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Eukaryotic cells, such as cancer and immune cells, migrate using either pressure-driven blebs or actin polymerization driven pseudopods and lamellipodia, with cells preferring to bleb in confined environments where high forces are required for movement. Blebbing involves a detachment of the cell membrane from the cortex and its expansion and stabilization into a spherical cap with the formation of a new cortex beneath the protruded membrane. While actin-based motility is well studied, the mechanochemical regulators of bleb-based motility are not well understood. Membrane-cortex linker proteins are known to direct blebs to the
front of the cell where linker density is low, suggesting that blebbing is inversely proportional to linker density. However, recent experiments show that cells with weak membrane-cortex linkers produce smaller and fewer blebs. Additionally, it is unclear how cells coordinate bleb expansion with rear retraction to maintain experimentally determined speeds, and the role cell- substrate adhesion plays in this process. In this work, we develop a mathematical model to
explore these mechanisms. Our model treats the cell as a viscous fluid encased in a viscoelastic boundary, where the intricate dynamics of linker proteins, adhesion proteins and the cell’s chemotactic machinery facilitate bleb-based migration. Simulations suggest that linker proteins help to maintain intracellular pressure which explains why weaker linkers lead to smaller blebs. We also demonstrate that the timescale of bleb stabilization is critical for normal bleb
size and that cell substrate adhesion needs to be below 0.04 nNμm−1 in order for cells to maintain known blebbing speeds. Finally, our modeling framework permits a level set formulation to ease the computational burden of simulating bleb-based chemotaxis in three-dimensional environments.
Dr Dinuka Sewwanndi completed her BSc Honours Degree in Mathematics at the University of Kelaniya in 2016, and then she joined the Department of Mathematics as a probationary lecturer. She obtained her master’s degree from Western Illinois University. After completing her master's, she enrolled as a PhD student at Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York (Fall 2019- Spring 2024). Her research interests and PhD studies are related to Biomathematics and mathematical modelling.
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Fuzzy integrated machine learning combines fuzzy theory with machine learning models to enhance performance in data analysis. Fuzzy theory addresses uncertainty in data, making this combination particularly useful for complex problems or situations where data is incomplete or imprecise.
Asst. Prof. Mahinda graduated from University of Ruhuna holding B.Sc. Hons degree in Mathematics 2015. He completed his Master’s degree in Computational Engineering at LUT University in 2018 and his Doctor of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration (Major: Business Analytics) in 2022. Thereafter, he began working as a postdoctoral researcher. Currently, Mahinda is an Assistant Professor (Tenure) at Business School (Business Analytics team), LUT University. His research interests include data mining, applied machine learning, fuzzy systems, fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis, and applications in Business and Management (and also other areas).
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Assistant Professor Greg Churchill holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of South Florida as well as a MA and PhD in pure and applied mathematics. He is currently working as an Assistant professor in Mathematics,
at OSWEGO, State University of New York, USA.

He researched a hypergraph generalization of separation systems for his doctoral dissertation. Regarding current research, Prof. Churchill mostly focuses on the different areas in discrete mathematics, such as extremal combinatorics, extremal parameters for some interesting families of sets, like a Sperner family or an intersecting family and combinatorial problems which have a graph theoretic interpretation, like Ramsey Theory or separating systems to mention but few which produced several international publications.    

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Hydraulic ram pumps utilize the kinetic energy of flowing water to pump a portion of that water to a higher elevation without requiring any external power source, making them an efficient and sustainable technology. They operate by the principle of water hammer effect, where a sudden closure of a valve creates a high pressure that drives water through a one-way valve into an elevated storage tank. This technology is particularly valuable in remote or off-grid areas, providing a reliable water supply using only the natural energy present in flowing water.  


Mr. E. M. Ranathunga recently finished his PhD in Engineering from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.  He also completed his M.Phil. degree in Applied physics, and a Bachelor of Science Honors in Physics at the University of Ruhuna. He has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of physics, UoR since 2010.

His research interests focus on designing and fabricating automated equipment for real world applications and developing underlying theoretical foundations. He has several international publications and owns a patent issued in 2008 for an automated Hopper Making Machine. He received awards from the President's Awards for the best invention in 2008 and the Vice Chancellors for the most outstanding inventor in 2009. His most recent invention was a solar-powered water distillation system with a parabolic trough reflector and a solar tracking system, whose theoretical foundation is described by computational fluid dynamics, is currently being considered for use in the commercial sphere.

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The Univariate Hawkes Process, developed by Alan Hawkes in 1971, is a fundamental mathematical model for analyzing and predicting sequences where one event significantly influences subsequent events. we explore the mathematical underpinnings of the Univariate Hawkes Process and its broad applications across various fields such as finance, social media, seismology, and crime analysis.
We begin by introducing foundational concepts of point processes and counting processes. A point process is described as an increasing sequence of random times at which events occur, while a counting process records the number of events up to a specific time. Understanding the interplay between these processes is crucial for effectively modeling the temporal dynamics of events.
The Hawkes Process is notable for its self-exciting property, where the occurrence of one event probabilistically triggers additional events. This dynamic is quantitatively expressed through the conditional intensity function of the Univariate Hawkes Process. We further explore the components and properties of the Hawkes Process, including the background rate, triggering effect, decay rate, and response function. Special emphasis is placed on the exponential decay function, which vividly captures the aftermath of events and the gradual diminution of their probability impact over time. Alternative response functions such as the power-law decay function, Rayleigh function, and bi-exponential function allow the modeling of more intricate decay profiles.
Moreover, to illustrate the practical versatility of the Hawkes Process, various real-world applications and case studies are presented, including high-frequency trading, viral content spread on social media, aftershocks following major earthquakes, and patterns of gang violence. The advantages of the Hawkes Process in mathematics include analytical tractability, flexibility in modelling, robust parameter estimation, interdisciplinary applications, enhanced predictive accuracy, and mathematical elegance. By exploring the mathematical foundations of the Univariate Hawkes Process and its applications, this work aims to enhance understanding of self-exciting processes and their role in modelling complex real-world phenomena. 


Dr. Devindi Rajapaksha earned her PhD in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University, USA. She also has a Master's degree in Statistics from Texas Tech University and a Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Dr. Rajapaksha will start her career as an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA.

Her primary research interests lie in the vast domain of Mathematics, with a keen focus on Statistics, Time Series Analysis and Data Analysis. Drawn to real-world problems, she employs statistical and mathematical methodologies to uncover latent patterns, decipher trends, and weave narratives from intricate data. Her ultimate aspiration is to translate these findings into actionable insights that can significantly influence data-informed decision-making processes.



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Career Talk 01

What does your future hold? Have you thought of a specialty that you want to pursue?

Join our session to discuss the different factors that you may want to consider and hopefully assist you in envisioning your career path!

Discover Your Future!

Mr. Asiri Soysa, Quality Engineer @ Vitrafy Life Sciences, Australia

Date: 22nd Wednesday, 05, 2024
Time: 12noon-1.00pm

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 946 9536 8691
Passcode: gsMDR2.v

Organized by
The Department of Mathematics
University of Kelaniya


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