Since 1986 to present
We have published...
more than 140 scientific publications.
Journal Publications
Papers of Conference Proceedings
Abstracts of Conference Proceedings
- W T M A P K Wanninayake, D G K K Namawardana, R M G Wanigasekara, K M D C Jayathilaka, R P Wijesundera, W Siripala, M I Malik, Efficiency Boost of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Using Electrodeposited n-type Cu2O Electrons Selective Transport Layers (ESTLs), Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, 51 (2): (2023) 253- 261
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, A Comparative Study: Sequentially and Single Step Electrodeposited CZTS Thin Films, Phys. Status Solidi A, 202200231 (2022)
- SAAB Thejasiri, FSB Kafi, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Fabrication of cuprous oxide homojunction solar cell by varying the lactic acid ion concentration of thin film p-Cu2O deposition bath, ESC Transactions, 107 (1), 19543-19550 (2022)
- DGK Kalara Namawardana, RM Geethanjana Wanigasekara, WTM Aruna PK Wanninayake, KMD Charith Jayathilaka, Ruwan P Wijesundera, Withana Siripala, Muhammad Imran Malik, Fabrication of inverted organic solar cells on stainless steel substrate with electrodeposited and spin coated ZnO buffer layers, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 42 (3), 233-242 (2022)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Effect of pre-surface treatments on p-Cu2O/Au Schottky junctions, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 49 (1), (2021)
- C Jayathilaka, LSR Kumara, K Ohara, C Song, S Kohara, O Sakata, W Siripala, S Jayanetti, Enhancement of Solar Cell Performance of Electrodeposited Ti/n-Cu2O/p-Cu2O/Au Homojunction Solar Cells by Interface and Surface Modification, Crystals, 10 (7), 609 (2020)
- FSB Kafi, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Surface Modified Electrodeposited n‐Cu2O Thin Films, Phys. Status Solidi A, 2000330, (2020)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Improvement of photovoltaic properties of n-Cu2O/Au Schottky junctions, Materials Research Express, 6 (8), 085520 (2019)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera, and W Siripala, Dependence of interfacial properties of p-Cu2O/electrolyte and p-Cu2O/Au junctions on the electrodeposition bath pH of p-Cu2O films, Mater. Res. Express 5, 086406 (2018)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera, and W Siripala, Effect of Bath pH on Interfacial Properties of Electrodeposited n‐Cu2O Films, Physica Status Solidi (b), Phys. Status Solidi B, 255, 1700541 (2018)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, LSR Kumara, CH Song, S Kohara, O Sakata, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Annealing effects of the untreated and sulfur-treated electrodeposited n-type and p-type cuprous oxide thin films, Physica Status Solidi B, 253(4), 765–769 (2016)
- RP Wijesundera, LKADDS Gunawardhana and W Siripala, Electrodeposited Cu2O homojunction solar cells: Fabrication of a cell of high short circuit photocurrent, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 157, pp. 881–886 (2016)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera, and W Siripala, Fermi-level pinning and effect of deposition bath pH on the flat-band potential of electrodeposited n-Cu2O in an aqueous electrolyte, Physica Status Solidi (b), 253 (10), 1965-1969 (2016)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Improved efficiency of electrodeposited p-CuO/n-Cu2O heterojunction solar cell, Applied Physics Express, 8, 065503 (2015)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, AMR Jayasinghe, GU Sumanasekara, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Effect of Chlorine doping on electrodeposited cuprous oxide thin films on Ti substrates, Physica Status Solidi B, 252(6), 1300–1305 (2015)
