- SN Suarez, JRP Jayakody, TA Zawodzinski, and JJ Fontanella, A Fundamental Study of the Transport Properties of Aqueous Superacid Solutions”J. Physical Chemistry B ,114, 8941-8947 (2010)
- Chandana kodiweera, J. R. P. Jayakody, Phil Stallworth, Mark Lefebrvre, Steve Greenbaum, 1H and 2H NMR relaxation and PFG diffusion studies of sulfonated membranes for DMFC applications. 50th anniversary of Gold Jubilee Volume, University of Kelaniya 2017.
- Daiwon Choi,, Prashanth H. Jampani, J.R.P. Jayakody, Steven G. Greenbaum, Prashant N. Kumta, Synthesis, surface chemistry and pseudocapacitance mechanisms of VN nanocrystals derived by a simple two-step halide approach. Journal of Material Science and Engineering B, 230 (2018) 8-19.
- Sharon I. Lall-Ramnarinea Sophia N. Suarez, Eddie D. Fernandeza, Chanele Rodrigueza, Sujun Weia, Mallory Gobetc, J. R. P. Jayakodyd , Surajdevprakash B. Dhimane, and James F.Wishart, Exploring the use of ionic liquid mixtures to enhance the performance of dicationic ionic liquids. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164 (8) H5150-H5159 (2017)
- Kartik Pilar, Armando Rua Sophia N. Suarez, Christopher Mallia, Shen L, J. R. P. Jayakody Jasmine L. Hatcher, James F. Wishart, Steve Greenbaum, Investigation of Dynamics in BMIM-TFSA ionic liquid through variable temperature and pressure NMR relaxometry and diffusometry, Journal of electrochemical society, 164(8), H5189-H5196 (2017)
- T.S.E.F. Karunarathne, J.R.P. Jayakody, G.A. Amaratunga, S.G.M. de Silva, Optical characterization of near atmospheric RF glow discharge plasma and environmental friendly treatments. 3rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnowlogy, 15-16, 2016, Colombo, Srilanka.
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- SN Suarez, JRP Jayakody, TA Zawodzinski, and JJ Fontanella, A Fundamental Study of the Transport Properties of Aqueous Superacid Solutions, J. Physical Chemistry B ,114, 8941-8947 (2010)
- H Ye, J Huang, JJ Xu, NAC Kodiweera, JRP Jayakody, and SG Greenbaum, New membranes based on Ionic Liquid for PEM fuel cells at elevated temperatures, J. Power Sources 178, pp. 651-660 (2008)
- JRP Jayakody, SH Chung, L Durantino, H Zhang, L Xiao, BC Benicewicz, and SG Greenbaum, NMR studies of mass transport in high-acid-content fuel cell membranes based on phosphoric acid and polybenzimidazole, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154(2) (2007)
- Matt Petrowsky, Roger Frech, Sophia N Suarez, J Jayakody, and SG Greenbaum, Investigation of fundamental transport properties and thermodynamics in Diglym-salt solutions, J. Physical Chemistry B110, pp. 23012-23021 (2006)
- Silvia Licoccia, M Luisa Di Vona, Alessandra D Epifonia, Debora Marani, Michele Vittadello, JRP Jayakody, and SG Greenbaum, Ormosil/SPEEK based hybrid composite proton conducting membranes, J. Electrochem. Soc. 153, pp. A1226-A1231 (2006)
- JRP Jayakody, A Khalfan, ES Mananga, TD Dang, R Mantz, and SG Greenbaum, NMR investigation of water and methanol transport in sulfonated polyareylenethioethersulfones for fuel cell applications, J. Power Sources 156, pp. 195-199 (2006)
- JRP Jayakody, FJ Owens, and SG Greenbaum, Characterization of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube – Polyvinylene Difluoride Composites, Composites Science and Technology 66, pp. 1280-1284 (2006)
- JRP Jayakody, A Khalfan, ES Mananga, SH Chung, R Lopato, SG Greenbaum, Multinuclear NMR studies of mass transport of phosphoric acid in water, Proc. 10th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, pp. 19-28 (2006)
- S Suarez, J Jayakody, S Abbrent, JH Shin, S Passerini, A Multinuclear NMR study of ion transport in P(EO)nLiBETI complexes, Solid State Ionics 176, pp. 1113 (2005)
- JRP Jayakody, A Khalfan, ES Mananga, SG Greenbaum, TD Dang and R Mantz, NMR investigation of water and methanol transport in sulfonated polyareylenethioethersulfones for fuel cell applications, J. Power Sources 156, pp. 195-199 (2005)
- Vito Di Noto, M Vittadello, JRP Jayakody, AN Khalfan, SG Greenbaum, Two new siloxanic proton conducting membranes part II. Proton Conducting mechanism and NMR study,Electrochimica Acta 50, pp. 4007-4014 (2005)
- JRP Jayakody, Eugene S Mananga, and Song-Ho Chung, NMR Studies of Mass Transport in Lithium Conducting Polymer Electrolytes, San Antonio ECS Proc., Vol. 13 (2004)
- JRP Jayakody, Ameesh Khalfan, Thuy D Dang, Zongwu Bai, and Robert A Mantz, Investigation of highly sulfonated polyarylenethioethersulfones for fuel cell Applications, Electrochem. Soc. Proc. on Polymer Electrolyte Membranes X2 (2004)
