BSc. (Sp.) Honours - University of Kelaniya - 1997
Ph.D. (Aquaculture) - Deakin University, Australia - 2003
• Natural Resource Management – Eco system based approach
• Aquaculture and fisheries : in particular Feed Development, On farm feed management for cultured fish/ shrimp
• Fish Nutrition and diseases, environmental management on coastal aquaculture
• Natural resource management using Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS)
• Data-base Development
• Research into practice: Application of research for the community development
- U. P. K. Epa (2014) Aquaculture and aquarium industries as sources of invasive species in aquatic eco systems in Sri Lanka. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Organized by GEF/UNDP IAS Project, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya. 27.11.2014. At Foundation Institute, Colombo. 42-54.
- U. P. K. Epa (2015) Invasive alien fish species: Status, concerns and management in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 71st Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science (SLAAS) Part II – Inaugural Presidential Addresses. 04th December 2015. 33-40.
- M.C.L. Zoysa & U. P. K. Epa (2016) Comparative feeding ecology of two fish species bluestripe herring, Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus Ruppel (Clupeidae) and big eye scad, Selar crumenophthalmus Bloch (Clupeidae) caught in the stilt fishery in southern Sri Lanka. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 4(2): 421-426.
- U. P. K. Epa & C. R. W. C. Mohotti (2016) Impact of fishing with Tephrosia candida (Fabaceae) on diversity and abundance of fish in the streams at the boundary of Sinharaja Man and Biosphere Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation/ Revista de Biología Tropical. 64 (3) 1129-1141.
- C.R.W.C. Mohotti and U.P.K. Epa (2016) Toxicity of aqueous extract of white hoary pea, Tephrosia candida (Papilionoideae) on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) fingerlings. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Science. 21 (2): 105-112.
- T.W.J.T De Silva, U. P. K. Epa and C. R. W. C. Mohotti (2016) The impact of three exotic fish species on the survival of freshwater shrimp Caridina simony (Atyidae) under laboratory conditions. Kalyani Journal of University of Kelaniya. XXXI (01): 45-57.
- U.P.K. Epa and N.M.A.J. Narayana (2016) Feeding Ecology and Length-weight Relationship of Indian Glass Barb, Laubuka laubuca (Hamilton 1822) at Maguru Oya Stream (Deduru Oya River Tributary), Sri Lanka. Asian Fisheries Science 29: 58-69.
- Epa, U. P. K. and M. Hettiarachchi (1998). Production performance and status of health of black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) subsequent to the first outbreak of systemic ectodermal mesodermal baculo virus (SEMBV) in a commercial farm in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of aquatic Science. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). 4: 41-49pp.
- Pathiratne, A., Epa U. P. K. and Jayasinghe J. M. P. K. (2002) Hematological changes in snakeskin gourami, Trichogaster pectoralis affected by epizootic ulcerative syndrome. In: Diseases in Asian Aquaculture IV. (Eds. C. R. Lavilla Pitago and E. R. Cruz-Lacierda). Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. 407 - 413pp.
- Epa, U. P. K. (2006). Alien Invasive Snail, Pomacea spp. in Sri Lanka. In: Global advances in ecology and management of Golden Apple Snails (Ed. R. C. Joshi and L. S. Sebastian). Nueva Ecija, Philippine Rice Research Institute. 319 – 324 pp.
- EPA, U.P.K., M.J.S. Wijeyaratne and S.S. De Silva (2007). A Comparison of Proximate Composition and water Stability of three selected shrimp feeds used in Sri Lanka. Asian Fisheries Science 20 (2007):7-22
- Wijethunga, M. U. I. and U. P. K. Epa (2008). Food resource partitioning of accidentally introduced, Pterygoplychthys multiradiatus (Sucker mouth cat fish) with some of the alien and indigenous fish species in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species (IAS 2008). Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, National Science Foundation. 103 - 120pp.
- G. D. T. Perera and U. P. K. Epa (2008). Habitat characteristics and some population parameters of an invasive alien mollusk, Pomacea diffusa Golden apple snail in Western province, Sri Lanka (IAS 2008). Proceedings of National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, National Science Foundation. 84 – 102pp.