- KDRN Kalubowila, LKADDS Gunawardhana, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, 2014, Methods for improving n-type photoconductivity of electrodeposited Cu2O thin films, Semi. Sci. Technol., 29(7), 075012, pp. 1-7 (2014)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Surface treatment of electrodeposited n-type Cu2O thin films for applications in Cu2O based devices, Physica Status Solidi RRL, 8(6), 592-595 (2014)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Ammonium Sulfide Surface Treatment of Electrodeposited p-Type Cuprous Oxide Thin Films, Electronic Materials Letters 10(2), 379-382 (2014)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Sulfidation of electrodeposited microcrystalline/nanocrystalline cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy application, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 27, 125019 (2012)
- RP Wijesundera, Fabrication of CuO/Cu2O heterojunction using electrodeposition technique for solar cell applications, Semi. Sci. Technol., 25(4), 045015, pp. 1-5 (2010)
- RP Wijesundera, M Hidaka, K Koga, JY Choi and NE Sung, Structural and electronic properties of electrodeposited heterojunction of CuO/Cu2O, Ceramics-Silikaty 54(1), (2010)
- W Siripala, KMDC Jayathilaka, JKDS Jayanetti, Low cost solar cells with electrodeposited cuprous oxide, Journal of Bionanoscience, 3, 118-123 (2009)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposition of n-type, p-type and p-n homojunction cuprous oxide thin films, Sri Lankan Journal of Physics 9, 35-46 (2008)
- RP Wijesundera, M Hidaka, K Koga, M Sakai, W Siripala, Jae-Young Choi, Nark Eon Sung, Effects of annealing on the properties and structure of electrodeposited semiconducting Cu-O thin films, Physica Status of Solidi (b), 244 (12), pp. 4629-4642 (2007)
- RP Wijesundera, M Hidaka, W Siripala, Sun-Hee Choi, Nark Eon Sung, Min Gyu Kim, and Jay Min Lee, Electronic states and local structures of Cu ions in electrodeposited thin films of Cu and Cu2O from X-ray absorption spectra, Physica Status of Solidi (b), 243 (8), pp. 1791–1801 (2006)
- RP Wijesundera, M Hidaka, K Koga, M Sakai, W Siripala, Growth and characterisation of potentiostatically electrodeposited Cu2O and Cu thin films, Thin Solid Films, 500, pp. 241-246 (2006)
- RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Preparation of CuInS2 Thin Films by Electrodeposition and sulphurisation for Applications in Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 81, pp. 147-154 (2004)
- R Garuthara, RP Wijesundera, and W Siripala, Characterisation of CuInS2 thin film prepared by electrodeposition and sulphurisation with photoluminescence spectroscopy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 79, pp 331-338 (2003)
- RP Wijesundera, LDRD Perera, KD Jayasuriya, W Siripala, KTL De Silva, AP Samanthilleke and IM Dharmadasa, Sulphidation of electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide thin films for Photovoltaic Applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 61, pp 277-286 (2000)
- W Siripala, Surface States at CuInSe2/Aqueous Electrolyte Interface, Cey. Journal of Science (Phy. Sci) Vol.4 (1997)
- W. Siripala, L.D.R.D. Perera, K.T.L. De Silva, J.K.D.S. Jayanetti and I.M. Dharmadasa, Study of Annealing Effects of Cuprous Oxide Grown by Electrodepostion Technique, Solar Energy Materials44 (1996) 25.
- L.D.R.D. Perera, W. Siripala and K.T.L. De Silva, Potentiostatic Electrodeposition of Cuprous Oxide Thin Films, J. Nat. Sci Coun., Sri Lanka, 24 (4) (1996) 299.
- W. Siripala, Spectral Responses of Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide, J. Nat. Sci. Council (Sri Lanka) 23 (1) (1995) 49.
- W. Siripala, J. Vedel, D. Lincot and D. Cahen, Band Edge Shifts of p-type Copper Indium Diselenide Electrodes in Aqueous Electrolytes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 (1993) 519.
- W. Siripala and K.P. Kumara, Photovoltaic Properties at Cu2O/CuxS Heterojunction, J. Nat. Sci. Council (Sri Lanka) 19 (1991) 1.
- W. Siripala and K.P. Kumara, A Photoelectrochemical Investigation of n- and p-type semi¬conducting behaviour of Copper Oxide Films, Semi. Sci. Technol. 4 (1989) 465.
- W. Siripala and K.P. Kumara, n-Type Electrical Conductivity in Cuprous Oxide Thin Films, J. Nat. Sci. Council (Sri Lanka) 16 (1988) 38.
- W. Siripala, Optical Investigation of Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide Film Electrodes, J. Ins. Phys. (Sri Lanka) 2 (1986) 1.
