Dr W G Chathuranga KumarageDIT(Colombo), BSc (Kelaniya), MSc(Peradeniya), PhD(Peradeniya), PhD (Brescia, Italy), CPhys
Senior Lecturer – Grade II
Senior Lecturer – Grade II
Specialized Field | : | Material science & Nanoscience |
Email Address | : | ckumarage@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone No | : | +94 (0)77 3 240 841(Mobile) |
Office Location | : | A7 101/06 |
Teaching | : | Physics and Electronics |
Research Interests
- Low-dimensional metal oxide nanostructures
- Conductometric gas sensors
- H2 energy systems and technologies
- Thin film deposition and characterization
- Energy conversion and conservation
Journal Articles:
Conference Full Papers:
Conference Abstracts:
- Kumarage, Gayan, Dario Zappa, Catalina Mihalcea, Valentin-Adrian Maraloiu, Mariana Stefan, and Elisabetta Comini. 2023. “Revolutionizing N‐Type Co3O4 Nanowire for Hydrogen Gas Sensing.” Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research. 2300067. doi:10.1002/aesr.202300067.
- Kumarage, Gayan W. C., Hadjer Hakkoum, and Elisabetta Comini. 2023. "Recent Advancements in TiO2 Nanostructures: Sustainable Synthesis and Gas Sensing" Nanomaterials 13, 8: 1424. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13081424
A. Moumen, W.G.C. Kumarage and E. Comini, 2022, P-Type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Thin Films: Synthesis and Chemical Sensor Applications, Sensors, 22(4), 1359. - V. Galstyan, A. Moumen, W.G.C. Kumarage and E. Comini, 2022, Progress towards chemical gas sensors: Nanowires and 2D semiconductors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 357, 131466.
- W.G.C.Kumarage and E.Comini, 2021, Low-Dimensional Nanostructures Based on Cobalt Oxide (Co3O4) in Chemical-Gas Sensing, Chemosensors, 9(8), 197.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath, N. Gunawardhana, N. Kaur, E. Comini and B.S. Dassanayake, 2021, Growth and characterization of seed assisted, EDTA treated chemical bath deposited CdS, J. Electron. Mater. 50, 4858–4865.
- R. K. K. G. R. G. Kumarasinghe, W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, N. Kaur, E. Comini, B. S. Dassanayake, 2020, A Comparative Study on CdS Film Formation under Variable and Steady Bath-Temperature Conditions, Semiconductors, 54 (8), 838-843.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath, N. Gunawardhana, N. Kaur, E. Comini and B.S. Dassanayake, 2020, A Study on CdCl2 activation on CBD-CdS films, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron., 31, 13330–13336.
- W.G.C. Kumarage, R.P. Wijesundera, N. Kaur, D. Zappa, V.A. Seneviratne, C.P. Jayalath and B.S. Dassanayake, A Comparative Assessment: Chemical Bath Deposited and Electrodeposited CdS Films, 2019, Int. J. Electroactive Mater. 7, 1-6.
- K. K. M. B. B. Adikaram, W. G. C. Kumarage, T. Varga, and B. S. Dassanayake, 2019, Improvisation of photo-activity of CdS thin films using TX-100, Journal of Elec Materi, 48 (7), 1-8
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath, N. Kaur, E. Comini and B. S. Dassanayake, 2018, MgCl2 activation of CdS films: an alternative for CdCl2, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 367, 171–177.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath, T. Varga, and B. S. Dassanayake, 2018, Optical, structural and photo electrochemical properties of Cd1−xZnxS films grown by chemical bath deposition, Applied Physics A, 124, 494-500.
- E. N. Jayaweera, W. G. C. Kumarage, C. S. K. Ranasinghe, G. Rajapakse, H. M. N. Bandara, O. Ileperuma, B. S Dassanayake, 2018, CdS nanosheet-sensitized Solar Cells Based on SnO2/MgO Composite Films, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 364 (1), 109-115.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, 2017, A study on the enhancement of optoelectronic properties of CdS thin films: seed-assisted fabrication, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32, 045014 (11pp).
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath, T. Varga, M. I. Nandasiri, B. S. Dassanayake, 2017, Growth and characterization of EDTA assisted CBD-CdS, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 200, Pages 1-8
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, 2016, Tunable Optoelectronic Properties of CBD-CdS Thin Films via Bath Temperature Alterations, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49, 095-109.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalatha and B. S. Dassanayake, 2016, Influence of Bath Temperature on CBD-CdS Thin Films, Procedia Engineering, 139, 64-68.
- Gayan W.C. Kumarage, Elisabetta Comini, Conductometric Gas Sensors, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819728-8.00060-7.
