Department of Zoology and Environmental Management
Faculty of Science
University of Kelaniya
Kelaniya 11600
Sri Lanka
Telephone: + 94 11 2903396, 2914479
Fax: + 94 11 2911485, 2911916
E- mail: rksdias@kln.ac.lk
Regional Centre for Asian Ant Research
University of Kelaniya
Telephone: + 94 11 2903396, 2914479
Fax: + 94 11 2911485, 2911916
E- mail: rksdias@kln.ac.lk
B. Sc. (Special) in Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
M. Sc. in Aquaculture, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ph. D. University of Wales College of Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES)
- Dias, R.K.S., Udayakantha, W.S., Akbar, S.A. and A.A. Wackhoo. 2018. New records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Sri Lanka, including three tramp species. Sociobiology 65 (3): 449-455.
- Dias, R.K.S., Udayakantha, W.S., Akbar, S.A. and A.A. Wackhoo. 2018. New records of anWijerathne, B.T.B., Rathnayake, G.K., Dias, R.K.S., Wickramasinghe, N.D., Thalgaspitiya, S.B.P. and Karunaratne, A. 2018. Uncommon skin response to the stings of tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 29 (4): 1-3 (published on line 22/ 08/ 2018) s (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Sri Lanka, including three tramp species. Sociobiology 65 (3): 449-455.
- Udayakantha, W.S. and R.K.S. Dias. 2018. Dynamics of Aneuretus simoni Emery, 1893 (Formicidae: Aneuretinae) nest density and the first ant inventory of Indikada Mukalana Forest Reserve in western Sri Lanka. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 14(1): 67-75. DOI: 10.23885/1814-3326-2018-14-1-67-75
- Dias, R.K.S., Yamane, Sk., Akbar, S.A., Peiris, H.A.W.S. and Wachkoo, A.A. 2018. Discovery of the workercaste of Protanilla schoedli Baroni Urbani & De Andrade (Formicidae: Leptanillinae) in Sri Lanka, Oriental Insects, 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/00305316.2018.1476273
- Dias, R. K. S. and K. S. S. D. Fernando. 2017. Host tree species, nest information and the management of outbreak of medically important Tetraponera rufonigra (Jerdon, 1851) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae) using citronella oil or kerosene. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 13(1): 93-98.
- Dias, R. K. S. and R. P. K. C. Rajapaksa. 2016. Geographic records of subfamilies, genera and species of ants in the four climatic zones of Sri Lanka. J. Sci. Univ. Kelaniya 11 (2): 23-45.
- Dias, R. K. S. and A. P. S. Perera. 2016. Species richness of arboreal ant assemblages (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and frequency of Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius) in a wet zone cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) field in Sri Lanka. Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya 11: 1-10.
- Dias, R. K. S. and W. S. Udayakantha. 2016. Neat density and other observations on a population of Aneuretus simoni Emery, 1893 (Formicidae, Aneuretinae) and other ants in Indikada Mukalana Forest Reserve in Sri Lanka. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 4 (12): 1 – 9.
- Dias, R. K. S. and W. S. Udayakantha. 2016. Discovery of the Sri Lankan Relict Ant, Aneuretus simoniEmery (Formicidae, Aneuretinae) and the nest density of the species in a selected region of Meethirigala Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka. Asian Myrmecology 8: 1 – 8.
- Yamane, Sk. and R. K. S. Dias. 2016. New species of the Pristomyrmex profundus Wang group from the Oriental Region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Euroasian Entomological Journal 15 (1): 188 – 193.