- W. Siripala and J.R.P. Jayakody, Observation of n-type Photoconductivty in Electrodeposited Copper Oxide Film Electrodes in a Photoelectrochemical cell, Solar Energy Materials 14 (1986) 23.
Peer Reviewed Non-Indexed Journal Publications
- RM Geethanjana Wanigasekara, DGKK Namawardana, WTMAPK Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Fabrication of P3HT/PCBM Inverted Solar Cells with ZnO electron transport layer, Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 22(1), pp.40–49 (2021)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposition of n-type, p-type and p-n homojunction cuprous oxide thin films, Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 9, 35-46 (2008)
- S. B. Kafi, B. H. Gunaratne, K. M. D. C. Jayathilaka and R. P. Wijesundera, Optimization of growth parameters of electrodeposited tin oxide thin films for PV applications, University of Kelaniya International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2023), 191-197 (2023)
- FSB Kafi, SAAB Thejasiri, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Thin film cuprous oxide homojunction photoelectrode for water splitting, University of Kelaniya International Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Research and Applications (Special Issue - ICAPS 2021), 1, 29-35 (2021)
- DGKK Namawardana, RM Geethanjana Wanigasekara, WTMAPK Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Fabrication of P3HT:PCBM Inverted Organic Solar Cells, Proc. 37th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, 54-61 (2021)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of ZnO thin films on Mo substrate for PV applications, Proc. 37th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, 62-69 (2021)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of CZTS thin films by a single step electrodepostion technique for PV, Proc. 35th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, 47-55 (2019)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilekea, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 for solar cell applications, Solar Asia 2018, Proc. Inte. Conf. (Solar Asia 2018), Kandy, Sri Lanka, pp. 46-50 (2018)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, LSR Kumara, CH Song, K Ohara, S Kohara, O Sakata, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Efficiency Improved Electrodeposited Ti/Cl-doped n-Cu2O/p-Cu2O/Au Homojunction Solar Cells, Proc. Solar Asia Int. Conf. National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, pp. 8-14 (2018)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of p-type CZTS nano rod thin films for PV applications, GloriaScientiam – Golden Jubilee Commemorative Volume, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Chapter 40: pp 471 – 480 (2017)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilekea, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of CuZnS thin films for PV applications, Proc. 33rd Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 12-18 (2017)
- KAM Jeewanthi, RP Wijesundara and HH Sumathipala, Study of dielectric properties of indigenous oils as a possible alternative liquid for mineral oils, Proc. 33rd Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 19-23 (2017)
- KDRN Kalubowila, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Electrodeposited CuO/Cu2O heterojunction for PV applications, Proc. 31st Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 69-75 (2015)
- KDRN Kalubowila, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Electrodeposited (Cu2O)1-x(CuO)x/Cu2O heterojunction solar cell, Proc. 30th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 10-18 (2014)
- LKADDS Gunawardhana, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Fabrication of an efficient Cu2O homojunction by electrodeposition technique for solar cell applications, Proc. 30th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 1-9 (2014)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Efficiency improvement of cuprous oxide based solar cells by Cl doping, Proc. Solar Asia, CIUM, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 92-96 (2013)
- KM Kumarasiri, RP Wijesundera and UK Abeywarna, Investigation of the Peltier Cooling Effect Using Low Cost n-Cu2O and p-Cu2S Semiconductors, Proc. 28th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 71-76 (2012)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Substrate effect on photocurrent enhancement of electrodeposited n-type Cu2O thin films, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 279-282 (2012)
- RP Wijesundera and M Hidaka, Fabrication of CuO/Cu2O Heterojunction and Its Local Structural Characterization, Proc. Inte. Conf. (Solar Asia 2011), Kandy, Sri Lanka, pp. 105-111, (2011)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Sulphidation of electrodeposited nanocrystalline cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy applications, Proc. Solar Asia Int. Conf., Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, pp. 112-119 (2011)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposited nano-crystalline cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy applications, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium, University of Colombo, pp. 306-310 (2011)
