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The Department of Mathematics has organized the “Mathematics Research Colloquium-2019" which was held on 07th December 2019 from 1pm-4pm at Faculty Board Room of the Faculty of Science. The colloquium was comprised a lecture by Prof. Alexender Guterman
Moscow State University, Russia on "On the scrambling index of graphs and matrices" and a discussion on collaborate research activities.

Dr. KKKR Perera (the Head of the Department of Mathematics), all the academic staff of the department, tutorial assistants and Level 3/4 Mathematics major students participated in this event. 

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Outbound Training Program-2019

The Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit (CGU) organized an Outbound Training Program “Leadership and Team Building” on 30th October 2019 (7:30 am to 8:30 pm) at the Commando Regiment Camp, Ganemulla. This program comprised of various practical activities including shooting and base jumping sessions and catered to the improvement and development of personality, self-confidence, self-discipline, leadership, and team working skills of the 2nd and 4th year Mathematics major students. 91 students have participated for this program and it was an amazing event that students have never experienced before. The student feedback confirmed that this workshop was really satisfactory and effective and also was really helpful for their career development.

All the participants were provided with a valuable certificate. 

Dr. KKKR Perera (the Head of the Department of Mathematics), Senior lecturer J Munasinghe (the Director of the Career Guidance Unit), Senior lecturers, Dr. Hansameenu, Mr. W. Katugampala & Lecturer Mr. Priyasad, participated in this event. 

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A Boodhi Pooja pinkama organized by the Mathematics Students’ Society, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya was held on 26th of June 2019 near boo tree at the premises of the Faculty of Science.

The event was held to commemorate the 60th anniversary of University of Kelaniya, in remembrance of all those who passed away due to Easter attack and wishing speedy recovery to those who affected and of receiving the blessing of the triple gem for the staff members and students of the Faculty of Science.  

The pinkama was led by the Head of the Department of Sinhala, University of Kelaniya most venerable Dr. Malwane Chandaratana thero and Rev. Padumakiththi thero.

The Dean of the Faculty of Science, the Head of the Department of Mathematics, academic and non-academic staff members and students of the Faculty were participated. A beli-mal dansala with jaggery followed the pooja.

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The Department of Mathematics with the support of Career Guidance Unit (CGU) conducted a workshop on “How to Face an Interview” on 18th June 2019 at room B212, Faculty of Sciences-University of Kelaniya, for the 3rd  year Physical Science students.  Senior Lecturer Mr. Jayantha Munasinghe- Director/CGU, Senior Lecturer Dr. K K K R Perera- Head/Department of Mathematics, the event coordinator and a total of 142 students participated in this workshop. The resource person of this workshop was Ms.Renuka Tennakoon-Lecturer/ Sri Lanka Foundation Institute and she conducted an interactive session to improve the awareness among the students about how to face an interview confidently, tips to overcome nervousness, body language and dress code, etc.


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The Department of Mathematics organized a workshop  with the support of Career Guidance Unit (CGU) on “ Career Paths, Career Developments and How to Face an Interview” on 13th June 2019 at room B212, Faculty of Science - University of Kelaniya, for the 2nd year Physical Science students.  The Director of the CGU, Mr Jayantha Munasinghe, and other senior lectures of the Department of Mathematics and a total of 212 students participated in this workshop. Mr Nirmal Priyantha Jayakody - HR Consultant, Former Chief Manager of State Mortgage and Investment Bank was invited as the resource person in this workshop and he conducted an interactive storytelling workshop exploring what are the available career paths, what is career development, what factors influences about career development and tips for successful career development.


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