Professor Asoka PathiratneSenior Professor
Department of Zoology and Environmental Management
Faculty of Science
University of Kelaniya
Kelaniya GQ 11600 Sri Lanka
Telephone: + 94 11 2903393
+ 94 11 2903393 , + 94 11 2914479
+ 94 11 2914479
Fax: + 94 11 2914479
E- mail: asoka@kln.ac.lk
Telephone: + 94 11 2903393

Fax: + 94 11 2914479
E- mail: asoka@kln.ac.lk
B.Sc. (Special) Degree, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Ph. D. North Dakota State University, North Dakota, USA.
Administrative Experience
Director of the Staff Development Unit, University of Kelaniya, from September 2006 to June 2007
Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, August 1995-August 1998, August 2010 - August 2013
Coordinator of the M. Sc. Degree programme in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Kelaniya, 1998 –2010.
Research Interests
- Environmental Toxicology/Ecotoxicology and Fish health especially use of molecular/ biochemical and cellular biomarkers in aquatic environmental monitoring and assessments, Immunotoxicity and Genotoxicity assessments, Ecological Risk Assessment
Selected Recent Research Publications
- Hemachandra C.K. and A. Pathiratne (2015) Assessing Toxicity of Copper, Cadmium and Chromium Levels Relevant to Discharge Limits of Industrial Effluents into Inland Surface Waters Using Common Onion, Allium cepa Bioassay. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.94:199-203
- Kannangara D. N. M. and A. Pathiratne (2015). Toxicity assessment of industrial wastewaters reaching Dandugan Oya, Sri Lanka using a plant based bioassay. Sri Lanka Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka 43: 153-163.
- Pathiratne A., C.K. Hemachandra, and N. De Silva (2015). Efficacy of Allium cepa test system for screening cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of industrial effluents originated from different industrial activities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187: 730:1-10
- T. Munagamage, I. V. N. Rathnayake, A. Pathiratne and M. Megharaj (2016). Sensitivity of four cyanobacterial isolates from tropical freshwaters to environmentally realistic concentrations of Cr6+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 96(6):816-821
- Pathiratne A, and F.J Kroon (2016).Using species sensitivity distribution approach to assess the risks of commonly detected agricultural pesticides to Australia's tropical freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 35(2):419-428
- Hemachandra C.K. and A. Pathiratne (2016) Combination of physico-chemical analysis, Allium cepa test system and Oreochromis niloticus erythrocyte based comet assay/nuclear abnormalities tests for cyto-genotoxicity assessments of treated effluents discharged from textile industries. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 131:54-64
- Hemachandra C.K. and A. Pathiratne (2017). Cytogenotoxicity screening of source water, wastewater and treated water of drinking water treatment plants using two in vivo test systems: Allium cepa root based and Nile tilapia erythrocyte based tests. Water Research. 108:320-329.
Text Books
- Pathiratne A. (1998) Chemical Basis of Life and Animal Cell. Education Publications Department, Sri Lanka. 210 pp.
- Pathiratne A. and M. J. S. Wijeyaratne (2003) Functioning Animal I, Godage and Brothers, Colombo. Sri Lanka. 118 pp.
- Pathiratne A. and M. J. S. Wijeyaratne (2004) Functioning Animal II, Godage and Brothers, Colombo. Sri Lanka. 190 pp.
Fellowships, Awards and Distinctions
International awards |
National awards |
Membership in Professional Societies
- Elected Fellow National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
- Fellow Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka
- Member, Asian Fisheries Society
- Member, Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society
- Member, Section D, Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science
- Member, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
- Member of the Network of Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals, ICLARM