- PAP Janantha, LNL Perera, KMDC Jayathilaka, JKDS Jayanetti, DP Dissanayaka, WP Siripala, Use of Cu2O microcrystalline thin film semiconductors for gas sensing, Proc. 25th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 70-76 (2009)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Donor and Accepter Density Variation in Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide thin films, Proc. 23rd Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 55-59 (2007)
- RP Wijesundera, NKAC Kodiweera, W Siripala, and R Garuthara, Electronic Band Gap States in Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide Semiconductors, Proc. 20th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 75-80 (2004)
- RP Wijesundera, PK Kapila Susantha, JRP Jayakody, W Siripala, Ti/Cu2O Photoelectrodes in a Photoelectrolytic Solar Cell, Proc. 19th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 59-64 (2003)
- RP Wijesundara, NP Gunatunga, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya, SRD Kalingamudali, KTL De Silva and JKDS Jayanetti, Fabrication and Characterisation of CuInS2/ZnSe/Metal Structures for Solar Cell Applications, Proc. 16th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 63-70 (2000)
- RP Wijesundara, MP Nadesalingam, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya, SRD Kalingamudali, JKDS Jayanetti and KTL De Silva, A study of CuInS2 thin films for photovoltaic applications, Proc. 15th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 52-58 (1999)
- RP Wijesundara, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya, SRD Kalingamudali, KTL De Silva, JKDS Jayanetti, AP Samantilleke and IM Dharmadasa, Growth and characterisation of CuInS2 thin films, Proc. Wkshp. Low Cost Elect. Mat. and Solar Cells, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 40-45 (1999)
- RP Wijesundara, SRD Kalingamudali and KD Jayasuriya, Construction of a near ideal nanoammeter, Proc. 14th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka, pp. 50-53 (1998)
- W Siripala, RP Wijesundera, LDRD Perera, KD Jayasuriya and KTL De Silva, Study of sulphidation of electrodeposited Cu2O thin films for solar cell applications, Proc. Wkshp. on Renewable Energy Sources, Colombo, pp 89-94 (1998)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Growth of CZTS thin films by sequential and single step electrodeposition techniques, Second Annual Research Symposium of the NRC, 46 (2023)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera, W. Siripala, Development of Cu2O homojunction solar cell by deduction of interfacial discontinuities, Second Annual Research Symposium of the NRC, 47 (2023)
- KLAC Lakshan, HH Sumathipala and LBDRP Wijesundara, onic conductivity of novel solid polymer electrolyte based on polyethylene oxide (PEO) and magnesium pyrophosphate (Mg2P2O7), University of Kelaniya International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2023), 182 (2023)
- BRL Anjalika, KMDC Jayathilaka, ALAK Ranaweera, LBDRP Wijesundera and SRD Kalingamudali, Fabrication and characterization of electrodeposited nano structured copper oxide-based supercapacitors, University of Kelaniya International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2023), 77 (2023)
- MDPA Shakya, KMDC Jayathilaka, WTMPK Wanninayake, R Kumara, WP Siripala and RP Wijesundera, Photocurrent improvement in grape dye sensitized solar cells by in cooperation of electrodeposited Cu particles in TiO2 photoanode, University of Kelaniya International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2023), 72 (2023)
- RP Wijesundera, SAAB Thejasiri, FSB Kafi, W Siripala, Enhanced efficiency in electrodeposited cuprous oxide thin film homojunction solar cells, SPAST Abstracts (2021)
- HE Wijesooriya, JA Seneviratne, KMDC Jayathilaka and RP Wijesundera, Use of cuprous oxide thin film semiconductors for dissolved oxygen sensing: A preliminary study, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2021 (ICAPS 2021), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, PO-15 (2021)
- MDPA Shakya, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and WTMPK Wanninayake, Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Wetting Properties of Electrodeposited Cu2O, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2021 (ICAPS 2021), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, PO-17 (2021)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathileka, W Siripala, RP Wijesundara, Enhancement of photoactive properties of CZTS/Cu2O solar cell by annealing, Young Scientists’ Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (YSCMR), 75 (2021)
