ENCM 41523

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Course Code        : ENCM 41523

Title                       : Forest Resources Management

Pre-requisite        : ENCM 12572 & ENCM 21522

Co-requisite         : None

Status                     : Compulsory, Theory cum Practical


Learning outcomes:

After completion of the course unit, the student will be able to;

  • discuss applicability of forest management techniques in commercial forest industry,
  • prepare a forest management plan for a given context by applying appropriate forest management techniques, and
  • describe the status of community and social forestry projects in Sri Lanka.



Course Content

Sustainable management of natural forests, Forest management in commercial and Industrial forestry; Forest Management techniques, Seed Collection and seed banks and Nursery Management Techniques; (Nursery design, seed bed preparations, seed treatments, maintenance, transportation), Factors in selecting tree species and sites, Ground preparation, Planting techniques, Stand tending techniques: Thinning, pruning, weeding, watering and fertilizer applications, Defining Rotation age, Industrial Harvesting Techniques, Silvicultural Techniques, Pests and diseases, Application of ecological concepts in forest management, Environmental impacts in forest management, Community and social forestry: case studies, Preparation of Forest Management plans.

Practical sessions on forest management plan preparation.


Method of teaching and learning:

A combination of lectures, field studies, computer assisted learning, assignments and small group discussions.



In-course assessment and end of semester examination.


Recommended reading:

  1. Bettinger, P., Boston., J. P. Siry & D. L. Grebner (2008). Forest Management and Planning, Academic Press, USA.
  2. Günter, S., M. Weber, B. Stimm & R. Mosandl (2011). Silviculture in the Tropics, Springer, USA.
  3. Julian E. & J. W. Turnbull (2004). Plantation Forestry in the Tropics: The Role, Silviculture, and Use of Planted Forests for Industrial Social, Environmental, and Agroforestry Purposes, Oxford University Press, UK.
  4. Lawrence, S. D., Norman & J. P. Bettinger (2001). Forest Management: To Sustain Ecological, Economic, and Social Values. 4th Edition. Illinois, USA.


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