AMAT 41413: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory

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 Course Code    : AMAT 42843

Title                   : Quantum Field Theory

Pre-requisites   : AMAT 41823

 Learning Outcomes:  

At the end of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate knowledge of basic properties of relativistic local field theory and the quantization of spin zero and spin half fields.

 Course Contents:

Relativistic wave equation, Review of mechanics of a finite system, Quantisation, General Theorems, Quantisation of spin zero fields and spin ½ fields, Momentum and angular momentum operators, Phase factor, Conventions between the spinners, Two - component theory.

 Method of Teaching and Learning: A combination of lectures, tutorial discussions and presentations. 

Assessment: Based on tutorials, tests, presentations and end of course examination.

 Recommended Reading      :

  1. Schiff, L.I., Quantum Mechanics (4e), McGraw-Hill India. (2014).
  2. Prugovecki, E., Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space (2e), Courier Corporation, 2013
  3. Lee, T. D., Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Taylor and Francis. (1981).
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