- SAAB Thejasiri, FSB Kafi, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Enhancement of photovoltaic performance of Cu2O homojunction by introducing a ZnO buffer layer, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2020 (ICAPS 2020), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 39 (2020)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Comparison of the properties of CZTS semiconductor films grown by sequential and single step electrodeposition techniques, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2020 (ICAPS 2020), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 50 (2020)
- DGKK Namawardana, G Wanigasekara, WTMAPK Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and, W Siripala, Fabrication of inverted polymer based organic solar cells on stainless steel substrate, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2020 (ICAPS 2020), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 51 (2020)
- G Wanigasekara, DGKK Namawardana, WTMAPK Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Effects of ZnO on inverted P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2020 (ICAPS 2020), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 52 (2020)
- SAAB Thejasiri, FSB Kafi, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Effect of surface modification on cuprous oxide homojunction solar cells fabricated on titanium substrates, 20th International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (IPRC-2019), (2019)
- SRNT Jayarathna, WTMAPK Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilake and RP Wijesundara, Fabrication of efficient dye –sensitized solar cell using the dye of Chinese rain bell flower, 4th International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS-2019), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 95 (2019)
- DSV Kulathilaka, Aruna Wanninayake, KMDC Jayathilaka and RP Wijesundera, Fabrication of natural dye sensitized solar cells with eastern black nightshade extract, 4th International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS-2019), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 96 (2019)
- Geethanjana Wanigasekara, KMDC Jayathilaka, WTMAPK Wanninayake, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Fabrication of P3HT:PCBM based organic solar cell, 4th International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS-2019), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 99 (2019)
- SRNT Jayarathna, KMDC Jayathilaka, WTMAPK Wanninayake, LBDRP Wijesundera, Fabrication of Titanium Dioxide –Based Solar Cell Using Black Grapes, 74th Annual Sess., SLAAS (2018)
- WGC Kumarage, RP Wijesundera, VA Seneviratne, CP Jayalath and BS Dassanayake, A Study on cheap, environmentally friendly alternative for CdCl2 activation of CdS films: MgCl2, Sri Lanka-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Energy, Environment and Nanotechnology, 01st - 03rd June 2018, Taiwan, 22 (2018)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundara and W Siripala, “Fabrication of CZTS/Cu2O solar cell”, International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (IPRC-2018)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala "Growth of photoactive Cu2ZnSnS4 by single step electrodeposition,” International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 26th October 2018 (IRSPAS-2018), 105 (2018)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileke, LBDRP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Electrodeposited homojunction Cu2O solar cell on FTO substrate, International Research Symposium on pure and Applied Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 26th October 2018, (IRSPAS-2018), 106 (2018)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileke, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Comparison of the surface properties of post-treated p-Cu¬2O/Au Schottky junction, Proc. 73rd SLAAS Scientific Session, 86 (2017)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileke, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, Fabrication of Cu2O homojunction thin films for photovoltaic applications, Proc. International Research Symposium Pure and Applied Sciences 2017, University of Kelaniya, 103 (2017)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Optimization of growth parameters of photoactive CZTS, International Research Symposium Pure and Applied Sciences 2017, University of Kelaniya, 100 (2017)
- GKUP Gajanayake, UK Abeywarna, LBDRP Wijesundera, Investigation of electrically insulating and thermally conductive materials for a Peltier module with n-Cu2O and p-Cu2O electrodeposited semiconductors, International Research Symposium Pure and Applied Sciences 2017, University of Kelaniya, 101 (2017)
- AGT De Silva, KMDC Jayathilaka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Photoelectolysis of water usng electrodeposited Cu2O electrodes, International Research Symposium Pure and Applied Sciences 2017, University of Kelaniya, 102 (2017)
- WGC Kumarage, RP Wijesundera, VA Seneviratne, CP Jayalath and BS Dassanayake, Optical and electrical properties of EDTA assisted CdS thin films, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Reserch Congress, Sri Lanka, Abstract No:60 (2016)
