Sanjaya Hettiarachchi, Prabath Hewageegana, Shameer Abdeen, Exploring M_BH–P scaling relations in spiral galaxies: a comparative analysis of inner and outer arm structures, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 534, Issue 3, November 2024, Pages 2314–2327.
Jeewanthi K.G.V., Hewageegana P.S.,and Abdeen S., A theoretical study of identifying co-rotation radii and galactic resonances of spiral galaxies, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences, 2024. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (October 2024).
Jeewantha K., Hewageegana P.S.,and Abdeen S., A comparison of black hole mass scaling relations and galactic morphologies of spiral galaxies, International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences, 2024. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (October 2024).
Sanjaya Hettiarachchi, Prabath Hewageegana, Shameer Abdeen, Theoretical study of density wave theory and a set of empirical scaling relations for spiral galaxies with inner and outer arm structures: The MBH-P, MBH - MDM relations, 243rd Meeting Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 56, No. 2 e-id 2024n2i405p01.
- Sanjaya Hettiarachchi, Prabath Hewageegana and Shameer Abdeen, Theoretical study of density wave theory using pitch angle measurements of spiral galaxies, 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, Washington, 8 – 12 January 2023.
Prabath Hewageegana and Vadym Apalkov, Circularly-polarized-pulse-driven ultrafast optical currents in monolayer hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN), Solid State Commun. 350 (2022) 114774.
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- Jayawardane, S.; Katugampola, K. D. W. J.; Hewageegana, P., Expanding universe with a time-dependent cosmological constant, 4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (2019)
- AU Asela, P Hewageegana, Theoretical Study of Nonlocal Effects in Plasmonic Nanostructures, Proceedings of the Technical Sessions, Institute of Physics Sr Lanka, 34, 21-28, (2018)
- Asela, A.U.; Hewageegana, P.S. ,Polarizability of a metallic nano-cylinder: Local random-phase approximation (LRPA). (International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017 Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., (2017)
- Kumara, R.D.M.M. and Hewageegana, P., Localized modes of an electron by topological insulator defect, International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS 2016), Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (2016).
- NWK Jayatissa, R Attalage, P Hewageegana, PAA Perera, MA Punyasena, Long Term Stability of an Experimental Insulated-Model Salinity-Gradient Solar Pond, International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 10 (2), 319-324 (2016)
- Jayakody, J.A.N.K., De Silva, L.N.K. and Hewageegana, P.S., Effects of the Cosmological Constant on Energy and Angular Momentum of a Particle Moving in a Circle with Respect to the Schwarzschild - de Sitter Metric in Comparison with the Schwarzschild Metric, International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (December 2015).
- J.A.N.K. Jayakody, L.N.K. de Silva, P.S. Hewageegana, Twin Paradox in Different Space-Times, International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (December 2015).
- Thakshila M Herath, Prabath Hewageegana, Vadim M Apalkov, Quantum dot in Topological Insulator Nanofilm: energy spectra and optical transitions, APS March Meting, Denver, Colorado, USA March 03-37 (2014).
- P Hewageegana, Early Iron and Steel production in Sri Lanka: A Scientific Perspective, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 3, 930-933 (2014).
- Wimaladharma, N.A.S.N., de Silva, Nalin and Hewageegana, P.S., 2013. The red shifts of pulses of light which are emitted at a point on the surface of a sphere and at a point inside of the sphere comprising electrically counterpoised dust with constant uniform density as observed by an observer in a large distance away in the exterior region, Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, (December 2013).
- Wimaladharma, N.A.S.N.; de Silva, N.; Hewageegana, P.S., The velocity of a particle relative to an observer instantaneously at rest coinciding with the point through which the particle passes in a spherical distribution of matter comprising electrically counterpoised dust with constant uniform density, Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, (December 2013).
- T. Hearth, P. Hewageegana and V. Apalkov, A Quantum dot in topological insulator nanofilms, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 26 (2014) 115302.
- P Hewageegana, Electrostatics of a nanowire including nonlocal effects, PIER Letters. 39, 27-36 (2013)
- T. Hearth, P. Hewageegana and V. Apalkov, Electron scattering by a steplike defect in topological insulator nanofilms, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 075318 (2013 ). PDF
- T. Hearth, P. Hewageegana and V. Apalkov, Optical transitions in topological insulator quantum dots, Frontiers in Optics, Orlando, Florida United States,October 6-10, 2013.
- Thakshila M Herath, Prabath Hewageegana, Vadim M Apalkov, Reflection from surface step defect in topological insulator nanofilm, APS March Meting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA March 19, 2013.
- JAD Jayalalani, PS Hewageegana, WP Siripala, A Theoretical Study of Electronic Energy States in Semiconducting Nano Particles, 29th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2013).PDF
- K Tenakone, P Hewageegana, A model for Thundercloud Charge Separation, Sri Lanka J. of Phys. 13(2), 01-07 (2012).PDF
- N. W. K. Jayatissa, P. S. Hewageegana, P. A. A. Perera, M. A. Punyasena, Optimization of Thermal Insulation of a Small-scale Experimental Solar Pond, Sri Lanka J. of Phys. 13, 49-57 (2012).
- P Hewageegana, Tuneable Electron trapping in nano-islands: Graphene quantum dots, International Conference on Advanced Materials, Science and Engineering, July 01-04, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
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- V Apalkov and P Hewageegana, Electron localization in graphene quantum dots, APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh USA (2009)
- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Trapping of an electron in coupled quantum dots in graphene, Phys. Rev. B79, 115418 (2009) and Virtual J. Nanoscale Science and Technology, 19 (13) (2009)
- P Hewageegana, Theory of electronic and optical properties of nanostructures, PhD Dissertation, Georgia State University, United States of America (2008)
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- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Theoretical study of terahertz quantum well photodetectors: Effect of metallic diffraction coating, Infrared Physics & Technology, 51, pp. 550-554 (2008)
- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Electron localization in graphene quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B77, pp. 245426-1-8 (2008) and Virtual J. Nanoscale Science and Technology, 17 (26) (2008)
- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Second harmonic generation in disordered media: Random resonators, Phys. Rev. B77, pp. 075132-1-8 (2008)
- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Quantum Dot Photodetectors with Metallic Diffraction Grating: Surface Plasmons and Strong Absorption Enhancement, Physica E40, pp. 2817-2822 (2008)
- P Hewageegana and V Apalkov, Enhancement of optical sensitivity of QDs near metal-dielectric interface, APS March Meeting, New Orleans USA (2008)
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- Prabath Hewageegana and Mark I Stockman, Plasmonic enhancing nanoantennas for photodetection, Infrared Physics & Technology, 50 (2-3), pp. 177-181 (2007)
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- Prabath Hewageegana, Nanolocalized Nonlinear Ultrafast Optical Responses of Metal Nanostructures, GSU Colloquium, Atlanta, USA (2006)
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- PS Hewageegana, W Siripala, Photoelectrolysis of water with Cu2O/TiO2 electrodes, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2002, University of Kelaniya (2002)
- PS Hewageegana, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, Investigation of temperature and density profiles of brine in evaporating salt pans at Palavi in North-Western Sri Lanka, Proc. 17th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2001)
- PS Hewageegana, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, A study of temperature and salinity variations with depth in salt pans at Palavi in North-West region of Sri Lanka, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2000, University of Kelaniya (2000)