PMAT 43976: Research/Study Project

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Course Code    : PMAT 43976

Title                   : Research/Study Project

 Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate competence in research/independent-study in an area in Mathematics/Statistics.

 Course Contents:

Undergraduate research project is an inquiry, investigation, or creation produced by a final year honours degree undergraduate that makes a contribution to the discipline and reaches beyond the traditional curriculum. Undergraduate research project is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop and practice advanced discipline-specific projects in collaboration with senior academics in the department.

 Method of Teaching and Learning: A research/study project under the supervision of a senior staff member of the Department.

 Assessment: Submission of a research/study project report and an oral presentation.

 Recommended Reading:

Required reading material will be recommended by the supervisor depending on the relevant project

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