- WGC Kumarage, RP Wijesundara, VA Seneviratne, CP Jayalath and BS Dassanayake, Optoelectronic Properties of Cd1−xZnxS Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition, ICSBE, 16th- 18th December 2016, Sri Lanka, 128 (2016)
- WGC Kumarage, RP Wijesundara, VA Seneviratne, CP Jayalath and B Dassanayake, Fabrication of Seed Assisted CdS and Properties, iPURSE, 4th - 5th November 2016, Sri Lanka, 328 (2016)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Improvement of p-Cu2O/Au interface by controlling the pH of the electrodeposition bath of Cu2O, International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 43 (2016)
- WTRS Fernando, KMDC Jayathilekea, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of CuZnS thin films by sequential electrodeposition and sulphurisation, International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 42 (2016)
- RP Wijesundera, FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathileka and W Siripala, Growth of electrodeposited n-Cu2O thin films with tunable band edge position, International Postgraduate Research Conference – 2016, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 159 (2016)
- HTN Padmini, KMDC Jayathilaka, LS Kumara, S Kohara, O Sakata, RP Wijesundera, Optimisation of photoactive properties of ZnO by electrodeposition, 9th International Research Conference, KDU, Sri Lanka, 199 (2016)
- FSB Kafi, KMDC Jayathilekea, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Observation of interface modification of electrodeposited p-Cu2O thin films in an aqueous electrolyte, International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, 209 (2015)
- KDRN Kalubowila, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Fabrication of CuInS2/Cu2O heterojunction using electrodeposition technique to use in photovoltaic applications, 71st Annual Sess., SLAAS, 63 (2015)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposited sulfur passivated cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy applications, Proceedings of the National Development through Research and Innovation HETC Symposium, Sri Lanka, p. 135 (2014)
- LKADDS Gunawardhana, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Cu2O homojunction solar cell, Proc. HETC Symposium - 2014, Sri Lanka, 130 (2014)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Fabrication and characterization of electrodeposited CuO/Cu2O hetrojunction solar cell, Proceedings of the 69th SLASS Technical Sessions, Sri Lanka, p. 131 (2013)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Enhancement of the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of electrodeposited p-n homojunction cuprous oxide solar cells by surface passivation, Proceedings of the 69th SLASS Technical Sessions, Sri Lanka, p. 132, (2013)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, LSR Kumara, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Efficiency improvement of electrodeposited p-n homojunction cuprous oxide solar cells by surface passivation and annealing, Proceedings of the 7th Asia - Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Japan, p. 51, (2013)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposition of Cl doped cuprous oxide thin films on Ti substrates for solar cells, Proceedings of the 4th Insym-SUSL, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka, p. 90, (2013)
- LKADDS Gunawardhana, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Fabrication of Cu2O Homojunction Solar Cell, Proceedings of 14th Annual Research Symposium 2013, University of Kelaniya, 92 (2013)
- KDRN Kalubowila, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Improved n-type behaviour of Cu2O by successive electrodeposition of Cu and Cu2O, Proceedings of 14th Annual Research Symposium 2013, University of Kelaniya, 94 (2013)
- LKADDS Gunawardhana, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Improved n-type photoconductive Cu2O thin films, 69th Annual Sess., SLAAS, 129 (2013)
- KDRN Kalubowila, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Growth of (Cu2O)1-x(CuO)x thin films for PV applications, 69th Annual Sess., SLAAS, 130 (2013)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Photocurrent enhancement of electrodeposited Cl doped cuprous oxide thin films on Ti substrates by annealing, Proceedings of the 68th SLASS Technical Sessions, Sri Lanka, p. 57, (2012)
- KND Bandara, KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodeposited nano-crystalline cuprous oxide thin films for gas sensing applications, Proceedings of the 68th SLASS Technical Sessions, Sri Lanka, p. 56, (2012)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, V Kapaklis, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Sulphidation of electrodeposited Cl doped cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Science and Engineering, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p. 60, (2012)