- G. C. Kumarage, Nanostructures Based on Cobalt Oxide, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology | Engineering, Chemical, https://encyclopedia.pub/13908
- W.G.C.Kumarage, Polymetamics, 02, New Frontier of Energy Conversion: Thin Film Solar Cell, ISSN 2550-3111, 2019, 38-39.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, Are Thin Film Solar Cells the Solution for the Energy Crisis?, Sciscitator 2, 2015, 44-47.
Conference Full Papers:
- G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Growth, Optical, Structural, Morphological and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Cd1-xZnxS Films, ICSBE, Kandy, Sri Lanka , 2016, 128, 59-64.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, K. I. H. Senevirathne, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Effect of Bath and Annealing Temperature on CdS Thin Films, proceedings of the 30th Technical session, Institute of Physics Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2014,35-42.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, K. I. H. Senevirathne, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Solution Grown CdS as a Window Layer for Solar Application, ICSBE, Advanced Material, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2013, 1, 129-138.
Conference Abstracts:
- W.G.C. Kumarage, D. Zappa, V. A. Maraloiu, C.G. Mihalcea, M. Stefan, E. Comini, Surface functionalization of Co3O4 nanostructures, APS March meeting, Las vegas, USA, 2023, RR10.00004.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, P. S. Jayawadena, D. Zappa, M. Shimomura, N. Poli, E. Comini, Synthesis and characterization of hybrid Co3O4/ZnO nanowires network gas sensing, TCM-TOEO, 2022, Crete, Greece, 2022, 92.
- W.G.C. Kumarage, G. Duina, A. Moumen, N. Poli, D. Zappa, and E. Comini, Thermal oxidized Co3O4 nanostructures for gas sensing, Advanced materials for sensing technologies, New Times-new trends in material science and engineering, 1st international virtual conference, Folrance, Italy, 2021, 46.
- S. A. Panamaldeniya, D.C. Maddumage, R.D.L. Sandaruwan, H. M. M. Munasinghe Arachchi, W.G.C. Kumarage, B. S. Dassanayake, N. Gunawardhana, Nano-structured TiO2-B for lithium-ion battery applications, Research Congress of Postgraduate Institute of Science, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2021, 171.
- N. Kaur, G. Duina, W.G. C. Kumarage, H. Pakdel, A. Moumen, M. Singh, D. Zappa, V. Galstyan, and E. Comini, Metal oxides nanostructures: optimisation of their chemical sensing properties, NanoInnovation Rome, Italy, 2021, SY.XXIV.1.1 TT.IX.E.1.
- G. Duina, V. Galstyan, N. Kau, W. G. C. Kumarage, Abderrahim Moumen, N. Poli, M. Singh, D. Zappa, and E. Comini, Metal oxides nanostructures: achievements and advances in chemical sensing, keynote presentation at Horizons 2021 – Energy Storage and Conversion conference, sponsored by Applied Physics Reviews (APR) and AIP Publishing, 2021, Virtual.
- A. Moumen, G. Duina, V. Galstyan, N. Kaur, W. G. C. Kumarage, M. Singh, D. Zappa, and E. Comini, Metal oxides and composites for chemical sensors, keynote presentation at 18th IMCS, ECS Meeting, 2021, Digital meeting, 1450.
- A. Moumen, G. Duina, V. Galstyan, N. Kaur, W. G. C. Kumarage, M. Singh, D. Zappa, and E. Comini, Advanced Metal Oxide based Nanostructures for Chemical Sensing, 2nd Global Virtual Summit on Advances in Materials, Physics and Chemistry Science, 18th -19th February 2021.
- M. N. D. I. R. Samaranayaka, H. M. J. C. Pitawala, W. G. C. Kumarage, Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide/ Cobalt Oxide Composite as a Super Capacitor Electrode Material Using the Compounds Obtained by Recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries, IRCUWU, Badulla, Sri Lanka, 2020, 420.
- S. A. Panamaldeniya, H. M. M. Munasinghe Arachchi, W.G.C. Kumarage, M. Yoshia. B. S. Dassanayake, N. Gunawardhana, The effect of Reaction Temperature on the Formation of Funactional Group of Graphene Oxide, 7th Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2019, 23.
- A. A. I. Lakmal, R. K. K. G. R. G. Kumarasinghe, D.C.Maddumage, W. G. C Kumarage, M. A. H. M. Munasignhe, V. A. Seneviratne, B. S. Dassanayake, Efect of substrate temperature variation on opto-electrical properties of themally evaporated CdS thin films, 4th IRSPAS, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2019, 97.
- W.G.C. Kumarage, R.K.K.G.R.G. Kumarasinghe, R.P. Wijesundera, C.P. Jayalath, N. Kaur, E. Comini, B.S. Dassanayake, A Study on CdCl2 Activation of CBD-CdS Thin Films, Symposium on Solar Energy Applications, AMCEHA-2019, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2019, 43.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R. K. K. G. R. G. Kumarasinghe, L. D. B. R. P. Wijesunderaa, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Effect of seed Layer on opto-Electronic properties of CdS Thin Film, IRCUWU, Badulla, Sri Lanka, 2019, 484.
