• M. Phil Degree in Zoology - University of Kelaniya, 2017 June
• Graduate of B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology - University of Kelaniya, 2013 March
- Anthropogenic impacts on wildlife.
- Vertebrate Ecophysiology.
- Wildlife Ecotoxicology.
- Wildlife Ecology.
- Conservation of tropical biodiversity.
- Aquatic ecosystem monitoring.
- Ruvinda K. M. S. and Asoka Pathiratne (2018) Biomarker Responses of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to polluted water from Kelani River basin, Sri Lanka: Implications for biomonitoring river pollution. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 23(1), 105-117. (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2961-9064)
- Ruvinda, K.M.S., Pathiratne, A. 2021. Toxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles to
Tadpoles of Asian Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) Following Short
Term and Chronic Exposures. Bulletin of Enironmental Contamination and
Toxicology. 107 (2), (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-021-03352-y ) - Ruvinda, K. M. S., Pathiratne, A., 2020. Use of liver histological alterations and
erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities of two native fishes in Kelani River, Sri Lanka as
biomarkers for pollution impact assessments. Journal of the National Science
Foundation of Sri Lanka, 48(1). (http://doi.org/10.4038/jnsfsr.v48i1.9937)
- Ruvinda, K. M. S., and Asoka Pathiratne. 2016 Assessing potential biological hazards associated with the Kelani River water using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as an aquatic model species. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016: p 100
- Ruvinda, K. M. S., and Asoka Pathiratne. 2015 Use of erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities of feral fish species as biomarkers for assessing potential genotoxic impacts in Kelani River. Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015: p 231
- Ruvinda, K. M. S., and Asoka Pathiratne. 2014 Pollution indicative biochemical and histological biomarkers in the indigenous fish, Etroplus suratensis inhabiting selected sites of Kelani River. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Sessions of The Institute of Biology Sri Lanka: 2-13, p 53
- Ruvinda, K. M. S., and Asoka Pathiratne. 2014 Comparison of cholinesterase activities and erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities in Etroplus suratensis inhabiting two selected sites of Kelani River. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Sessions of The Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources: 1, p 09
- Ruvinda, K. M. S., and Asoka Pathiratne. 2013 Effect of titanium dioxide nano particles on Asian Common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus). Proceedings of the 33th Annual Sessions of The Institute of Biology Sri Lanka:1-13, p 31
- Pathirana, B. S., Ruvinda, K. M. S., Kotigala, T. K., Gunathunga, K. M., Herath, S.
B., 2021. A Preliminary Survey on Species Diversity and Habitat Distribution of
Amphibians in Gannoruwa Forest Reserve, Kandy, Sri Lanka (Paper ID 122, Open
University Research Sessions 2021)
Lecturer in Zoology: From 2019 February to present - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, University of Kelaniy
Temporary Lecturer in Zoology: From 2017 August to 2019 February - The Open University of Sri Lanka, Matara regional center, Matara
Demonstrator: From 2016 January to August 2017 - Department of Zoology, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda
Demonstrator: From 2015 August to 2016 January- Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, University of Kelaniya
Research Assistant: From 2013 September to 2015 August - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, University of Kelaniya
Demonstrator: From 2013 March to 2013 September - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, University of Kelaniya
Independent consultant: From 2013 July to 2013 July - FALIDAE PVT LIMITED (PB 74088)
Resources person (add these new events)
- A voluntary advisor and participant for the events organized by Zero Plastic, University of Kelaniya.
- Reviewer for 41st Annual session, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka; ICMAS 2021 organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, and ICAPS 2021 organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya.
- Department representative of preparation of Self Evaluation Report (SER) for Institutional review 2020.
- Group member in the preparation of Self Evaluation Report (SER) for the BSc Degree and BSc Honours degree programme review 2020 (Criterion 8- Section 3).
- Senior treasurer of the Zoological Society, University of Kelaniya, academic year 2017/2018.
- Organizer for the awareness program to prevent dengue outbreak in university community 2019.
- Organizer of the outbound training program at CHE Adventure Park for BSc Undergraduates, January 2020.
Participant (add these new events)
- ‘Empowering Educators using MOODLE,’ conducted by Dr. Martin Dougiamas at International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology, July 2019.
- Training on ‘Ecosystem Resilience in a Changing Climate’ May 2019, organized by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Disaster Management section of Ministry of Public administration and disaster Management Sri Lanka.
- Continuing Professional Development MOOCs on Adoption of Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practice implemented by the Open University of Sri Lanka with the support of Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia from September 2018 to February 2019.
Invited Guest Speeches (insert this section)
- An online seminar titled "Why We Should Conserve Biodiversity" organized by the Association of Geography of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 25th of May 2022.
- An online seminar titled ‘Histological Applications in Biological Research’ to BSc Students of Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 21st March 2022.
- A keynote speaker of the session ‘Wildlife Photography’ organized by Leo Club of University of Kelaniya under the ‘Naturapeeps’ project, on 27th October 2021.
- An online seminar titled ‘Conservation on Freshwater Biodiversity’ to FAPM nature club of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 06th June2021.
- Online discussion under the theme of ‘Boost Your Career: Environmental Science’ for LED KLN Business School 18th March 2021.
- An online seminar titled ‘Marine biodiversity conservation’ to Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya 06th March 2020.
- ‘Introduction to Biodiversity’ school children awareness programme organized by St/Andrew’s Girls’ Collage, Science section, held on 25thof February 2020.
- ‘Introduction to Regional Biodiversity Resources’ school children awareness programme organized by Waharaka Maha Vidyalaya, Gonagaldeniya, Sri Lanka held on 18th of June 2019.
- Life member of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka (from 2020 September)
- Life member of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (From 2013 September, Joint secretory for year 2022)
- Member, Section D, Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.