PRPL 31992 : Professional Placement

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Course Code    :  PRPL 31992

Title                   :  Professional Placement

Pre-requisites   : All Year 1 and 2 Compulsory AMAT course modules

 Learning outcomes:

After the completion of this course unit, the student will be able to:

1. apply professional skills and knowledge acquired during the degree program to the workplace environment

2. develop critical and creative thinking skills by participating in the workplace of creative and cultural industry professionals

3. analyse and evaluate their knowledge, skills and practices in the placement environment

4. articulate an understanding of the social and professional contexts in which contemporary creative and cultural practice operates and of the role of the practitioner within these contexts

5. produce products and/or materials and participate in activities at a professional standard

6. analyse and evaluate their knowledge, skills and practices in the placement environment

7. complete Risk Assessments and apply appropriate Work Health Safety competencies to the workplace environment.

Course contents:
The students will carry out Pure Mathematics related work/research for a period of 6 weeks.
Method of teaching and learning: Training under the supervision and guidance of a suitable trainer in a relevant industry

Assessment: Final marks will be decided on trainer’s Report, trainee’s report and oral presentation.

Recommended reading: Reading and reference materials recommended/provided by the relevant industry.

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