1) How can I get selected to follow Microbiology as a subject ?
Based on level I, first semester examination, only 60 students are selected to follow Microbiology as a subject. The selection is done strictly on merit basis on the results of the Basic Microbiology (BIOL 11512) course unit examination.

2) How can I get selected to follow my B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Microbiology?

At the end of their second year of studies, based on the academic performances in the first two academic years, only 7 students are selected to follow B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Microbiology. The selection is done on examination results alone,not leaving any possibility for subjective errors in selection.

3) What are the main employment sectors, of the graduates of Microbiology field?

Main employment sectors of our graduates are:
  • Academia - University lecturers, Researchers
  • Industries - Microbiologists, Quality Assurance Managers, Product Development Managers etc.
  • Government bodies - Directors, Assistant Directors, Consultants etc.
  • Entrepreneurs - Develop your own business relevant to Microbiology
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