- Nandana Jayashantha, RP Wijesundera and KD Jayasuriya, Electrical Batteries from Plantain Pith, Proc. 12th Annual Research Symp. 2011, University of Kelaniya, 71 (2011)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, WTMAPK Wanninayake, JKDS Jayanetti, Fabrication and characterization of Eectrodeposited nanocrystalline/ microcrystalline Cuprous Oxide thin films solar cells, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, p. 123, (2008)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Electrodepostion of nanocrystalline Cuprous Oxide thin films for solar energy application, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (2007)
- KMDC Jayathilaka, W Siripala, JKDS Jayanetti, Fabrication of an electrodeposited p-n junction photoelectrode for solar energy applications. Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, p. 69, (2006)
- RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, Photoelectrolysis of water using double-semiconductor electrodes, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2003, University of Kelaniya, 59 (2003)
- UK Abeywarna, EPPC Gunawardana, DN Bopege, R Rajapaksha, RP Wijesundera and W Siripala, A study on Peltier effect with n-type cuprous oxide and p-type cuprous sulphide semiconductors, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2003, University of Kelaniya, 58 (2003)
- RP Wijesundera, W Siripala and R Garuthara, A Photoluminescence Study on CuInS2 Thin Films Prepared by the Sequential Deposition Technique, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2001, University of Kelaniya, 43 (2001)
- RP Wijesundara, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya and SRD Kalingamudali, Sulphurisation of sequentially electrodeposited Cu-In alloy for the preparation of semiconductor thin films, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2000, University of Kelaniya, 32 (2000)
- RP Wijesundara, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya and SRD Kalingamudali, I-V and C-V characterization of semiconductor thin films, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2000, University of Kelaniya, 31 (2000)
- RP Wijesundara, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya, SRD Kalingamudali, KTL De Silva, and JKDS Jayanetti, Photoelectrochemical Characterisation of ZnSe coated Copper Indium Sulphide Thin Film Electrodes, Proc. 55th Annual Sess., SLAAS, 203 (1999)
- LDRD Perera, RP Wijesundera, W Siripala, KD Jayasuriya, KTL De Silva and JKDS Jayanetti, ITO/n-Cu2O/p-CuxS Thin Film Solar Cell, Proc. of 53rd Annual Sess., SLAAS, 290 (1997)
- W.A.A. Priyantha, B.D. Chithrani, K.T.L. de Silva, J.K.D.S. Jayanetti and W. Siripala, Study of Annealing Effects of Electrodeposited CuInSe2 films,Proc. of the Workshop on Low Cost Electronic Materials and Solar Cells, Colombo (1997).
- L.D.R.D.Perera, W. Siripala, K.D. Jayasuriya, K.T.L. De Silva, J.K.D.S. Jayanetti and I.M. Dharamadasa, Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide for Solar cell Applications, Proc. of the Workshop on Low Cost Electronic Materials and Solar Cells, Colombo, Sri Lanka (1997).
- L.D.R.D. Perera, W. Siripala, S.R.D. Kalingamudali, J.K.D.S. Jayanetti and K.T.L. De Silva, IV characteristics of ITO/Cu2O/metal junctions, 52nd Annual Sess. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ,SLAAS (1996).
- L.D.R.D.Perera, W.Siripala, K.T.L.De Silva and J.K.D.S. Jayanetti, Type Conversion of Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide, 12th Technical Sess. of Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka (1996).
- B.D. Chitrani, K.T.L.De Silva, J.K.D.S. Jayanetti and W. Siripala, Growth and Characterization of Copper Indium Diselenide, 12th Technical Sess. of Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka (1996).
- W Siripala, Trends in Solar Energy Applications for Future Energy Needs, Proc. Part II, 51 st Annual Sess., Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, (1995) 65.
- L.D.R.D. Perera, W. Siripala and K.T.L. De Silva, Electrochemical study of electrodeposition of Cuprous Oxide, Proc 51st Annual Sess. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, SLAAS (1995).
- W. Siripala and K.P. Kumara, Cu2O/CuxS Heterojunction Thin Film Solar Cell, Proc. of 1st International Symposium on Solid State Physics, Solid State Physics 1, Nova Sci. Pub., N.Y. (1989), M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, R. Attele and K. Tennakone Eds.
- S.R.D. Kalingamudali and W. Siripala, Thermally Stimulated Current Voltage Characteristics of Cu2O/CuxS Diode, Proc 44th Annual Sess. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science SLAAS (1988).
- K.P.Kumara and W.Siripala, Cu2O/Cu2x Thin Film Solar Cells Using Electrodeposited Cu2O Films, Proc. 43rd Annual Sess. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science SLAAS (1988).
- W. Siripala and K.P. Kumara, Origin of the n-type Conductivity in Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide Films, Proc. 43rd Annual Sess. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science SLAAS (1987).
- W. Siripala and A.R.M.S. Gunaratne, Electrical Conductivity Measurements on Cu2O Films, Proc. 42nd Annual Sess. SLAAS (1986).