- W.G.C. Kumarage, R.P. Wijesundera, V.A. Seneviratne, C.P. Jayalath and B.S. Dassanayake, A Study on cheap, environmentally friendly alternative for CdCl2 activation of CdS films: MgCl2, Sri Lanka-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Energy, Environment and Nanotechnology, Taichung, Taiwan, 2018, 22.
- W.G.C. Kumarage, R.P. Wijesundera, N. Kaur, V.A. Seneviratne, C.P. Jayalath and B.S. Dassanayake, A comparative assessment of opto-electronic properties of Cds thin films: chemical bath deposition and electro deposition, International Conference on Science and Engineering Materials, Delhi, India, 2018, 125.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R.K.K.G.R.G. Kumarasinghe, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Comparative Assment of Cl Activation on CBD-CdS Thin Films; MgCl2 and CdCl2, 5th PGIS congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2018, 100.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, R.K.K.G.R.G. Kumarasinghe, W.K.D.A.U. Wijesinghe, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Growth and Characterization of Seed Assisted, Cd(1-x)ZnxS with EDTA Treatment, 5th PGIS congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2018, 84.
- R. K. K. G. R. G. Kumarasinghe, W. G. C. Kumarage, R. P. Wijesundera, N. Kaur, E. Comini, N. Gunawardhana, B. S. Dassanayake, Opto-electric properties of chemical bath deposited CdS films fabricated under variable and steady bath conditions, AFM, China, 2018, 91.
- B. S. Dassanayake, K. L. V. Sankalpa, R. K. K. G. R. G. Kumarasinghe, W. G. C. Kumarage, Effect of N2-purging and N2-annealing on chemical bath deposited CdS thin films, AFM, China, 2018, 93.
- P. K. K. Kumarasinghe, W. G. C. Kumarage, R. K. K. G. R. Kumarasinghe, K. L. V. Sankalpa and B. S. Dassanayake, A study on fabrication and characterization of CdTe/CdS thin film solar cells, 4th PGIS Congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2017, 143.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Optoelectronic Properties of Cd1−xZnxS Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition, ICSBE, 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 83.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Fabrication of Seed Assisted CdS and Properties, iPURSE, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016, 328.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Optical and electrical properties of EDTA assisted CdS thin films, 3rd PGIS congress, Kandy,Sri Lanka, 2016, 119.
- M. R. M. B. Abeykoon, W. G. C. Kumarage and B. S. Dassanayake, A comparative Sstudy On ED-CdS and CBD-CdS thin films, iPURSE, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016, 331.
- K. K. M. B. B. Adikaram, W. G. C. Kumarage, R. D. S. M. Gunatissa and B. S. Dassanayake, TX-100 Assisted CBD-CdS Thin Films, iPURSE, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016, 329.
- A. S. Senerath, W. G. C. Kumarage and B. S. Dassanayake, Opto-electrical properties of CdSe thin films, 3rd Research Congress of Postgraduate Institute of Science, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016, 132.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Effect of bath temperature on cbd CdS thin films, 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Suntec, Singapore, 2015, A-2214.
- E. N. Jayaweera, C. S. K. Ranasinghe, W. G. C. Kumarage, G. R. A. Kumara, B. S. Dassanayake and R. M. G. Rajapakse, CdS-sensitized solar cells based on SnO2-based composite films, 3rd International Conference in Sri Lanka – Japan collaborative research, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2015, 19.
- M. R. M. B. Abeykoon, W. G. C. Kumarage, V. A. Senaviratne and B. S. Dassanayake, CdS thin film fabrication by combined electrodeposition and chemical bath deposition methods, 2nd Research Congress of Postgraduate Institute of Science, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2015, 127.
- E. N. Jayaweera, W. G. C. Kumarage, C. S. K. Ranasinghe, G. R. A. Kumara, R.M.G. Rajapakhe and B.S.Dassanayake, ZnS treated, CdS- Sensitized Solar cells based on SnO2/MgO composite films, PGIS research congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2014, 121.
- K. I. H. Senevirathne, W. G. C. Kumarage, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S Dassanayake, Effect of annealing temperature and substrate rotation on the properties of CdS thin films, iPURSE 2014, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 446.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Effect of NH3 concentration and annealing temperature CdS thin films on CBD CdS thin films, PGIS research congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2014, 122.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, K. I. H. Senevirathne, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Effect of bath temperature and NH3 concentration on CBD CdS thin films, iPURSE, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2014, 489.
- W. G. C. Kumarage, K. I. H. Senevirathne, V. A. Seneviratne, C. P. Jayalath and B. S. Dassanayake, Solution Grown CdS as a Window Layer for Solar Application, Advanced Material, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2013, 140.
Membership in Professional Societies
- Life member Institute of Physics Sri Lanka
- Life member Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science