PMAT 11203: Topics in Basic Mathematics

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Course code  :  PMAT 11203

Title               Topics in Basic Mathematics

Learning Outcomes  :

At the end of this course, the student should be able to

1. demonstrate the knowledge in basic discrete mathematical concepts in sets, functions, and relations
2. apply the basic concepts in discrete mathematics to a given problem
3. explain the basics of matrices and its applications
4. find the solution of system of linear equations
5. understand exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions
6. identify finite series
7. use binomial theorem in various problems.

Course Contents:

Sets: Set notations, Sets of numbers and intervals, Subsets and equal sets, Power set, Cartesian product of sets,
Algebra of sets

Relations: Relations and their properties, Functions as relations, Relations on a set, Properties of Relations
Functions: Function notation, One-to-one and onto functions, Graphs of functions, Exponential, Trigonometric
and logarithmic functions

Matrices: Algebra of matrices, Types of square matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix,
Determinants of order two and three

Linear Equations: Solving linear equations, Solving system of linear equations, Applications of linear systems
in biological stream

Finite series: Types of finite series, Binomial theorem

Method of Teaching and Learning: A combination of lectures and tutorial discussions.

Assessment: Based on the tutorials, tests, and end of course examination.

Recommended Reading

1. Johnsonbaugh, R. (8th Ed., 2017). Discrete Mathematics, Pearson.
2. Rosen, K.H. & Krithivasan, K. (8th Ed., 2018). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, McGraw-
3. Koshy, T. (2004). Discrete mathematics with Applications, Elsevier.
4. Balakrishnan, V.K. (2012). Introductory Discrete Mathematics, Courier Corporation

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