Dr P A N S PriyadharshanaBSc (Kelaniya), PhD (Sungkyunkwan University)
Senior Lecturer (Temporary)
Senior Lecturer (Temporary)
Specialized Field | : | Optics and Optoelectronics |
Email Address | : | pansp231@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone No | : | +94 (0)71 4 770 406 (Mobile) |
+94 (0)76 2 287 861 (Mobile) | ||
Office Location | : | A7 101/12 |
Teaching | : | Physics and Electronics |
Research Interests
- Electro-optical properties of lyotropic liquid crystals
- Photonic crystallinity of lyotropic liquid crystals
- Electrically tunable lenses based on liquid crystals
- Liquid Crystals (LC) Materials: lyotropic liquid crystals, nano - colloids
Journal Articles:
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, Tian-Zi Shen, Seung-Ho Hong, and Jang-Kun Song, Widely Tunable GRIN Lenses Using Negative Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Phosphate Nanosheets Colloid, Advanced Optical Materials, 10,8 (2022).
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, Ju-Young Park, Seung-Ho Hong, and Jang-Kun Song, Multiresponsive Polymer Nanocomposite Liquid Crystals Having Heterogeneous Phase Transitions for Battery‐Free Temperature Maintenance Indicators, Small,18, 38 (2022).
- Tian-Zi Shen, Kurugamage Nuwan Asela Perera, Aurangzeb Rashid Masud, P.A.N.S Priyadharshana, Joo-Young Park, Oiong-Hwa Wang, Seung-Ho Hong, Dual-frequency photonic crystal nanocolloid having hue- and brightness-tunable structural colour, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4(3) (2023).
- Sahul Hameed Syed Ali, P. A. N. S. Priyadharshana, and Jang-Kun Song, Nanocolloidal lenses with tunable focal length for augmented reality system, ACS Applied Optical Materials (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaom.3c00110), (2023).
Conference Full Papers:
- P. A. N. S. Priyadharshana, Tian-Zi Shen, Seung-Ho Hong, Jang-Kun Song Tunable liquid crystal lens using 2D nano colloid, International Conference on Display Technology (ICDT), 53 (2022) 351, (https://doi.org/10.1002/sdtp.15945)
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, S.H. Hong, J.K. Song, Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Lens based on Zirconium Phosphate Nano Colloid, International Research Conference (IRC) of the SLTC Research University, 2(2022), Padukka-Sri Lanka.
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana; S.H. Hong; J.K. Song, Multi Responsive, Anisotropic Colloidal Mixture Using 2D α-ZrP Nanoparticles, International Research Conference (IRC) of the SLTC Research University, 2(2022), Padukka-Sri Lanka.
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, U.K. Abeywarna, and A.S. Pannila, Investigation of sound absorption coefficient of materials using tube impedance method, Proceedings of Technical Sessions, 31 (2015) 61-68, Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka
- W.A.A.W.P. Weerasuriya, U. L. Zainudeen, P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, A Study of sound absorption coefficient of natural fiber samples, coir fiber, and rice dust at dry and wet conditions, Annual Science Research Session, 6 (2017) South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
Conference Abstracts:
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, Seung-Ho Hong, Tian-Zi Shen, and Jang-Kun Song, Tunable liquid crystal lens International Conference on Display Technology (ICDT), Ministry of Science and Technology, China.
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana; S.H. Hong; J.K. Song, Tunable Colloidal Lens for AR and VR Systems, International Meeting on Information Display (IMID),22(2022), Busan-South Korea.
- A. N. S. Priyadharshana, Sahul Hameed SyedAli, Ju-Young Park, and Jang-Kun Song, Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Lens, Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC), 23(2023), Samcheok-South Korea.
- Ju-Young Park, P. A. N. S. Priyadharshana, and Jang-Kun Song, Electrodynamic characteristics of titanium phosphate photonic crystal nano-coloids according to particle size, Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC), 23(2023), Samcheok- South Korea.
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana; S.H. Hong; J.K. Song, Widely tunable lens using lyotropic liquid crystalline nano-colloid of 2D nanoparticles, International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC), 28(2022), Lisbon-Portugal.
- A. N. S. Priyadharshana, Sahul Hameed Syed Ali, Ju-Young Park, and Jang-Kun Song, Energy-saving temperature monitoring device utilizing heterogeneous dual phase transition, Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC), 23(2023), Samcheok- South Korea.
- Sahul Hameed Syed Ali, P. A. N. S. Priyadharshana, and Jang-Kun Song, Tunable Nanocolloidal Liquid Crystal Lens for AR/ VR Applications, Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC), 23(2023), Samcheok-South Korea
- P.A.N.S.Priyadharshana, Ju-Young Park, Seung-Ho Hong, and Jang-Kun Song, Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Lens Based on Phosphate Colloid, International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 22(2022), Busan-South Korea.
- Ju-Young Park, P.A.N.S.Priyadharshan, and Jang-Kun Song Electrically Switching Properties of Photonic Crystal Nano Colloid, International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 22(2022), Busan-South Korea.
- P.A.N.S.Priyadharshana, Ju-Young Park, Seung-Ho Hong, and Jang-Kun Song, 2D Nano Colloidal Based Tunable Lenses with Positive and Negative Focal Lengths Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC), 22(2022), Byeonsan-South Korea.
- P.A.N.S. Priyadharshana, Asela Perera, Seung-Ho Hong, and Jang-Kun Song, Optical Conditions of α-ZrP Colloid for Electro-Optical Reflectance. Ju-Young Park, International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 21(2021), Seoul-South Korea.
Membership in Professional Societies
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
- Member of the Society for Information Display (SID)
- Member of Korea Information Display Society (KIDS)
Honours and Distinctions
- Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Postgraduate Studies, National Institute for International Education (NIIED), 2017 - Korean Government
- STEM scholarship for higher studies, 2021-2022 - Sungkyunkwan University
- Outstanding research performance award- 2023, Sustainable IT Future Talent Education Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering