Prof. (Mrs.) M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K.YatawaraProfessor
Department of Zoology and Envoronmental Management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Telephone: + 94 11 2914479, + 94 728885666
Fax: + 94 11 2914479
Fax: + 94 11 2914479
E- mail: mmkyat@kln.ac.lk
- BSc.(special degree in Zoology) –University of Kelaniya- 2002
- MSc. in Aquacuture and Fisheries Management - University of Kelaniya -2005
- PhD in Environmental Science –China Universityof Geosciences -P.R.China- 2010
Research Interests
- POPs in the Environment
- Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management
- Environmental Toxicology
Selected Recent Research Publications
- Sathya De Silva and Mangala Yatawara. (2017). Assessment of aeration procedures on windrow composting process efficiency: A case on municipal solid waste in Sri Lanka. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 8: 169-174.
- Fernando, A. W., Jayakody, S., Wijenayake, H. K., Galappaththy, G. N., Yatawara, M., and Harishchandra, J. (2016). Species composition and population dynamics of malaria vectors in three previously ignored aquatic systems in Sri Lanka. Malaria journal, 15(1):1-9
- Fernando, G.K.A.W., Jayakody S., Wijenayake W.M.H.K., Galappaththy G., Yatawara M., Harishchandra R.D.J., Wanninayake T.M.B., Deniyage S.L., (2015) The feeding patterns and food preferences of Dwarf panchax (Aplocheilus parvus). Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 20(2):19-29
- Mangala Yatawara, Shihua Qi, Odhiambo Joshua Owago, Yuan Zhang, Dan Yang,Junpeng Zhang, Julia E Bernet, 2010. Organochlorine pesticides and heavy metal residues in some edible biota collected from Quanzhou Bay and Xinghua Bay, Southeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(2): 314-320
- Mangala Yatawara, N.Linthoingambi Devi, Qi Shihua. 2009. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in sea food of China- A review. Journal of American Sciences 5(5): 164-174.
- Yatawara MDMDWMMK and M. Hettiarachchi, 2006. Effect of dietary fish meal replacement in the formulated food by heat processed soy bean meal on growth, survival and crude protein level of fingerlings of Genetically Improved Farm Tilapia. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Science. 11:63-72
Publications - Conference Papers and abstracts
- K.A.R.K. Kodituwakku and M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara, 2017. Phytoremediation of Copper and Chromium from sewage sludge by three floating macrophyte species; Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms., Pistia stratiotes L. and Salvinia molesta Mitch., In proceedings of the Twenty Third Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka. p.43.
- Yatawara, M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. 2016. Blue revolution and environmental sustainability: are we in the correct path? Presidential Address at the Twenty-second Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, May, 2016. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka. p.3-4.
- Karunapala, H.M.B.N. and Yatawara, M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. 2016. Comparison of indoor and outdoor windrow composting methods of MSW in relation to final product quality. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Sessions, 30th September 2016, The Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. p.56.
- K.A.R.K. Kodituwakku and M. Yatawara, 2015. Impact of one month old sludge as top inoculum layer on biogas flow rate in dry batch type digesters, In proceedings of the 71st Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka. p.60.
- K.A.R.K. Kodituwakku and M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara, 2015. Impact of Inoculums of Dry Batch Type Digesters on Resultant Compost Quality, In proceedings part-1 of the Twentieth International Forestry and Environment Symposium-2015, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. p.53
- K.A.R.K. Kodituwakku and M. Yatawara, 2015. Public Participation in Solid Waste Management in Kolonnawa Urban Council in the Western Province in Sri Lanka, In proceedings of the Undergraduate Research Symposium on Environmental Conservation & Managment-2015, Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p. 28.
- Fernando GKAW, S. Jayakody, Wijenayake WMHK, Yatawara M, Harishchandra RDJ, Deniyage SL & Galappaththy GNL.2012. The feeding patterns and food preferences of Aplocheilus parvus: a potential biological control agent for malaria? 18th Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Abstracts of presentations. p.13
- Mangala Yatawara, Shihua Qi, Zhang Yuan, N.Linthoingambi Devi. 2010. OCPs pesticides in marine organisms from Yangpu Bay, Hainan, China. 6th international conference on marine pollution and ecotoxicology from 31st May to 3rd June in Hong Kong.
- Hettiarachchi M and Yatawara MDMDWMMK. 2002. Effect on Ammonia and Salinity in inducing the formation of resting eggs of rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis grown on marine green algae, Nanochloropsis oculata. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science (SLASS). Proceedings of the 58th Annual Session, Part 1- Abstracts of presentations p.169
Positions held in Professional Societies
- Executive committee member of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) in 2011/2012, 2016/2017, 2017/2018
- Joint Secretary of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) in 2013/2014, 2014/2015
- President of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) in 2015/2016
Fellowships, awards and distinctions
- Gold medal recipient for the best results in Zoology in 2002
- Asian Development Bank scholarship in 2002
- Chinese Scholarship Council scholarship in 2007
Membership in Professional Societies
- Life member of the Institute of Biology (M. Biol)
- Life member of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR)
- Life member of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)