University of Kelaniya
Kelaniya 11600
Sri Lanka
Telephone: 2914479
Fax: + 94 11 2911485, 2911916
E- mail: dimuthu.wijeyaratne@kln.ac.lk
B. Sc. (Special) degree in Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2005
Ph. D. North Dakota State University, North Dakota, USA.
Environmental Management
Aquatic toxicology
Conservation Biology
W. M. Dimuthu Nilmini Wijeyaratne and Suvendran Subanky, “Assessment of the Efficacy of Home Remedial Methods to Improve Drinking Water Quality in Two Major Aquifer Systems in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka,” Scientifica, vol. 2017, Article ID 9478589, 6 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9478589
Wijeyaratne, W.M.D.N. and Kalaotuwawe, K.M.B.P.P., (2017). Evaluation of the water and sediment quality of a lotic water-body in the western coastal region of Sri Lanka using Rapid Bioassessment Protocol II (RBP II) of benthic macroinvertebrates. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 22(2),pp.85–97. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljas.v22i2.7533
Wijeyaratne W.M.D.N and Bellanthudawa B.K.A. (2017). Assessment of suitability of macrobenthic mollusc diversity to monitor water quality and shallow sediment quality in a tropical rehabilitated and non – rehabilitated wetland system. The International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 5(2). 95-107.
W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne (2016). Application of pollution indices to quantify the pollution status of shallow sediments of the Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of National Science Foundation. 44(3), pp.279–289.
Donna L. Jacob, Alex H. Yellick, La Toya T. Kissoon, Aida Asgary, Dimuthu N. Wijeyaratne, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat and , Marinus L. Otte (2013). Cadmium and associated metals in soils and sediments of wetlands across the Northern Plains, USA. Environmental Pollution 178 (2013) 211-219
Wijeyaratne D., Otte M. (2012). Multi-element fingerprinting of river sediments to identify diffuse pollution sources. North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute Publication No: ND 12- 05. 29p.
- Wijeyaratne W. M. D. N and Pathiratne A. (2006) Acetylcholinesterase inhibition and gill lesions in Rasbora caverii, an indigenous fish inhabiting rice field associated water-bodies in Sri Lanka. Ecotoxicology 15:7, 609
- S. Suvendran and W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne (2017). Assessment of the effect of boiling and filtering to improve the quality of drinking water obtained from selected domestic wells in Chunakam and Vadamaradchi areas in Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, May, 2017. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka. p.19.
- B.K.A. Bellanthudawa and W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne (2017). Variation of freshwater molluscan diversity in relation to sediment and water quality parameters in Diyawannawa wetland. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, May, 2017. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka. p.30.
- Kalaotuwawe K.M.B.P.P. and Wijeyaratne W.M.D.N. (2016). Spatial variation of macrobenthic community inrelation to water and sediment quality parameters in the Ja-Ela canal, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology. p.54.
- Wijesekara, W.A.M.A., Wijeyaratne, W.M.D.N. and Manage, P.M. (2016). In vitro study on bio removal of cadmium (CD2+) by freshwater cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. And its isotherm. In proceedings of the International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Department of Forestry and Environment Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. p. 52
Vice Chancellors award for the most outstanding researcher in the Faculty of Science -2017
Vice Chancellors award for the most outstanding young researcher in the Faculty of Science -2017
Vice Chancellors award for the researcher with highest number of research publications in Faculty of Science - 2017
Senate awards for conducting high quality research - December 2017, August 2017,December 2016
Presidents awards for Scientific Research-2006
Gold Medal recipient for the best results in Zoology (2005), Alumni Association of Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Prof. H.H. Costa Gold Medal recipient for the best Research Project in Zoology (2005)
- Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)
- Member: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
- Associate Member - The British Computer Society