PMAT 42383: Graph Theory

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Course Code      :  PMAT 42383

Title                    :  Graph Theory

Pre-requisites     :  PMAT 21553

 Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student should be able:

  • recognize the applications of graphs in real life
  • calculate the matrices and their properties associated with graphs
  • find the minimum spanning tree
  • apply graph coloring in various applications
  • apply the concept of matching, covering and connectivity in real world applications
  • determine the maximum flow and minimum cut of a network
  • construct random graph models and apply them to the relevant real-life problems
  • solve graph related application in the real-life situations.

 Course Contents:

Matrices Associated with graphs and their properties: Laplacian, Normalized Laplacian, Signless Laplacian

Trees: Spanning trees, Algorithms for shortest path and spanning trees

Graph Coloring: Vertex colouring, Edge colouring, Colouring algorithms, Chromatic polynomials

Matching: Perfect matching, Maximum matching, Alternate and Augmented paths, Hall’s marriage theorem, Stable matching,

Covering: Vertex cover, Edge cover, Konig’s theorem, Factors of a graph,

Connectivity: Vertex connectivity, Edge connectivity, Connectivity index, k-Connected graphs, Menger’s theorem

Introduction to graph Labelling: Prime labelling, Graceful labelling

Network flow problems: Network of a digraph, Flows and source/sink cuts, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Max-flow min-cut theorem

Random graphs: Basics in probability, Random variable, Moment generating functions, Types of random graphs, Properties of random graphs, Erdo ̈s theorem

 Method of Teaching and Learning:  A combination of lectures, group project and assignments

 Recommended Reading:

  1. Wilson, R.J. (5 th Ed., 2010). Introduction to Graph Theory, Longman.
  2. Chartrand, G. & Zhang, P. (2013). A First Course in Graph Theory, Courier Corporation.
  3. Balakrishnan, V. (2004). T&P Of Graph Theory (Schaum's outline series) Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  4. Cvetkovic, D.M., Doob, M. & Sachs, H. (3 rd Ed., 1999). Spectra of Graphs: Theory and Applications, Wiley.
  5. West, D.B. (2 nd Ed., 2005). Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall. 6. Balakrishan, R. & Ranganathan, K. (2 nd Ed., 2012). Textbook of Graph Theory, Springer.
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