Dr. (Mrs.) G.D.D.K. GunasenaSenior Lecturer (Grade I)
Email Address | : | deepthi@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone (Office) | : | +94 (0)11 2 903 323 (ext: 323) |
Fax | : | +94 (0)112 914 481 |
Office Location | : | A11 206 |
Office hours available for students. | : | 8:00 - 16:00 |
Google Scholar | Research Gate |
Academic Qualifications:
- PhD in Microbiological food safety/Bacterial pathogenesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom.
- MSc in Molecular Biology and Gene Technology (Part I), Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- BSc Special Degree in Microbiology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Special achievements/Awards
Special Achievements
- For the first time in the world, Type III secretion system was identified in Yersinia ruckeri.
- For the first time in Sri Lanka, foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes was isolated and characterized in food.
Academic Awards
- Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD) offered by the University of Reading, United Kingdom
- Travel award for presentation in International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, Paris, France.
- Travel award for presentation in International conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish in Dublin, Ireland.
- Travel award for presentation in International Symposium in Kloster Banz, Germany.
Current Research Interests:
- Microbiological Food safety - Characterisation of pathogens in food
- Beneficial bacteria in food- Study on Lactobacillus species in traditional foods in Sri Lanka
- Biopreservation of food- Effect of natural microbiota and natural antimicrobials
Main Research areas:
- Food Microbiology
- Microbiological Food Safety
- Bacterial Pathogenesis
Main Teaching disciplines:
- Bacteriology
- Food Microbiology
- Food Safety
- Food Quality Assurance
- Molecular Microbiology
Additional Training Received:
- Aspects of Metrology in ISO/IEC 17025:2005- Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (SLAB)
- Assessor training course (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) for laboratory accreditation- SLAB
- Uncertainty Estimation- SLAB
- Food Packaging- Institute of Packaging ,Sri Lanka.
- Biosafety -Training of Trainers, collaboration with FAO, UK.
- Biosafety- Risk Assessment and Management of Genetically Modified Organisms, Food, Feed and Processed Products, University of Peradeniya
- GMO Food labelling- Sri Lanka Foundation Institute.
- Risk Assessment, Management and GMO Detection- University of Peradeniya.
- Bioethics and Biosafety- National Science Foundation.
- Treatment of Industrial Effluents-SLAAS
Professional Experience:
- Senior Lecturer I, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya. (2012 - to date).
- Senior Lecturer II, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya. (2006 -2012).
- Teaching Assistant ,University of Reading, United Kingdom (2000-2005).
- Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (1996 - 2006).
Industrial Affiliation:
- As a resource person conducting Training programmes, Workshops and Awareness sessions including practical sessions on Food Microbiology, Food Safety and Quality assurance, Microbiology , Microbiology laboratory skills for the private and government sector (including Medical Research Institute, Coconut Development Authority, Industrial Services Bureau).
- As a consultant for International and Local Food manufacturing industries ( including Orana A/S in Denmark, Silvermill Natural Beverages, Cargills Quality Dairies (Pvt.) Ltd, Ansell Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd., Hayleys Group, Department of Animal Production and Health)
Professional Affiliation:
- Head of the Department, Department of Microbiology, University of Kelaniya. (May, 2019-March, 2022).
- Member of the Self-Evaluation Report writing team (BSc and BSc honours in Biological Sciences), University of Kelaniya (2019-2021).
- Team leader-Faculty Quality assurance programme-Criterion 8 University of Kelaniya (2019- 2021).
- Steering Committee for writing Self Evaluation Report- Group leader in section on Innovation and Healthy practices, University of Kelaniya (2019- 2021).
- Departmental representative in the Curricular and Syllabi Changes committee, University of Kelaniya (2012-2013, 2015-2016).
- Academic Advisor for Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (2007-2022).
- Member of the Bioethics Committee to develop Bioethics Courses in the Universities, National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (2010-2012).
