Dr. (Ms.) S.H.D.S. De SilvaLecturer
Email Address | : | d.sewwandi91@yahoo.com / dinuka@kln.ac.lk |
Telephone No | : | 0112903382 |
Previous Employment Records
- Teaching support assistant of Calculus II for undergraduate students at Clarkson University, USA (Fall 2019- present)
- Teaching Assistant of the independent sections of Intermediate Algebra for undergraduate students at Western Illinois University, USA (Fall 2018- Spring 2019)
- Tutor in Calculus, Algebra and Statistic help centers at Western Illinois University,USA (Fall 2017- Spring2019)
- Teaching support assistant of Creative Perspectives in Mathematics at Western Illinois University, USA (Fall 2017)
- Tutor for Mathematical Modelling at University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (02.23.2016-09.16.2016)
- Tutor for Calculus II at University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.(09.26.2016-02.24.2017)
Research Interests
Selected Publications
On Going Research
Special Achievements
Professional activities