To foster and promote the pride and life-long commitment of the Science Alumni towards the Faculty of Science and the University of Kelaniya.
Assist in the effort of producing better citizens through a better education.

Our History
The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Science of the University of Kelaniya was established in 1991 and Professor M J S Wijeyaratne, was the founder president of the Association.
The Association, from its inception has been involved in numerous social and welfare activities including the awarding scholarships to undergraduate students, awarding gold medals to the best special degree graduates, organizing workshops and seminars to train and enhance the knowledge of G C E Advanced Level teachers and supporting career guidance activities of the undergraduates. These activities have been made possible due to unstinting dedication and efforts of the office bears and the members of the Association. The seminars conducted for G C E Advanced Level teachers and students have been extremely successful. These seminars have helped the teachers to gain knowledge on the new sections introduced to G C E Advanced Level curriculum and also get a thorough training in the practical work pertaining to these sections. Such activities will undoubtedly help to develop the education of the younger generation of our nation. Annual cricket match and Annual get-together are key social events conducted by the association.
The list of the past presidents is as follows.
- Prof. M J S Wijeyaratne (Founder President, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994)
- Prof. D D S Kulatunga (1995, 1996, 1997)
- Prof. S R D Kalingamudali (1998, 1999, 2000)
- Dr. M Devendra (2001, 2002, 2003)
- Prof. H H Sumathipala (2004, 2005, 2006)
- Prof. N A K P J Senevirathne (2007, 2008, 2009)
- Prof. (Mrs) J A Liyanage (2010, 2011, 2012)
- Prof. B T S D P Kannangara (2013-2014, 2015)
- Prof. J. Premarathne (2016, 2017, 2018)
Our Services
The Association holds teacher training workshops annually for newly recruited G.C.E. Advanced Level science teachers of all districts in the country in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
Both theory and practical sessions in biology, chemistry, combined mathematics and physics are conducted during the workshops. Highly qualified academic staff members of the Faculty of Science participate as resource persons in the workshops. The contribution of the non-academic staff of the Faculty of Science has been extremely helpful for the success of this annual activity.
The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya conducts workshops for the G.C.E. Advanced Level Science students. These workshops cover important theory and practical sessions in biology, chemistry, combined mathematics and physics.
Alumni Association awards Gold Medals annually to the best special degree student in each subject area of the Faculty of Science.
The Association contributes to the annual career guidance programs for the undergraduate students with the generous support from alumni members working in public and private organizations.
A charity project was successfully completed at Pssaramulla Usbim Janapadha Vidyalaya in Balangoda Educational Division. The facilities were made available to the students on January 19th 2009 at a special ceremony held at the school. The project included providing dirking water facilities, sanitary facilities, chairs and several other facilities/presents for students. A tour was also arranged for the students in this school to visit the University of Kelaniya and Kelaniya Temple etc. The water project included making a dam to collect water and pumping water through pipelines through 600 m to the school where it was collected in a tank and distributed. Sanitary facilities included making a toilet complex and providing water facilities to these toilets. Chairs were provided for all the school children.
The Association annually awards scholarships for needy undergraduate students of the Faculty of Science.
Membership Benifits
- Join AGM and day outing at a reduced rate
- Networking: Meet most of the members from the beginning of the faculty of science.
- Join our charity team and meet social responsibilities as a well reputed team of Faculty of Science Alumni