- Epa, U.P.K. and Wijeyaratne, M.J.S. (2008). Should shrimp culture be blamed? The interactions of diverse natural resources utilization in shrimp culture. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 4: 21-35
- P.V.S.L. Gunawardena, U. P. K. Epa and M. Hettiarachchi (2009) Potential of mangrove wetlands as biofilters to treat shrimp pond effluents: A preliminary study in the north western Sri Lanka. In: Water Resources Research In Sri Lanka. (Eds. N.D.K. Dayawansa, S. Pathmarajah and M.I.M. Mowjood). Geo-Informatics Society Sri Lanka (GISSL) and Cap-Net Sri Lanka. 11-19pp.
- U. P. K. Epa (2009) Brackishwater shrimp farming in Sri Lanka: Sustainability and future prospects. In: Golden Jubilee Commemoration Volume of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Ed: K. Kumarasinghe). Research and Publication Committee, University of Kelaniya. 48 – 59pp.
- U. P. K. Epa and T. W. J. T. De Silva (2011) A study on diversity and shell utilization of Hermit crabs (Families Coenobitidae and Diogenidae) in the Western coast of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of National Mini Symposium on Bioindicators of Environment Health and Biodiversity Indices. Organized by The Environment Committee of The Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science (SLAAS). 62-70pp.
- U.P.K. Epa (2013) Responsible use of feed resources for sustainable coastal aquaculture: Two case studies to improve on farm feed management in Sri Lanka. In the proceedings of the 2nd Sri Lankan Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption & Production. 21-22 February 2013, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. 231-241pp.
- U. P. K. Epa (2014) Aquaculture and aquarium industries as sources of invasive species in aquatic eco systems in Sri Lanka. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Organized by GEF/UNDP IAS Project, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya. 27.11.2014. At Foundation Institute, Colombo. 42-54.
- Epa, U. P. K and H. H. Costa (1998). A comparative study on the morphometrics, gill rakers and food of stunted population of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) from Colombo (Beira) lake and Udawalawe Reservoir. Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 15p.
- Pathiratne, A., Jayasinghe J. M. P. K. and Epa U. P. K. (1999) Environmental factors associated with the occurrence of epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fresh water fish in Sri Lanka. Fourth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture. Book of Abstracts. Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. 81p.
- Epa, U. P. K., S. S. De Silva and M. J. S. Wijeyaratne and M. Hettiarachchi (2001). The effectiveness of an organic immune enhancer and vitamin C on zero water exchange Penaeus monodon culture ponds. Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 5p.
- Epa, U. P. K., S. S. De Silva and M. J. S. Wijeyaratne (2005). A comparison of proximate composition and water stability of three selected commercial shrimp feeds used in Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific Sessions, SLAFAR. Abstracts of papers. 17p.
- Epa, U. P. K., S. S. De Silva and G. S. Widanapathirana (2005). Effect of commercial bacterial product on water quality and shrimp production in low water exchange shrimp culture ponds in Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific Sessions, SLAFAR. Abstracts of papers. 18p.
- Epa, U. P. K., M. J. S. Wijeyaratne, S. S. De Silva (2005). Evaluation of feed management strategies in shrimp culture ponds in Sri Lanka. Book of Abstracts, Tenth International Conference on Sri Lankan studies. 16 - 18 December 2005, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 72p.
- Epa, U. P. K. and M. J. S. Wijeyaratne (2005). Why shrimp culture is blamed? The interactions of diverse natural resources utilization in shrimp culture. Book of Abstracts, Tenth International Conference on Sri Lankan studies. 16 - 18 December 2005, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 73p.
- G. D. T. Perera and U. P. K. Epa (2007). Factors affecting density of an invasive alien mollusk, Pomacea diffusa Golden apple snail in Dalugama and Ja Ela areas in western province Sri Lanka. Thirteenth annual Scientific Sessions, SLAFAR. Abstracts of papers. 13p.
- Wijethunga, M. U. I. and U. P. K. Epa (2008). Food partitioning among the accidentally introduced, Pterygoplychthys multiradiatus (Sucker mouth cat fish) and co-occurring fish in Polgahawewa Lake at Ragama in Sri Lanka. Fourteenth annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 08p.
- Epa, U. P. K. (2008) Characterization of influent and effluent waters of shrimp farms in the north western province in Sri Lanka. Book of abstracts. The 13th International Forestry and Environment Symposium Held on 27-28 December 2008. Organized by Department of Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. 13p.
- Wijethunga, M. U. I. and U. P. K. Epa (2008). Food resource partitioning of accidentally introduced, Pterygoplychthys multiradiatus (Sucker mouth cat fish) with some of the alien and indigenous fish species in Sri Lanka. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, National Science Foundation. Books of abstracts. 23p.
