PMAT 44962: Research Methodology

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Course Code    : PMAT 44962

Title                   : Research Methodology

 Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to 

1. recognize the importance of research and discuss the methods of research designs and process

2. demonstrate knowledge and skills acquired in research methods necessary for undertaking and completion of a research related to the field of study

3. assess the key characteristics of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in the field of study

4. demonstrate the awareness of the development of the area of study

5. critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to the field of study

6. apply research methodology and /or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to the field of study

7. critically analyze, verify, and interpret the results and provide valid conclusions

8. exercise research ethics and respect for other cultural perspectives in scientific research

9. proficiently communicate and disseminate information in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience.

Course Contents:

1. Fundamentals of research: Meaning and objective of research, understanding about Research, Applications of Research, Criteria and Characteristics of Research, Research strategies, Types of Research, Research design, Research process and steps involved in research, Research proposal.

2. Literature survey and documentation: Methods of literature survey, Use library and web resources (books, journals, e-journals, thesis), importance of documentation, documentation techniques

3. Data collection, Sampling techniques, Descriptive and Inferential methods: Classification of data, methods of data collection, Questionnaire, Sampling procedure and methods, Data processing and graphical representation of data, Estimation and Hypothesis testing, Using statistical software/packages in data analysis.

4. Research ethics, plagiarism, and impact of research: Research ethics, responsibility and accountability of researchers, Plagiarism and use of plagiarism detection software.

5. Technical writing and reporting of research: Types of research report, Structure, and organization of research reports, use of reference managing software, Impact factor, rating, indexing and citation of journals.

6. Publishing research and Research grants: Conferences, Journals, applying for research grants.

7. Developing presentation skills: structuring the presentation, how to improve presentation skills, available software.

 Method of Teaching and LearningA series of seminars by senior academic members in the department.                                            

 AssessmentSubmission of a research/study proposal.

 Recommended Reading:

1. Zina, O. (2 nd Ed., 2021). The essential guide to doing your research project, Sage.

2. Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2017). Research methods in education, Routledge. Curriculum Revision- Department of Mathematics- 2022 57

3. Mishra, S.B. & Alok, S. (2017). Handbook of research methodology.

4. Singh, Y.K. (2006). Fundamental of research methodology and statistics. New Age International.

5. Flick, U. (2 nd Ed., 2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project, Sage. 6. Kumar, R. (2018). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage.

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