- Person in charge of monitoring of the effectiveness of curriculum revision, in the Biological Sciences Study Programme in IRQUE Project, University of Kelaniya (2007-2013).
Selected Publications:
- V.C. Bandara, G.D.D.K. Gunasena and U.P. Kankanamge Epa, (2024), Experimental İnfection and Treatment of Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio splendidus in Captive Bred Spotted Seahorse, Hippocampus kuda Larvae. Aquaculture Studies, 24(3), AQUAST1629.
- D. Silva, D. Gunasena and S. Wickramarachchi (2022) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Lactobacillus fermentum (L12) ,characterization and in vitro effect on Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923), Proceedings of the international conference on innovation and immerging technologies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka, P 134. ISSN 2815-0325.
- Mudalige, D. Gunasena, P.A.S.R. Wickramarachchi and C. de Silva (2022) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using lactobacillus fermentum, characterization and in-vitro antibacterial effect against Salmonella typhi, Proceedings of the PGIS research congress, Sri Lanka, p 125. ISBN 978-955-8787-09-0.
- S.N. Samaranayake and G.D.D.K. Gunasena (2022) Indigenous Lactobacillus acidophilus strains to combat foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, P 57.
- D. D. K. Gunasena, B. G. E. T. Jayashantha and D. G. N. S. Senevirathne, (2021) Chitosan Improves the Shelf Life of Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus) Eggs against Staphylococcus aureus contaminations, European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2(1), pp 1-9. ISSN 2684-5199.
- D. D. K. Gunasena and B. A. M. P. Siriwardhana, (2021), Evaluation of Microbiological and Compositional Quality of raw cow’s milk (household and bulk) in Lankapura, Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3(1), pp.166-175.
- A.S. Kumara and G.D.D.K. Gunasena (2021) Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus fermentum against Aspergillus species obtained from pasteurized fruit syrup, Proceedings of the PGIS research congress, p 87. ISBN 978-955-8787-09-0.
- S. Ishara and G. D. D. K. Gunasena (2021) Heat Resistant Moulds in Pasteurized Fruit Syrups, European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, vol. 3(1), 104-111. ISSN 2684-1827.
- A.M.P Siriwardhana and Gunasena, G.D.D.K. (2018).Microbiological quality of cow’s milk produced by small scale farmers in Lankapura, Polonnaruwa district. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Kelaniya. P. 54.
- B.A.M.P Siriwardhana and Deepthi Gunasena. (2018). Knowledge of small scale dairy farmers on clean milk production practices in Lankapura area. Abstract book of 5th International conference on Health and Medicine. Sri Lanka. P. 25.
- B.A.M.P Siriwardhana and Deepthi Gunasena. (2018). Evaluation of compositional quality of raw cow’s milk in Lankapura, Polonnaruwa district. Abstract book of 5 th International conference on Health and Medicine. Sri Lanka . p. 37.
- B.G.E.T. Jayashantha and Deepthi Gunasena. (2018). Antibacterial effect of chitosan against Staphylococcus aureus contaminations of domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) eggs. Abstract book of 5th International Conference on Agriculture. Sri Lanka . P. 17. ISBN 978-955-3605-07-8.
- F.A. Hussain and Deepthi Gunasena. (2018). In vitro antibacterial effect of Chitosan on Staphylococcus aureus to aid in food preservation. Abstract book of 5th International Conference on Agriculture. Sri Lanka . P.14. ISBN 978-955-3605-07-8.
- Wimalasekara, S.G.M.R.L. and Gunasena, Deepthi (2016), Microbiological Quality Of Ready-To-Eat Meat Based Food Available In Temporary Food Outlets In Gall Face Green, Colombo, Sri Lanka, International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation, vol.4 (Dec.), pp 39-44. ISSN 24621757.
- B Wickramaratne and D.K Gunasena (2016) In vitro antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus strains in spontaneously fermented curd from Kanthale, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture and Fisheries. Sri Lanka. p 13-20, ISBN 978-955-4543-34-8.