Course Code : AMAT 43976
Title : Research/Study Project
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student should be able to
1. plan a research project in the field of Mathematics
2. investigate a research problem
3. develop a theoretical/practical/conceptual framework towards achieving the research objectives
4. document a research project proposal, and progress in detail
5. solve a research problem using theoretical principles and practical knowledge
6. analyze research results critically
7. communicate research findings, information, and solutions to a specialized audience in a form of dissertation and oral presentations
8. practice research ethics, technical skills.
Course Contents:
An undergraduate research project is an inquiry, investigation, or creation produced by a final year honours degree undergraduate that contributes to the discipline and reaches beyond the traditional curriculum. An undergraduate research project is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop and practice advanced discipline-specific projects in collaboration with senior academics in the department.
Method of Teaching and Learning: self-studies, discussions and student presentations, seminars and colloquiums
Assessment: A combination of self-study, seminars, presentations, reports and dissertation
Recommended Reading :
1. Robson, C. (2nd Ed., 2016). How to do a research project - A guide for undergraduate students, Wiley.
2. Reading list and material relevant for each selected topic to be provided at the beginning of the academic year by the supervisor