- JRP Jayakody, PE Stallworth, E Mananga, J Zapata-Farrington, High Pressure NMR Study of Water Self-Diffusion in NAFION-117 Membrane, J. Physical Chemistry B108, pp. 4260 (2004)
- S.Greenbaum, S.Suares, J.Jayakody, S.Chung NMR studies of ion transport in polymer electrolytes. Electrochemical society, page 363, 2004
- J.R.P.Jayakody, S.Suares, S.Greenbaum, M.Petrowsky, R.Freech NMRstudies of ionic and molecular motion in diglyme: LiCF3SO3 complexes, Electrochemical society, page 379, 2004
- J.R.P.Jayakody, P.Stallworth, E.S.Mananga, J.Farrington, S.Greenbaum,High pressure NMR study of water self-diffusion in Nafion-117 membrane. Electrochemical society, page 345, 2004
- J.R.P.Jayakody, A.Khalfan, S.Greenbaum, T.D.Dang, R.Mantz, Z.Bai NMR investigation of highly sulfonated Polyarylene thioethersulfones for fuel cell application. , Electrochemical society, page 2013, 2004
- E.S.Mananga, S.Greenbaum, P.Stallworth, J.Jayakody, J.Farrington Design and development of high pressure NMR to study Proton conducting embranes, First international conference on fuel cell, University of Connecticut page p1, 2004 .
- S.H.Chung, L.Durantino, J.R.P.Jayakody, H.Shang, L.Xiao, B.Benicewicz, S.Greenbaum,NMR studies of mass transport in high acid content fuel cell membranes based on PBI/Phosphoric acid. Electrochemical society, page 2020, 2004
- MA Punyasena, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, PAA Perera, Construction and Commissionning of a Large-Area Salt-Gradient Solar Pond at Palatupana Salterns in Southern Sri Lanka, Proc. 19th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2003)
- RP Wijesundera, PK Kapila Susantha, JRP Jayakody, W Siripala, Ti/Cu2O Photoelectrodes in a Photoelectrolytic Solar Cell,Proc. 19th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2003)
- MA Punyasena, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, PAA Perera, An Investigation of Rain and Wind Effects on Thermal Stability of Large-area Saltpan Solar Ponds, Solar Energy 74, 447 (2003)
- JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, PAA Perera, CD Amarasekara, Construction and Filling of a Large-area Deep-tank Solar Pond for Harnessing Solar Energy,Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2002, University of Kelaniya (2002)
- PAA Perera , CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, Daytime Variation of Temperature and Salinity Profiles in Large-Area Saltpan Solar Ponds at Palavi, Sri Lanka, Proc. 18th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2002)
- PAA Perera, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, A Study of Daytime Variation of Convective and Non-Convective Zones in Salt Pan Solar Ponds,Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2002, University of Kelaniya (2002)
- MA Punyasena, PAA Perera, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, A study of wind effects on thermal stability of salt pan solar pond,Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2001, University of Kelaniya (2001)
- PS Hewageeganage, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, Investigation of Temperature and Density Profiles of Brines in Evaporating Salt Pans at Palaviya in the North-Western Region of Sri Lanka,Proc. 16th Tech. Sess. Inst. Phys., Sri Lanka (2001)
- PS Hewageegana, CD Amarasekara, JRP Jayakody, MA Punyasena, A Study of Temperature and Salinity Variations with Depth in Salt Pans at Palavi in North-West Region of Sri Lanka, Proc. Annual Research Symp. 2000, University of Kelaniya (2000)
- JRP Jayakody,Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance studies of the "SORC" sequence and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies of Polymers, PhD Thesis, City University of New York, USA (1993)
- RS Chen, JRP Jayakody, SG Greenbaum, YS Pak, G Xu, MG Mclin and JJ Fontenella, Studies of water in Nafion membranes Using Deuteron and Oxygen-17 NMR, and dielectric Relaxation techniques, J. Electrochem. Soc., 140, 889 (1993)
- MG Mclin, MC Wintersgill, JJ Fontanella, RS Chen, JRP Jayakody and SG Greenbaum, High pressure studies of hydrated Nafion membranes: Dielectric relaxation and deuteron NMR, Solid State Ionic 60, 137 (1993)
- JRP Jayakody, RS Chen, and SG Greenbaum, Deuteron and Oxygen-17 NMR studies of molecular motion in methanol saturated Nafion membranes, Mat. Res. Soc. Vol. 293 (1993)
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- JRP Jayakody, SS Kim and RA Marino, Experimental investigations of the strong off resonant comb (SORC) pulse sequence in 14N NQR, Z. Naturforsch. 47a, pp. 415-420 (1992)
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