. Perera, C. Hettiarachchi and B. Murphy (2019).Length-weight and length-length relationships of three neritic tuna species of Sri Lankan coastal waters. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2019; 7(2): 129-133.
- Yuguo Xia, J. Lloret, Zhongjie Li Tanglin Zhang Shaowen Ye Wei Li Jing Yuan, A. C. C. Perera, Jiashou Liu, (2015). Status of two Coreius species in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Vol. 34 No. 1, P. 19-33, 2016
- Xia Yu Guo, Zhang Li, Chen Si Bao, Perera, H. A. C. C., Li Zhong- Jie, Zhzng Tang Lin, Ye Shao Wen, Yuan Jing, Liu Jia- Shou.(2015). The analysis of heavy metals in the muscle and the livers of Coreius heterodon and Coreius guichenoti after the impoundment in the three gorges reservoirs.2015. Acta Hydrobiologica Zinica.Vol. 39 (5): 861-868.
- H.A. C. C. Perera, Brian R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Andrew L. Rypel, Tanglin Zhang, Yuguo Xia, and Jiashou Liu, (2013). Population characteristics of yellow catfish (Peltobagrus fluvidraco) along the longitudinal profile of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
- H.A. C. C. Perera, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, S. S. De Silva, Tanglin Zhang , Jing Yuan, Shawoen Ye and Yuguo Xia, (2013). Effect of the distance from the dam on river fish community structure and compositional trends, with reference to the Three Gorges Dam, Yangtze River, China. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. Vol. 38 (3): 438-445.
- R.P.P.K. Jayasinghe, E.K.V. Samaraweera and H. A. C. C. Perera (2009). Coastal resources and marine protected areas (MPAs) in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of seminar: Transboundary of coastal and marine protected areas with special priorities for spawning grounds. Zoological Survey Department. Ministry of Environment, Pakistan. 3-13 pp.
- H.A. C. C. Perera and A. Pathiratne, (2005). Effects of short term exposure to therapeutic levels of formalin on health status of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 33 (4): 239-245.
- H.A. C. C. Perera and A. Pathiratne, (2006). Enhancement of immune responses in Indian carp, Catla catla, following administration of levamisole by immersion. Diseases in Asian Aquaculture VI p 129-142
- Perera, H. A. C. C., Maldeniya, R., Weerasekara, S.A. and Senadheera, S.P.S.D. (2015). Opportunistic dietary nature of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares): Occurrence of polythene and plastic debris in the stomach. IOTC–2015–WPTT17–19
- Perera H. A. C. C., Haputhantri, S.S.K. and Bandaranayake, K.H.K. (2013). A review on oceanic tuna fishery in Sri Lanka and estimation of the length-weight relationships for yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna. IOTC-2013-WPTT 15-16 Fifteen Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Tropical Tuna Working Party
- Perera, H. A. C. C., Maldeniya, R. and Bandaranayake, K.H.K. (2014). Importance of Neritic tuna in large pelagic fisheries in Sri Lanka. IOTC–2014–WPNT04–12.
- R.A.M. Jayathilaka, H. A. C. C. Perera and S.S.K.Haputhanthri, (2017). Marine Turtles of Sri Lanka; Status, Issues, Threats and Conservation Strategies. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-36 Rev_1
- Jayathilaka R.A.M., Haputhanthri S.S.K. and Perera H. A. C. C., (2016). Identification of thirteen pelagic shark species of the Indian ocean occurring around Sri Lanka; using morphological characters of their fins. IOTC-2016- WPEB 12-23. 12th IOTC working party on Ecosystems and By-catch.
- Bandaranayake, K.H.K., Maldeniya, R, and Perera, H.A.C.C., (2015). Auxis thazard; major contributor in Sri Lankan Neritic tuna fishery. IOTC–2015–WPNT05–18 Rev_1.
- Haputhantri, S.S.K. and H.A.C.C. Perera (2015). Estimation of length-weight relationship and some morphometric relationships of Indo-Pacific Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) using biological data of gillnet fishery and longline fishery in Sri Lanka. IOTC–2015–WPB13–22.
Publications - Conference Papers and abstracts
- H. A. C. C. Perera, R.A.M Jayathilake, T. Balawardene, S.S.K. Haputhantri, H.M.W. Bandara, U. Seneviratne, C. Prasad, V.K., Ranasinghe, M.D.I.C. Kumara (2018). Some important aspects of manta ray landed at three major fishery harbours in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), International Scientific Sessions 2018.
- Herath D.R., Seneviratne U., Perera H. A. C. C. and Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M. (2018). Stock identification and some biological aspects of Frigate tuna (Auxis thazard) in Sri Lankan waters. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology 2018.