- Dias, R. K. S. 2014. Aneuretus Simoni Emery occurrence and the ant community observed by multiple methods and repeated sampling in “Pompekelle”, Sri Lanka. Int. J. Entomol. Res., 02 (03) 2014
02 (03) 2014 . 181-186
- Dias, R. K. S. and H. P. G. R. C. Ruchirani, 2014. Nest density of Aneuretus simoni Emery in three forest regions in western and southern Sri Lanka. Asian Myrmecology, 6: 83 - 90 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S., Ruchirani, H. P. G. R. C., Kosgamage, K. R. K. A. and H. A. W. S. Peiris. 2013. Frequency of nest occurrence and the nest density of Aneuretus simoni Emery (Sri Lankan Relict Ant) and other ant fauna in an abandoned rubber plantation (Kirikanda Forest) in southwest Sri Lanka. Asian Myrmecology, 5, 59 – 67 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S. and K.H.C.A. Wijerathna, 2012. A preliminary inventory of subterranean termites in the premises of Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya and the potential of a ponerine ant species, Neemazal-F and citronella oil in the control of two termite species, Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: 01 – 20 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S. and K. R. K. A. Kosgamage. 2012. Occurrence and distribution of ground-dwelling worker ants (Family: Formicidae) in selected lands in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka: 43 – 60 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S. and K. A. M. Perera. 2011. Worker ant community observed by repeated sampling and information on endemic Aneuretus simoni Emery in the Gilimale Forest Reserve in Sri Lanka. Asian Myrmecology, 4: 69 – 78 pp
- Ratnatilaka G. A., R. R. G. C. S. B. Herath and R. K. S. Dias. 2011. Severe anaphylaxis following ant bites. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 56: 34 – 35 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S., H. A. W. S. Peiris and H. P. G. R. C. Ruchirani. 2011. Discovery of Aneuretus simoni Emery in a disturbed forest in Kalutara, and Stereomyrmex horni Emery in Anuradhapura sanctuary, Sri Lanka. Asian Myrmecology, 4: 99 – 102 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S., 2004. Taxonomic key for the subfamilies of ants recorded from Sri Lanka and some information on Aneuretus simoni Emery in “Pompekelle”, Ratnapura. Spolia Ceylanica, 41, 92 – 101 pp.
- Ratnayake, R. K. S. and H. H. Costa, 2004. Taxonomic key for the rapid identification of mugilids in Negombo lagoon. Spolia Ceylonica, 41, 69 – 76 pp.
- Dias, R. K. S. and A. Yakupitiyage, 1998. Culture of Moina macrocopa Straus using organic and inorganic inputs. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 3: 61-75 pp.
- Gunasekera, DLPE, Handunnetti, SM, Premawansa, S., Witharana, EWRA, Dasanayake, WMDK, Ratnayake, IP, Seneviratne, SL, Dias, RKS, Premakumara, GAS and De Silva, R. 2018. Use of allergenic cross-reactivity between Apis dorsata Fabricius (Giant Asian Honey bee) for diagnosis of A. dorsata venom allergy. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions, IBMBB, University of Colombo: 21 p.
- Gunasekera, DLPE, Handunnetti, SM, Premawansa, S., Dasanayake, WMDK, Ratnayake, IP, Seneviratne, SL, Dias, RKS, Premakumara, GAS and De Silva, R. 2018. Comparison of hyaluronidase from venom of Apis dorsata Fabricius and Vespa affinis Linnaeus. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions, IBMBB, University of Colombo: 22 p.
- Gunasekera, DLPE, Handunnetti, SM, Premawansa, S., Dasanayake, WMDK, Karunatilake, C, Ratnayake, IP, Seneviratne, SL, Dias, RKS, Premakumara, GAS and De Silva, R. 2018. Immuno-proteomic characterization of Vespa affinis (Lesser Banded Hornet) venom and its cross-reactivity with the venom of Vespula vulgaris. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions, IBMBB, University of Colombo: 33 p.
- Dias, R.K.S. and W.S. Udayakantha. 2018. Status of Aneuretus simoni Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from repeated sampling and a preliminary ant inventory of Lenagala Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of XI European Congress of Entomology, Napoli, Italy: 64 pp. (supported by an oral presentation by Prof. R.K.S. Dias)
- Jayathilaka, M. S. T. and R. K. S. Dias. 2018. Ant visitors and ant pollination of Jatropha curcas L. at three localities in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 24 p.
- Wickramasinghe, W. P. C. S. and Dias, R. K. S. 2018. Diversity of Yala season diurnal ant community in two selected rice fields in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: 11 p.