- G. D. T. Perera and U. P. K. Epa (2008). Habitat characteristics and some population parameters of an invasive alien mollusk, Pomacea diffusa Golden apple snail in Western province, Sri Lanka. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, National Science Foundation. Books of abstracts. 12p.
- U. P. K. Epa and K. V. S. N. Bandara (2009) Effects of accidentally introduced sucker mouth tank cleaner, Pterygoplychthys multiradiatus on the fishery in Polgolla reservoir, Central province, Sri Lanka. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species 21-22 May 2009, Browns Beach Hotel, Negambo Organized by Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. 15p.
- Zoysa, M. C. L. and U. P. K. Epa (2009). Food resource partitioning of fish caught in the stilt fishery, Southern coastal belt of Sri Lanka. Fifteenth annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 07p.
- Gunawarden, P. V. S. L, U. P. K. Epa and M. Hettiarachchi (2009). Efficacy of natural wetlands in treating shrimp pond effluents in North western province of Sri Lanka. Fifteenth annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 22p.
- M.C.L. Zoysa and Epa, U. P. K. (2009) Effects of abiotic factors on fish yield from traditional stilt fishery in Southern Sri Lanka. The 14th International Forestry and Environment Symposium Held on 18-19 December 2009. Organized by Department of Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. 1p.
- P.V.S.L. Gunawardena and Epa, U. P. K. (2009) Variation of some physiochemical parameters along a part of a Dutch canal in North Western Province of Sri Lanka. The 14th International Forestry and Environment Symposium Held on 18-19 December 2009. Organized by Department of Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. 83p.
- Gunawarden, P. V. S. L, U. P. K. Epa and M. Hettiarachchi (2010). Effects of shrimp farming practices on water quality of northern part of the Dutch canal. Sixteenth Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 22p.
- Ranasinghe, R.A.P.G., U. P. K. Epa, C.N. Chanrdraratne and M.A.J.C. Mallawaarachchi (2010). A study on increasing larval survival of Sea Horse (Hippocampus kuda) under culture conditions. Sixteenth Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 21p.
- Ranaweera, B.D.P.S. and U. P. K. Epa (2012). The ontogenic dietary shift of blue striped hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) in the Negombo estuary, Sri Lanka. EighteenthAnnual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). Abstracts of papers. 45p.
- Ranaweera, B.D.P.S. and Epa, U. P. K. (2012) Effects of introduction of empty shells of the invasive mollusk, Acatina fulica (Achatinidae) on the size of hermit crab, Clibanarius longitarsus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) in the Negombo estuary. Proceedings of the Symposium Conservation Sri Lanka – 2012. Held on 06th July 2012. Organized by The Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka in collaboration with The Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment. 24p.
- Epa, U.P.K. (2013) Responsible use of feed resources for sustainable coastal aquaculture: Two case studies to improve on farm feed management in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 02nd Sri Lankan Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption & Production. 21-22 February 2013, Galadari Hotel, Colombo. 37p.
- K. R. P. S. Kumara, M. Hettiarachchi & U. P. K. Epa (2013) Inadequacy of adopting critical bio security measures and best management practices in Sri Lankan shrimp hatcheries – Is controlling Vibrio a critical bio security measure? Proceeding of the 33rd Annual sessions of the Institute of Biology. 27.09.2013, SLIDA, Colombo, 46p
- Epa, U. P. K. and Zoysa, M. C. L. (2013) Stilt fishing in Southern Sri Lanka: Management constraints and future sustainability. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, Sri Lanka. 22-23 November, 2013. University of Kelaniya. 260p.
- Epa, U.P.K. and T. W. A. J. T. De Silva (2013) Identification on invasive alien sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys, Loricariidae) in Sri Lanka based on morphological characteristics. Proceedings of the 69th Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science. 02-06, December, 2013, University of Kelaniya. 80p.
- Epa, U.P.K. and T. W. A. J. T. De Silva (2014) Range expansion of invasive alien sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys species in Sri Lanka. Abstracts of presentations, 1st Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference, 22-23, January 2014, University of Ruhuna, Matara. 68p.