- Herath R., Perera H. A. C. C. and Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M. (2018). Molecular and stock identification of the neritic tuna species, Euthynnus affinis, Auxis thazard and Auxis rochei caught from major fishery harbours of Sri Lanka. South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2018.
- R.A.M. Jayathilaka, H. A. C. C. Perera , S. S. K. Haputhanthri , M.D.I.C. Kumara and H.M.W. Bandara (2018) The impact of using winch for beach seine fishery in the Northwest coast of Sri Lanka Proceedings of the. National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), International Scientific Sessions 2018.
- D.R. Herath, H. A. C. C. Perera, V.K. Ranasinghe and G.H.C.M. Hettiarachchi (2018). Growth, reproductive biology and stock structure of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) in Sri Lankan waters. National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), international Scientific Sessions 2018.
- H. B. U. G. M. Wimalasiri, H. A. C. C. Perera, R.A.M Jayathilaka (2018). The Current Status of the fishery of the Negombo Lagoon. National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), International Scientific Sessions 2018.
- M.I.G. Rathnasuriya, H. A. C. C. Perera, R.P.P.K. Jayasinghe (2018). Feeding ecology of the headlightfish Diaphus effulgens, Acttinopterygii, myctophidae in the Bay of Bengal. Proceedings of the 24th scientific session of the SLAFAR 2018.
- H.A.C.C. Perera, R.A.M. Jayathilake, H.M.W. Bandara, U. Seneviratne, V.K.Ranasinghe and M.D.I.C. Kumara (2017). Nature and diversity of batoid fisheries in the commercial landings of Sri Lanka; a case study from Jaffna, Beruwala, Negombo and Chilaw. Proceedings of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), Scientific Sessions 2017.
- Herath D.R., Perera H. A. C. C., Amarakoon A.A.D.G.U. and Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M. (2017). Molecular and biological aspects of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) from the coastal waters of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 73rd annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2017.
- Herath D.R., Amarakoon A.A.D.G.U., Prasad J.A.C., Perera H. A. C. C. and Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M. (2017). Biological and molecular analysis of Bullet tuna, Auxis rochei from Southern, Western and North western coasts of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the NARA Scientific Sessions 2017.
- R.A.M. Jayathilaka, H. A. C. C. Perera and M.D.I.C. Kumara (2017). Present status of sea turtle hatcheries situated along the coastal belt of the West and Southwest of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), Scientific Sessions 2017.
- H.L.N.S Herath, H. A. C. C. Perera, K.H.K. Bandaranayake and K.B.C. Pushpalatha (2017). Status and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Species of Sri Lanka. Regional Dialogue on “Management of Highly Migratory Fish Species in the Bay of Bengal’’23rd November 2017; Kochi, India. Ocean Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation Models for Innovation and Reform: Bay of Bengal Project (TF 018233).
- A. C. C. Perera, S.S.K. Haputhantri and R.A.M. Jayathilake, (2016). Food habits of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis in Sri Lankan waters. NARA scientific session-2016. NARA, Sri Lanka.
- Bandaranayake, K.H.K, Nirbadha K.G.S., Rathnasuriya, M.I.G., Athukoorala, A.S.H., Perera H.A.C.C., Weerasekera, S.J.W.W.M.M.P and Haputhantri, S.S.K., (2016). Integrating some aspects of reproductive biology into the management of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) fishery in the Northern Coastal Waters of Sri Lanka. SLAFAR scientific session-2016. NARA, Sri Lanka.
- Herath D.R., Perera H. A. C. C., Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M., Ranasinghe K. and Kumara M.D.I.C. (2016). Biological aspects of Frigate tuna (Auxis thazard) landed in the Southern, Western and Northwestern coasts of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 72nd annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2016.
- Hearth D.R., Perera H. A. C. C., Hettiarachchi G.H.C.M. and Ranasinghe V.K. (2016). Diet composition of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) in three major landing sites of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the NARA Scientific Sessions 2016.
- E.G.T.P. Wijesinghe, R. Maldeniya, H.A.C.C. Perera and S.P.S.D. Senadheera (2015). Diversiy of batoid fishes landed at the major landing centers in the west coast of Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture 2015.
Text Books and Book Chapters
Zhiqiang Guo, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Fengyue Zhu and H. A. C. C. Perera. Status of Reservoir Fisheries in China and Their Effect on Environment. B. P. Han and Z. Liu (eds.), Tropical and Sub-Tropical Reservoir Limnology in China, Monographiae Biologicae 91, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2007-7_15 259-276.
Fellowships, awards and distinctions
- Scholarship offered by Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China in 2010 for PhD Degree
- Science and Personal Development Scholarship awarded by the Asian Development Bank to follow the M.Sc. Programme in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management in 2003
Membership in Professional Societies
- Life member, Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resource (SLAFAR)