Dr. (Mrs.) R. AmarakoonSenior Lecturer (Grade I)
Email Address | : | ranjaniam@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone (Office) | : | +94 (0)11 2 903 322 (ext: 322) |
Fax | : | +94 (0)112 914 481 |
Telephone (Celluar) | : | +94 (0)715 601 220 |
Office Location | : | A11 |
Office hours available for students. | : | 8:00 - 16:00 |
Google Scholar | Research Gate |
Academic Qualifications:
Special achievements/Awards
International level
- A Certificate awarded for the presentation at International conference on Innovations in Chemical, Agricultural and biological Sciences, ICABS-2016, December 2016, Singapore.
- A certificate awarded for the presentation at International Conference on Nutrition and Food Science ICNFS-2012, Singapore.
- Served as a team member of HOME HEALTH EDUCATION-HHE TRAINORS’ TRAINING PROGRAMME conducted by Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in collaboration with Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore.
- Selected to serve as a team member of ‘Healthy Sri Lanka’, GMOA, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, Empowering People for a Healthier Nation.
National level
- Selected to serve as a team member of ‘Healthy Sri Lanka’, GMOA, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, Empowering People for a Healthier Nation.
- A certificate awarded for the presentation at the Annual Symposium of Department of Agriculture (ASDA), Sri lanka-1999.
Work Experience:
Department of Food engineering, Faculty of science, University of Uva Wellassa (2012 –To date) Department of Microbiology, Faculty of science, University of Kelaniya (2013-2014) Institute of Chemistry, Rajagiriya (2014 –To date).
MSc Human Nutrition, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.(2013 –To date) MSc food and Nutrition, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya (2013- To date) MSc Applied Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya (2013- To date) MSc Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.(2014 onwards)
Areas of Teaching:
- Food Technology
- Food Quality Assurance
- Food Safety
- Food Hygiene
- Food Toxicology
- Food Microbiology
- Microbial Processes and Applications
- Sensory evaluation of food
Research Interests:
- Use of food-grade Microorganisms in processing and preservation of food.
- Investigate the effect of using food -grade microorganisms on nutritional value of food.
- Investigate the strategies to process and preserve food without using chemicals.
- Incorporation of Food-Legumes with cereals to develop bakery products.
- Incorporation of root crops with cereals to develop bakery products
Research Experiences:
- Post harvest loss reduction of fruits and vegetables
- Product development
- Effective ways of utilizing legumes
Perera, T.W.N.K., Amarakoon, R. & Edirisinghe, E.A.A.D. (2019). Effect of microbial fermentation on the Antioxidant Potential of cassava. Proceedings of the International Research Conference-2019, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla 90000, Sri Lanka. pp. 37. ISBN 978-955-0481-25-5.
Wijewardena, H.D.A.R.R. Amarakoon, R. (2019). Investigation of mineral content of coconut water after fermenting with Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and Lactobacillus plantarum. Proceedings of the National Research Health symposium -2019, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-93666-67-3.
Madushan, G., Amarakoon, R. (2019). Nutritional quality of Oryza sativa L var. Bg 360 and At 362 and Eleusine coracana Ravana. Proceedings of the 6th Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference 2019, Ruhuna University, Matara 81000, Sri Lanka. pp.48. ISSN 1391-8796
Perera, T.W.N.K., Amarakoon, R. & Edirisinghe, E.A.A.D. (2018). Microbial enumeration assay of fermented products of cassava variety MU51. Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 32. ISSN 2651-0448 (print), ISSN 2651-0456 (online).
Alwis, P.S.D., Amarakoon, R. (2016).Improving the microbial quality of mung (Vigna radiata) bean sprouts and its’ shelf life to produce a safe and ready to eat product. Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Sciences 2016, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 99. Abstract No: MO-07.
Amarakoon, R.,In vitro protein and dry matter digestibility of some varieties of Pisum sativum and Glycine max after germinating 2011,SLAAS proceedings, p 125, ISSN 1391-023X
Amarakoon, R., Bunka, F., Macku, I, Kracmar, S. Methods to eliminate anti- nutritional factors in legumes. 8th International Conference on Risk Factors of Food chain. September 17, 2008, Krakow, Poland.Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 2008, 41, p 4. ISSN 1335-3686
Amarakoon, R., Bunka, F., Kracmar, S. Study of amino acid contents in some selected legumes species. Vitamins-2008. Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, 9-11 September 2008, p. 108-109. ISBN 978-80-7318-708-8
Amarakoon, R., Bunka, F., Kracmar, S. Importance of legumes in human nutrition. Vitamins-2008. Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, 9-11 September 2008, 106-107. ISBN 978-80-7318-708-8
Kramarova, D., Amarakoon. R., Rop, O., Hoza, I. Determination of Ascorbic acid by HPLC-ECD in Wallachia Apples. Vitamins-2007, University of Agriculture, Prague, 2007, p. 224-225. ISBN 978-80-7194-937-4
Sarananda, K.H., Amarakoon, R. Methods to minimize post harvest rot of mango. Krushi, Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Sri Lanka. 1999, p. 5-6.