- T. W. J. T de Silva & U. P. K. Epa (2014) The impact of three invasive alien fish species on the survival and larval production of Poecilia reticulate under the laboratory conditions. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Organized by GEF/UNDP IAS Project, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya. 27.11.2014. At Foundation Institute, Colombo. 61
- T. W. J. T de Silva & U. P. K. Epa (2014) The impact of three invasive alien fish species on the survival of tadpoles of Duttaphrynus melanostictus under the laboratory conditions. National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species. Organized by GEF/UNDP IAS Project, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya. 27.11.2014. At Foundation Institute, Colombo. 69.
- T.W.A.J. De Silva and U. P. K. Epa (2014) Impact of sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.) on the catch composition in Kala Wewa and Rajanganaya reservoirs in the North Central Province in Sri Lanka. International Agricultural Research Symposium, Sri Lanka Center for Agricultural Research and Policy (SLCARP), Book of Abstracts. 128p.
- T. W. A. J. T. De Silva and Epa, U.P.K. (2014) Impact of sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) on reproduction output of guppy Poecilia reticulate under laboratory conditions. Proceedings of the 70th Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science. 03-05, December, 2014, University of Colombo. 49p.
- U. P. K. Epa and T. A. J. S. Thelasinghe (2014) Diversity of macro-invertebrates in relation to water quality and land use pattern Attanagalu Oya in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. International Agricultural Research Symposium, Sri Lanka Center for Agricultural Research and Policy (SLCARP), Book of Abstracts. 126p.
- Epa, U.P.K. and C. R. W. C. Mohotti (2015) Acute toxicity test of aqueous extract of white hoary pea, Tephrosia candida (Papilionoideae) on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) fingerlings. Proceedings of the 21st Annual scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Fishries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). 22, May 2015, NARA, Colombo. 15p.
- Epa, U.P.K. and C. R. W. C. Mohotti (2015) Impact of fishing using exotic plant, white hoary pea Tephrosia candida (Papilionoideae) on diversity & abundance of fish in the streams at the boundary of Sinharaja Man and Biosphere forest reserve, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 21st Annual scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). 22, May 2015, NARA, Colombo. 41p.
- Premarathna, H. R. M. A. S. and Epa U. P. K. (2016) Use of Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae) ethanol (95%) extraction to control metacercarial cysts of Centrocestus formosanus (Heterophyidae) in the gills of Xyphophorus hellerii (Poeciliidae). Proceedings of the 22nd Annual scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR). 03 June 2016, NARA, Colombo. 41p.
- Narayana, N.M.A.J and Epa U.P.K. (2016) Feeding Variation with increasing Length of Laubuka laubuca and its Length-Weight Relationship at Maguru Oya, Sri Lanka. 03 June 2016, NARA, Colombo. 41p.
- Weerasinghe H.W.G.A.S. and Epa, U.P. K. (2017) Assessment of population size and the distribution of spot-billed pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) in Colombo district, Sri Lanka. ‘40 Years of Bird Research’ FOGSL Symposium – To celebrate 40 years of ornithological explorations in Sri Lanka. 25th and 26th March 2017 at the Zoology Auditorium, University of Colombo, Colombo 03
Click here for the ful list of publications
- Treasurer - Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) – 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
- Vice President - Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) – 2009.
- Member - Media resource service committee, SLAAS – 2010
- Member – Committee for the popularization of Science, SLAAS – 2010
- Secretary, Section D – Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science – 2013
- Vice president, Section D – Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science – 2014
- President, Section D – Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science – 2015
- Committee member, Section D – Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science – 2016
- Vice President – Life Cycle Assessment & Design for Sustainability Network (LCADeSnet), Sri Lanka - 2015
- Secretary – Life Cycle Assessment & Design for Sustainability Network (LCADeSnet), Sri Lanka - 2017
Silver Medal awarded by National Youth Award Authority, Sri Lanka - 1987
Gold Medal for the best results in Zoology, University of Kelaniya – 1997
Scholarship awarded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) – 2001
Scholarship awarded by Deakin University, Australia – 2002
National Science Foundation (Sri Lanka), Research Grant - 2006
- Life member – International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) - 1998
- Life member – Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science (SLAAS) from 2009
- Life member – Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Association (SLAFAR) from 1999
- Founding Council member – Sri Lankan Academy of Young Scientists (SLAYS) from 2013.
- Life member – Institute of Biology (IBiol) from 2010; Chartered Biologist from 2016
- Founding council member– Life Cycle Assessment & Design for Sustainability Network (LCADeSnet), Sri Lanka