- Udayakantha, W. S. and R. K. S. Dias. 2017. Life history of Sri Lankan Relict Ant, Aneuretus simoni Emery, 1893 (Formicidae, Aneuretinae) under laboratory conditions. Proceedings of the International Conference in Zoological Sciences held at University of Punjabi. Patiala: 53
- Udayakantha, W. S. and R. K. S. Dias. 2017. The first record and status of Aneuretus simoni Emery, 1893 in Lenagala Forest Reserve in Kegalle District and a preliminary inventory of the forest. Proceedings of the Taiwan-Sri Lanka joint symposium on Advances in Entomological research held at PGIS, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 10
- Dias, R. K. S., M. K. C. G. Gunathilake, K. R. K. A. Kosgamage and H. A. W. S. Peiris. 2017. Taxonomic diversity of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) recorded from two Districts in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Taiwan-Sri Lanka joint symposium on Advances in Entomological research held at PGIS, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 3
- Udayakantha, W.S. and R. K. S. Dias. 2017. Envirnmental conditions at a selected region in Indikada Mukalana Forest Reserve, a recently recorded habitat of Aneuretus simoni Emery, 1893 (Sri Lankan Relict Ant), in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International conference organized by University of Colombo, Institute of Biology and Biodiversity Secretariat. pp. 21
- Dias, R. K. S. and W. S. Udayakantha. 2016. Worker ant community observed in two rainy months and related information in a selected region of “Indikada Mukalana” Forest Reserve, a habitat of Aneuretus simony Emery. Proceedings of the 36 th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology: 52.
- Fernando, K. S. S. D. and Dias, R. K. S. 2016. Host tree species, nest appearance and colony demography of medically important Tetraponera rufonigra Jerdon (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in selected urban localities of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 36 th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology: 51.
- Gunasekera, D. L. P. E., Handunnetti, S. M., Premawansa, S., Dias, R. K. S., Witharana, E. W. R. A., Dasanayake, W. M. D. K., Premakumara, G. A. S. and De Silva, N. R. 2016. Comparison of HPLC profiles of venom of Apis dorsata (Giant Asian honey bee) and Apismellifera (Western honey bee). Proceedings of the 8 th IBMBB, University of Colombo: 18.
- De Silva, B. D., Handunnetti, S. M., Premawansa, S., Dias, R. K. S., De Silva, N. R. 2016. Immunochemical characterization of venom of medically important ants in Sri Lanka and determination of venom cross reactivity with a Western ant species. Proceedings of the 8 th IBMBB, University of Colombo: 31.
- Dias, R. K. S. and W. S. Udayakantha. 2016. Discovery of Sri Lankan Relict Ant (Formicidae, Aneuretinae) and a preliminary ant inventory of Indikada Mukalana Forest Reserve in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agriculture and Environment held in Malaysia: 40.
- Ruchirani, H.P.G.R.C. and R.K.S. Dias. 2011. Food habits and soil temperature tolerance range of Ancuretus Simoni Emery (Sri Lankan Relict Ant) and its behavioural interactions with three insect species. Accepted as an oral presentation for SLAAS sessions.
Click here for the full list of publications
i) Dias, R. K. S., 2002. Ants of Sri Lanka with a brief description of field and laboratory methods. Sarvodaya Vishvalekha Press, Ratmalana. 44p.
(ii) Dias, R. K. S. 2007. Biology and Control methods of termites and ants (in Sinhala). S. Godage and Brothers, 60 p.
(iii) Dias, R. K. S. 2014. Ants of Sri Lanka. Biodiversity Secretariat of Ministry of Environment and Renewable Resources, 273 p.
Chapters in books:
(a) Dias, R.K.S., 2006. Current taxonomic status of ants of Sri Lanka. In: The Fauna of Sri Lanka – Status of taxonomy, research and conservation (edi: Bambaradeniya, C. N. B.), Karunaratne and Sons Ltd.(IUCN Publication), 43 – 52 pp.
(b) Dias, R.K. S., 2005. The importance of ants of Sri Lanka as a component of biodiversity (in Sinhala language). In: Proceedings of National Symposium on Invertebrates (edi: Amarasekera, H.), Piyasiri Printers, 36-42 pp.
(c) Dias, R. K. S. 2007. Forest Entomology. Department of Zoology, Open University of Sri Lanka in a book on “Management of insect pests and vectors”.
(d) Dias, R. K. S. 2008. Amazing ants – Present status of research on ants of Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the mini- Symposium on Social Insects and their Economic Importance and Conservation (Ed. N. C. Kumarasinghe). Biodiversity Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Sri Lanka. pp 1-6.(e) Dias , R.K.S. 2011. Biology of medically important ants in Sri Lanka. In: Medically important ants, Bees, Wasps and spiders (publisher: G.A. Rathnatilaka), Sanduni offset Printers, Kandy, Sri Lanka. 30-68 pp.
Life member, Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science
Life member, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Life member, AIT Alumni Association, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Life member, Alumni Association of Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya.
Life member, Alumni association of Cardiff University, South Wales, U. K.
Committee member of the International Network for the study of Asian ants (ANeT )