Full articles
- Wasana, K.P.D.L., Amarakoon, R. (2020).Application of Lactobacillus plantarum in Fermentation of Jackfruit seed flour and investigate its’ effect on Nutritional quality, International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol. 7 No. 5 (June 2020), pp. 80-94. ISSN: 2313-3759.
- Wijewardena, H.D.A.R.R., Amarakoon, R. (2019). Antibacterial activity of fermented coconut water produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and Lactobacillus plantarum , International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol.7 No.1 (January 2020), pp. 54-62. ISSN 2313-3759.
- Perera, T.W.N.K., Amarakoon, R. & Edirisinghe, E.A.A.D. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of natural fermentation on Nutritional quality of the cassava variety MU51, International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol.5 No.7 (July 2018), pp. 1-12. ISSN 2313-3759.
- Alwis, P.D., Amarakoon, R. (2017). Evaluation the Effect of Processing and Storage on Some of the Nutrients of Selected Varieties of Legume Sprouts in Sri Lanka, International journal of Advancement in Agricultural and environmental engineering, 4 Issue1(2017), pp. 68-73:ISSN 2349-1523 (Print), EISSN 2349-1531(online).
- Amarakoon. R, Evaluation of protein quality of cotyledons and radicles of selected legumes after germinating as a healthy food, Article submitted for the: International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 2.9.2013.
- Amarakoon, R, Study on amino acid content of selected varieties of Pisum sativum by ion exchange chromatography. IPCBEE vol.39 p 211-215, 2012, ISBN 978-981-07-2907-3
- Amarakoon, R., Bunka, F., Kracmar, S., Kocar, F., Hoza. I.. Study on protein fractionation and in vitro digestibility of some selected legumes. Conference on Food safety and control, Slovak agricultural University in Nitra 1-2nd April 2009, p 315-319. ISBN 978-80-552-0193
- Amarakoon, R., Kracmar, S., Hoza, I., Budinsky, P. The effect of cooking on in vitro digestibility of selected legumes. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2009. P 13-17.
- Amarakoon, R., Bunka, F., Kracmar, S. Evaluation of protein quality in legumes by amino acid analysis. Proteins-2008, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, 20-21 May 2008, p. 9-13. ISBN 978-80-7318-706-4
- Amarakoon, R., Sarananda K. H., Illeperuma, D. C. K. Determination of maturity indices of Mangoes in Sri Lanka. Food safety and control, University of Agriculture, Nitra. 28-29 March 2007, p. 375-379. ISBN 978-80-8069-861-4.
- Amarakoon. R., Sarananda, K.H., Illeperuma, C. K. Quality of mangoes as affected by stage of maturity. Tropical Agricultural Research Journal- Post graduate institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 1999, vol. 11, p. 11, 74-85. ISSN 1016-1422.
- Amarakoon. R., Illeperuma, C. K., Sarananda, K.H. Effect of Calcium Carbide on ripening and quality of Velleicolomban and Willard mangoes. Tropical Agricultural Research journal-Post graduate institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1999, vol. 11, p. 54-60. ISSN 1016-1422.
- Sarananda, K.H., Amarakoon, R. Methods to minimise post harvest rot of 3 local cultivars of mango. Annual symposium of Department of Agriculture (ASDA), Department of Agriculture, Perdeniya. Sri Lanka. 1999, p. 327 – 333. ISSN 1391/69/47
- Replacement of wheat flour in food products.
- Replacement of Sugar Syrup in preservation of fruits.
Contribution to the Industry:
- Implementation of HACCP in Coconut, Fruits and Vegetable based Industries
- Preparation of generic model of HACCP for Coconuts, Fruits and Vegetable based Industries
- Conducted training and awareness programs in food quality systems
- Bottling and Canning of under-utilized vegetables for export
Membership in professional societies
International level
- Senior Member of Asia- Pacific Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES), Hong Kong. Membership No: 100520 -2012.
- Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)-2011 Membership No: 8947/B.
- Life member of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka since 2014, Membership No: 014-2014.